Now that winter is almost over, it's time for us to take care of our bodies. In most cases, this receives deficits that should now be compensated for. We would like to give you some tips to help you make the right decisionSpring nutritioncan ensure that your organism is given the necessary nutrients again.
Spring nutrition for physical well-being
Nutrition in spring – What is the body most often lacking after winter?
Which nutrients the body lacks and needs to be compensated for with a suitable diet in spring naturally depends on your diet in winter. In most cases, meat is consumed more frequently in the cold season, which can also be associated with the holidays. These foods are difficult for the body to digest. The lack of alkaline electrolytes such as calcium and sodium results in higher acidity in the body. They normally balance out the acidity, but this is no longer the case. The lack of calcium can also lead to problems with the bone system.
Spring nutrition – lack of fruits and vegetables
Nutrition in spring – In addition to dietary habits in winter, fruit and vegetables are often only consumed in small quantities. Of course, this is partly because they are not offered in such a wide variety during this time of year. However, that does not mean that there are no varieties at all. And for this reason, you shouldn't give up on a healthy diet altogether if you lack your favorite fruits. If the organism lacks the necessary vitamins and minerals, the immune system is also weakened. However, there is still a disadvantage even if you consume enough fruit and vegetables in winter. Chemicals that were used to cultivate the fruits in winter accumulate in the body. The body must be freed from them, which is made possible by proper nutrition in spring.
Nutrition in spring – vitamins are important
What you should also know is that the lack of natural sunlight leads to a deficiency of vitamin D in the body. This vitamin is present in animal products, but not in sufficient quantities. For this reason, you should make sure that you provide your body with nutrition through your diet in spring and also in winter.
Nutrition in spring – weakened immune system in winter
So remember at the beginning of winter, but also at all other times of the year, that more animal products and fewer plant products weaken the immune system and thus increase the risk of getting sick. There are frequent diseases of the respiratory tract due to colds, flu, coughs and runny nose, but also dysbacteriosis in the gastrointestinal tract, anemia, high blood pressure and other diseases.
Improper nutrition can lead to gastrointestinal problems
Nutrition in spring – what helps against spring fatigue?
Maybe you too know this feeling typical of spring, which is characterized by lethargy and sluggishness. The reason for this is both the extra kilos that are accumulated in winter and the toxins that have accumulated in the body due to a lack of vitamins and the chemicals present in fruits and vegetables. In order to banish this feeling and “bring new life” to the body, cleansing through proper nutrition in spring is necessary, which can be achieved by consuming plenty of herbal products. In addition to fruits and vegetables, these include grains and legumes.
Sporting activities not only in spring
But just eating a healthier diet isn't enough. You should also do some physical activity. Regular walks in the fresh air are enough. You can also try yoga. The main thing is that you get more exercise. Breathing exercises are also a great idea. The sun also appears more frequently in spring. In addition to your diet in spring, you should use this to compensate for the lack of vitamin D. So when it's warm and sunny, it's best to take advantage of it for a pleasant sunbath.
Soak up the sun in spring for vitamin D
What should your diet look like in spring?
The need to avoid meat and animal products after winter has been known for centuries. This is why fasting exists. When it comes to your spring diet, use plant-based products and avoid animal products. If you can't avoid meat completely, at least reduce the amount.
Nutrition in spring with seasonal leaf salads
Spring is the season for many vegetables. These include salads, spinach, radishes, parsley, dill, as well as apples, carrots, beetroot and celery, to name just a few. These are all suitable foods that you can use for your detoxifying diet in spring to do something good for your body. The vegetables can be eaten raw or steamed.
Spring nutrition with carrots
It is best to combine it with cereals. These should also ideally be gluten-free. Rice, millet,buckwheat, corn and corn semolina,Quinoaand amaranth. Additionally, you can add legumes in your dishes. Beans, chickpeas, lentils and peas are particularly suitable for this. However, the consumption of legumes also depends on your health condition. Firstly, they should be soaked in water before consumption. If you have stomach problems, it is also recommended to puree the legumes for your spring diet.
If you combine grains and legumes for your spring diet, you can use the ratio 5:1. You can also eat nuts in small quantities. But leave it to two to three times a week, although the amount should not exceed 30 g per day. Other foods you should avoid to cleanse your body are salt and all kinds of fatty and oily products. These include butter, margarine and sunflower oil, but also variants such as olive oil or other vegetable oils, sesame oil and pumpkin seed oil.
If you are now wondering what exactly your daily meals should look like for spring nutrition, we have put together a sample menu for you.
Breakfast: fruit or vegetable juice and/or fruit
Lunch: Vegetable salad (green salads should predominate)
– steamed vegetables
– gluten-free grains, possibly in combination with legumes
Dinner: same as lunch
Nutrition in spring – Is detoxification and diet suitable in early spring?
In fact, spring is the best time to cleanse the body and rid it of the accumulated toxins in the body through a healthy spring diet. You can now also shed the extra kilos. The easiest way to achieve both is through the plant-based diet mentioned above. However, you will get faster and more successful results if you detoxify using only salads and fruit or even just fruit for a period of 10 to 15 days.
In order to free the body of toxins and cleanse it, the variant of fruit and vegetable juices that you consume for your spring diet is also suitable. You can carry out this detoxification for 7 to 10 days. The result is that you improve metabolism and strengthen the body's immune system. Furthermore, in this way you tone and hydrate it and supply your cells with glucose. If you then continue with a plant-based diet, you can not only get rid of spring fatigue, but also free the organism from the strain of winter. You get through thehealthy eating in springYou can also get your natural weight back by getting rid of winter fat and the best part is that you can achieve this in a healthy and natural way.
If you follow these spring nutrition tips and eat fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains, and avoid fatty and animal products, you will soon feel stronger and full of energy. And your mood will also improve significantly and be more positive. Try this healthy way of eating this spring because you have nothing to lose!