During pregnancy, proper nutrition and especially a balanced and nutritious diet is more important than ever. After all, now you not only have to provide your own body with everything it needs, but also a second organism, which only then can develop properly. And although all expectant mothers know this, they find it difficult to meet the increased nutritional requirements. This can happen especially with onevegan dietbe difficult. We will explain to you what you should pay attention to if you want to continue a vegan diet during pregnancy so that you and your baby can get through this time healthily.
Vegan diet during pregnancy – eat healthy in advance
If you are planning to become pregnant, you should start eating right beforehand. In this way, you not only prepare physically but also mentally for the upcoming pregnancy. Because as long as 9 months seem to be, they will ultimately pass in no time and a kind of preparation phase will get you ready for onehealthy lifestyle- a change for which the 9 months might not be enough. You should think about the following for both a normal and a vegan diet during pregnancy:
- Check your BMI (Body Mass Index). According to him, are you of normal weight?
- Take folic acid daily as a dietary supplement.
- Leave oneConduct a blood testto check if your iron levels are normal.
- Make sure you get enough vitamin B12. This can be done with the help of food and nutritional supplements.
- Do you eat a healthy, balanced diet overall?
- Are you getting enough exercise?
- The fact that smoking and alcohol are particularly discouraged during pregnancy is nothing new. If you are planning a pregnancy, you should stop these habits in advance.
There BMI
If your BMI is outside the norm, this can lead to complications during pregnancy. These include gestational diabetes, a very large or very small baby, and premature birth. It is therefore important to take something to combat your overweight or underweight before you become pregnant. Regardless of whether you follow a vegan diet during pregnancy or not - if your BMI indicates you are underweight, try to gain weight or reduce it if the BMI is upindicates overweight.
Folic acid before pregnancy
Folic acid is particularly importantbeginning of pregnancy. It is necessary for the development of the nervous system and has been proven to reduce the risk of cleft spine or other neural tube defects in babies. Not only should a vegan diet during pregnancy be accompanied by sufficient folic acid, but also a normal diet. That's why doctors also prescribe nutritional supplements to their patients that contain the necessary amount.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, this is 400 micrograms per day, taken in addition to other food sources fortified with folic acid. Such foods include some breakfast cereals, breads, pasta and rice. The recommended amount of folic acid should be taken at least one month before the planned pregnancy.
Iron deficiency is a common problem in women and during pregnancy it can increase the risk of premature birth and other complications. It's best to check your iron levels before pregnancy, because then you still have time to do something about it and get used to the necessary changes in diet. Don't forget that theNeed for ironwill be even higher later due to the baby and this can be better covered with the right preparation.
Eating vegan and vitamin B12
Vegans in particular should have onesufficient vitamin B12 intakePay attention and a vegan diet during pregnancy and before should definitely contain this vitamin in the recommended amount. It is important for the development of the baby's brain and nervous system. Dietitian Virginia Messina recommends the following for adequate vitamin B12 intake before pregnancy:
- Taking a dietary supplement containing 25 to 100 micrograms of vitamin B12 dailyor
- 1000 micrograms of vitamin B12 twice a weekor
- Two servings of fortified foods each day, each containing 2 to 3.5 micrograms of vitamin B12. Take the portions at least 4 hours apart so that the vitamins can be well absorbed by the body.
Many women fear gaining weight during pregnancy. A normal one is not only unavoidable, but also healthy. But don't expect that only the baby's weight will play a role. Many other things change in your body: the blood volume increases, for example, and the uterus and placenta also constantly grow. For women with a normal BMI, an 11 to 15 kg weight gain is therefore considered completely normal. Weight loss diets shouldnot complied with under any circumstancesbecome. Instead, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend paying particular attention to adequate intake of the following nutrients:
- Protein
- Vitamin B12
- Folic acid
- iron and zinc
- Iodine
- Omega-3 fatty acids
- calcium
- Vitamin D
It is important that you put together a meal plan that well meets the needs of all of these nutrients. Fortunately, a vegan diet during pregnancy can also ensure this if it is enriched with nutritional supplements and fortified products.
It's not just the expectant mother's body that needs proteins. The baby also needs it very much because it has to develop bones, muscles and organs. The amount should be increased from the second trimester onwards and is between 75 and 85 grams daily, depending on the initial weight of the pregnant woman. If you have decided on a vegan diet during pregnancy, find oneperfect source of proteinsin legumes.
Beans, peanuts and soy products during pregnancy help meet your daily requirements. Walnuts are also rich in proteins. Of course, these are not the only suitable foods, just a few examples. 5 servings of legumes plus products with less protein, such as grains, nuts, seeds and vegetables, should be able to cover your new daily requirement. Here is an example of possible 5 servings:
- 100g cooked beansor85 g Tempehor125 g of tofu during pregnancy
- 240 ml soy milk during pregnancy, instead of dairy products
- 25g peanutsorsoy nuts
- 2 tbsp peanut butter
- 55 to 85 g vegan meat substitute made from vegetables, excluding jackfruit
Five servings might sound like a lot at first, but listed like this you'll find that it's not that much. An example of a high-protein and vegan diet plan during pregnancy would also be the following:
- Morninga smoothie with 240 ml of soy milk
- For theMiddayLentil soup
- IfDinnerfried tofu
- TwoSnacksbetween main meals: apple with peanut butter and peanuts
Vegan diet during pregnancy with vitamin B12
As already mentioned, this vitamin plays an important role in the development of the nervous system. While it is true that a woman's body can store vitamin B12, there is no evidence that these stored vitamins are also available to the unborn child. Therefore, it is important to ensure that there is a sufficient increase in vitamin B12 every day during pregnancy. Dietary supplements and fortified foods work well. There should be 2.6 micrograms of vitamin B12 per day during pregnancy.
Regardless of whether you follow a vegan diet during pregnancy or a normal diet, it is important to know that you will absorb less of the vitamin if you consume it in large quantities once, for example, than if you consume it several times in smaller quantities throughout the day. Two portions a day are therefore the better option. An example:
- At least 25 micrograms of vitamin B12 in the form of dietary supplementsor
- Two servings of fortified foods with at least 2 to 3.5 micrograms of vitamin B12. The packaging usually states that one serving covers 33% of your daily requirement. There should be at least 4 hours between both portions so that the body can fully absorb the vitamins.
Get folic acid vegan
Folic acid is also very important for the baby's nervous system and should therefore not be neglected. It is a form of so-called folate, which is particularly stable, which is why foods are fortified and nutritional supplements are made with it. Fortified vegan products include pasta, whole grain products and breakfast cereals.
Other types of folate also occur naturally in some foods that are suitable for a vegan diet during pregnancy. These include green vegetables, dried beans and oranges. Be sure to ensure you have enough intake. Non-vegan and vegan foods that are rich in folic acid also contain large amounts of other important nutrients, so you will get multiple benefits from them.
Vegan diet during pregnancy – iron and zinc
Since the mother's blood volume increases during pregnancy, iron is very important. But the baby also needs this nutrient. In addition, iron deficiency can lead to anemia, which in turn can lead to premature birth. For an iron-rich vegan diet during pregnancy, consume dried beans and whole grains. Incidentally, the body can best absorb iron with the help of vitamin C, which is why you should enrich your food with lemon or other foods containing vitamin C (e.g. tomatoes and products with tomatoes, citrus juices, broccoli). A nutritional supplement may also be necessary to meet the increased needs.
Zinc is found in whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds and is also important for the baby's proper development.
Iodine deficiency is widespread throughout the world. This is particularly worrying during pregnancy as it can lead to malformations and developmental problems in the baby. Dietary supplements are the best way to guarantee sufficient iodine intake and iodized salt is also suitable. It should be at least 150 micrograms per day. And although iodine is found in vegetables, you should not rely on it as the amounts contained can vary greatly.Seaweed is a sourcefor iodine, but the amounts there can be so high that they can lead to health problems.
Omega-3 fatty acids
Anyone who values a vegan diet during pregnancy anddon't risk a shortageIf you want to, you should eat one of the following foods every day because the vegan selection is not very large:
- 1 tbsp ground flaxseed; It is important that they are ground, otherwise the body will not absorb the fatty acids it needs
- 1 tsp flaxseed oil
- 4 walnuts
- 1 tablespoon walnut, hemp, soy or rapeseed oil
- 2 tsp chia seeds
In addition, it is also recommended to take dietary supplements with docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are also available in vegan versions. Check with your doctor. A dose of 200 to 300 mg per day is recommended.
Calcium is very important for the baby's bones and teeth. As long as you already before pregnancysufficient calciumIf you have consumed 100 mg, you do not necessarily need to increase the amount during the 9 months and you do not have to worry about a calcium deficiency. It's actually no secret that milk and dairy products contain plenty of calcium. However, other foods are necessary for a vegan diet during pregnancy. You can consume 150 mg of calcium daily with the following products and quantities:
- 125 ml plant milk, orange juice or vegan yogurt fortified with calcium
- 100g soybeans
- 85 g Tempeh
- 125 g tofu, enriched with calcium and nigari
- 70 g gekochtes Bok Choy
- 250 g Kohl
- 200g white beans
- 75 g Indian mustard
- 100 g Okra
- 360g cooked broccoli
- 35g almonds
- 2 tablespoons almond butter or tahini
- 2 Navelorange
- 10 dried figs
- 1/2 calcium fortified energy bar
You can meet your needs during pregnancy if you eat 5 of these products per day and also other foods with a lower calcium content.
Vitamin D
Even if, as with calcium, a vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy is relatively unlikely because the need is not increased, you should still ensure normal intake. Vitamin D is necessary, among other things, so that the body can absorb calcium better (just like vitamin C with iron). The majority of the need forVitamin Dis covered over the sun. With just 10 to 20 minutes a day in the sun, the body produces enough vitamin D.
In addition, some foods supply the body with vitamin D. However, a vegan diet during pregnancy carries the risk of a vitamin D deficiency, as vegan food does not contain a lot of the vitamin. The need of 600 IU per day can then best be met with a dietary supplement.
Vegan diet during pregnancy – the guidelines at a glance
Finally, we have a summary of 5 points for you that can serve as a guideline for a healthy diet during pregnancy. They are not only useful for a vegan diet during pregnancy, but also if you consume animal products. If you follow the 5 tips, you should not be at risk of experiencing nutrient deficiencies during pregnancy.
- Eat beans, tofu, tempeh, soy milk, vegan meat alternatives, peanuts and peanut butter at least 5 times a day.
- Eat plentyfruit and vegetables, especially those with vitamin C. These include strawberries, oranges, broccoli, cabbage and tomatoes. Also rely on green leafy lettuces and orange fruits and vegetables such as carrots, pumpkin, peaches, buttermelon, etc.
- Eat whole grains very often, as well as foods with healthy fats such as nuts, nut butters, avocado, olive oil and seeds.
- Eat products rich in calcium 5 to 6 times a day.
- Cover your daily requirement for vitamin B12 and folic acid, as well as 15 micrograms of iodine, with the help of dietary supplements. Those for vitamin D and iron are also recommended. Women who choose a vegan diet during pregnancy often also choose dietary supplements with DHA.
The recommendations come from Reed Mangels,Dietitian andDoctor in Philosophy.