Nutritionists agree that those who chew their food slowly tend to have better resultsAchieve weight loss. Of course, what people eat also matters, but research suggests that when they eat is just as important. According to the researchers, the process of chewing is also an important component of eating habits that can help you lose weight.
Why you should chew slowly to lose weight effectively
To determine the potential effects of slow chewing, researchers asked 11 healthy, normal-weight subjects to complete three experiments. In the first experiment, each participant had to consume liquid food every 30 seconds. In the second experiment, study participants again had to drink liquid food but hold it in their mouths for 30 seconds before swallowing, while in the third experiment they had to slowly chew the food for 30 seconds before swallowing.
All three approaches resulted in the same feeling of fullness, but it was the slow chewing that turned out to be unique because it increased what is known as food-induced thermogenesis, or NIT. This refers to how much heat is generated in the body after eating and how this affects yoursmetabolism affects. A low NIT value tends to promote weight gain, while a high value has the opposite effect. Although it may seem like a small action, participants' increased chewing increased their NIT. The researchers were able to determine that the difference per meal or snack is small. However, the cumulative effect that occurs with each meal could be significant.
Clever trick for weight loss
The authors of the study say that it has limitations due to its small sample size. However, this is not the first research to link slow eating to weight loss or maintenance. For example, another clinical study found that increasing the number of chews before swallowing reduced the size of meals in part because study participants ate for longer, whichto reduce food intakeled. Other research suggests there may also be a mental component.
For example, some participants who paid more attention to chewing showed a change in the reward center of their brain. This accordingly led to less impulsive eating behavior. AnotherAdvantage of eating slowlyis to become more mindful of what you eat and simply enjoy the taste more, according to nutritionists. Additionally, eating each bite with mindful attention can feel overwhelming. However, people who want to lose weight quickly should know howduring a meditation exercise, start with a modest attempt.
Prepare yourself psychologically before eating
For example, try paying attention to your next three bites. As you work the strategy into your eating habits more often, you'll be more likely to get to that other big food-related question that can help you improve your eating habits to reach your weight loss goals. Ask yourself whether you are eating because you are actually hungry or because you are bored, stressed or tired.
Are you entering into this habit loop where you reach for food because you're on autopilot? Understanding why you eat makes a big difference. With so much awareness, it can lead to healthier eating habits without feeling deprived like the scientists did with theirsConfirm study results.