Iron deficiency what to do? – Causes, symptoms and iron-containing foods at a glance!

Today, iron deficiency is the most widespread disease in the world. Around 9% of Germans and around 20% of women of childbearing age in Europe suffer from it. However, iron is of great importance for us and our body - it makes us efficient, promotes our concentration, and ensures our healthhealthy hair, skin and nails and much more. But what are the causes and symptoms and what can be done if there is an iron deficiency? What are the iron deficiency home remedies and what are the foods high in iron? You can only find the answers to these and many other questions in our article!

Iron is an important component of many important functional units and is primarily required for the formation of hemoglobin. The red blood cells get their color from hemoglobin and it ensures that the inhaled oxygen reaches the body's cells via the bloodstream. If the body is not supplied with enough iron, iron deficiency occurs with serious consequences for health.

Our body stores about 3-5 grams of iron and about half of it is used to form hemoglobin. Although we only need 1 milligram of iron per day, the daily iron loss through stool, urine, sweat and other factors is a full 3-4 milligrams. Normally, this loss can be compensated for through food. However, the body can absorb a maximum of one fifth of the iron consumed. For this reason, it is recommended that women consume around 15 mg of iron and men 10 mg of iron daily from foods containing iron. One speaks of an iron deficiency when:

  • A woman's hemoglobin levels are below 12 g/dl.
  • A man's hemoglobin levels are below 13 g/dl.

Worldwide, approximately 12% of the entire population is affected by the disease. However, women of childbearing age form the largest risk group and the main reasons for this are, on the one hand, monthly bleeding and, on the other hand, poor nutrition and diet. The following groups suffer most from iron deficiency:

  • Women with normal or excessive menstruation
  • Pregnant women
  • Infants, children and adolescents
  • sportsman
  • Vegetarians and vegans
  • Blood donor
  • Elderly people

What are the causes of iron deficiency?

The causes of iron deficiency depend on many factors – gender, age, physical activity and illnesses. The most common reasons for large iron losses include:

  • Severe blood lossduring menstruation, after surgery, or if you donate blood too frequently.
  • Chronic bleedingdue to gastrointestinal diseases in ulcers, polyps and tumors.
  • Poor nutrition and diets –Iron deficiency is about a mismatch between intake and requirement. Reduced iron intake is very common, especially with diets that are too strict.
  • Impaired iron absorptionmeans that your body is not absorbing the iron optimally. The reasons for this can be various illnesses such as gastritis or an infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori or excessive consumption of coffee or black tea.
  • For athletes –The iron needs of people who exercise regularly are approximately twice as high. With every liter of sweat, our body loses around 1.4 milligrams of iron.
  • With a vegetarian or vegan diet –Since iron is absorbed much better from meat than from plant-based foods, vegetarians and vegans are recommended to take iron deficiency supplements or vitamins.
  • Some illnesses and medicationscan also lead to iron deficiency, even if you eat a balanced and healthy diet.

Iron deficiency, what to do and an overview of your daily iron requirements

How much iron the body needs depends primarily on gender, age and living situation.

  • infants –0.6 to 5 mg
  • Children up to 10 years –8-10 mg
  • Girls up to 16 years old –15 mg
  • Boys up to 18 years old –12 mg
  • Women up to 50 years old –15 mg
  • Women aged 51 and over –10 mg
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women –20-30 mg
  • Men aged 19 and over –10 mg

Iron deficiency symptoms, what to do?

The iron deficiency symptoms are very diverse and are divided into 3 stages depending on the severity.

  • In the first stageThis is referred to as a slight iron deficiency, which often goes unnoticed. Complaints such as fatigue, tiredness and difficulty concentrating occur.
  • In the second stageThe cells are no longer supplied with enough iron and the deficiency becomes a disease. The first symptoms are hair loss, itching, dry skin, paleness, cracked corners of the mouth or burning on the tongue.
  • In the third stageThe loss of iron is so severe that many body functions no longer function properly. The symptoms are severe headaches, sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, susceptibility to infections and the so-called restless legs syndrome. In some cases, depression and shortness of breath can even occur.

What helps against iron deficiency?

Have you noticed some of the symptoms and would like to know whether what can be done if you have an iron deficiency? Which are the natural sources of iron?

  • Consume iron-containing foods and drinks –The good news is that you can compensate for or prevent iron deficiency with the right diet and healthy, iron-rich recipes. When putting together your menu, you should pay attention to the fact that some foods promote iron absorption, while others have a negative effect. A diet containing iron must consist primarily of lean red meat, fish, eggs and vegetables.
  • Iron deficiency medications– If the iron loss is too severe, unfortunately it cannot be remedied with a balanced diet. Iron deficiency preparations are available as tablets, capsules, effervescent tablets, drops or even juices. Even though most medications are available without a prescription, unpleasant side effects such as diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain or nausea can sometimes occur. For this reason, we recommend that you consult your doctor first.
  • Eliminate iron deficiency quicklyIron infusions –Infusions are given through the vein and are best for people who cannot tolerate oral iron deficiency medications.
  • Iron deficiency homeopathy –A mild iron deficiency can also be treated with Schussler salts in tablet form or homeopathic globules. Depending on the severity, a daily intake of 3 to 6 tablets is recommended. The No. 3 Schussler salts for iron deficiency are called Ferrum phosphoricum and improve iron absorption in the intestine. This helps with concentration problems and paleness.

Iron deficiency, what to do and an overview of foods and drinks containing iron

The best and quickest way to combat iron deficiency is to incorporate iron-rich foods into your diet. However, iron is divided into 2 groups – heme iron and non-heme iron.

  • Heme ironis found in offal, meat, poultry, seafood and fish and is absorbed much better by the body than plant-based iron. Liver and blood sausage are particularly good natural sources of iron.
  • Non-heme ironis contained in plant-based foods and is unfortunately not absorbed as well. In addition, the iron content in fruits and vegetables is much lower than in meat. The best plant sources of iron include legumes such as soybeans, chickpeas and lentils.

Iron-containing foods table

A diet containing iron helps to quickly resolve an iron deficiency. But what contains a lot of iron and how can you get iron naturally? Below we have put together a list of blood-forming foods for you. The values ​​refer to 100 grams.

Chicken meat0,7 mg
pork1,4 mg
beef2,1 mg
Veal2,0 mg
Black pudding30 mg
Pork liver18 mg
Calf liver7,5 mg
Liver sausage3,0 mg

They eat a vegetarian dietor vegan and would like to know how you can compensate for or prevent iron deficiency? Below you will find the iron content in grain products per 100 grams.

  • wheat bran –15 mg
  • Hirseflocken –9 mg
  • Amaranth –9 mg
  • Flaxseed and quinoa –8 mg
  • Oatmeal –4,2 mg
  • buckwheat –3,5 mg
  • Rye flour –2,1 mg
  • Whole grain rice –1,7 mg
  • Roggenbrot –1,7 mg
  • white bread –1,2 mg

Some legumes are also an excellent source of iron. However, the phytic acid they contain can negatively affect iron absorption and for this reason it is recommended that you soak the legumes for at least 8 hours before cooking.

  • Soybeans, dried –9,8 mg
  • lenses –8 mg
  • White beans –7 mg
  • Chickpeas –6,1 mg

What helps with iron deficiency? – Overview of iron-rich fruits and vegetables

Even though most fruits have lower iron content, some canTypes of fruit that are low in calories, healthy and very rich in vitamin C, which support and promote iron absorption. From a little lemon juice in tea to freshly squeezed orange juice for breakfast to delicious strawberries for dessert - everything is allowed and can only be beneficial. Strawberries, grapefruit, tangerines, kiwi, tomatoes, leafy vegetables and broccoli are also particularly rich in vitamin C.

Drinks with a lot of iron – Juices containing iron are delicious, natural sources of iron

However, you don't always have to eat a steak to provide your body with enough iron. There are an incredible number of delicious, iron-rich drinks that are just as healthy. However, the drinks help to prevent iron deficiency and not to combat it completely. But which juice has a lot of iron and tastes good? Freshly squeezed juices from grapes, beetroot, pomegranate, various berries or cherries are a wonderful source of iron. Or how about carrot or apple juice? They not only contain iron, but are also rich in vitamin C and many minerals and vital substances that are important for our health. The beetroot iron content is around 1 milligram per 100 grams and can hardly influence iron deficiency.

Iron-containing tea and herbs

In addition to meat, legumes and drinks containing iron, there is a wide selection of herbs that can compensate for or help prevent iron deficiency. Nettle is particularly popular and is usually made into a tea. However, you shouldn't expect miracles - after all, the amount in tea is not particularly high and is hardly significant as a source of iron. Parsley, dandelion and chives also make perfect additions to side dishes and dressings.

Iron deficiency: what helps and which foods should you avoid?

While many blood-building foods promote and support iron absorption, there are also those that can negatively affect it. If you cannot do without them completely, you should either only consume them in moderation or keep them at an interval of around 3 hours before or after meals. These foods primarily include:

  • Polyphenols –contained in coffee and black tea
  • Calcium –in milk and cheese
  • Oxalic acid –in rhubarb and spinach
  • Phosphate –in dairy products and Cola, Sprite, etc.