The small brown or yellow flax seeds are considered a superfood that is a necessary part of a healthy diet and should help with weight loss. However, can you really lose weight with flax seeds? What effect do they have on the body? What important nutrients are contained in the small seeds? You can find the answers to these and other questions, as well as a few recipe ideas, in the article.
What nutritional values are in it?
Flax seeds are actually extremely healthy andpromote digestion. They contain minerals, vitamins and lots of fiber, which swell in the intestines and ensure a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Flaxseeds also contain a lot of protein and a large proportion of vegetable fat. The exact nutritional values are distributed as follows: around 25 percent of it is fiber, around 25 percent is protein and the fat is around 40 percent. Because of the high fat content, linseeds are also available in another form: linseed oil, which is well suited for cooking. The seeds also have a very high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids, such as linoleic acid.
However, this superfood can promote weight loss when included as part of a balanced diet and regular exercise. The flax seeds reduce the feeling of hunger, which is also important for losing weight. The seeds also contain mucilage that lubricates the intestinal walls and has a laxative effect. This supports weight loss in a healthy way.
The effect can be positive for your health not only internally but also externally. The small seeds primarily help with gastrointestinal complaints by promoting digestion thanks to the mucilage. These mucilages are found in the seed shells and generally need a lot of fluid, especially water, to develop their positive effects. As masks, they also have a positive effect on the skin, ensuring soft skin, shrinking pores and helping acne disappear.
The effect is beneficial for the organism and is said to reduce the risk of some cancers. In addition to stomach problems, healthy flaxseed also helps with allergies, vision problems, depression and reduced stress.
There is no such thing as a complete diet because excessive nutrition is not recommended. You should not eat more than 20 grams per day, i.e. a maximum of 2 tablespoons. However, the seeds are recommended as part of a diet because of their high fiber and protein content. However, they cannot replace a balanced diet. So you can't lose weight quickly with that. Please note that consumption is not recommended for children under 12 years without a doctor's approval.
Ideally, the seeds should be taken in a slimy form for faster and better effects. The easiest way to get this form is to mix the flaxseeds with water until the mucilage contained in the shell begins to swell. Crushed seeds react more quickly with water and are better for everyday use. You can either buy them already ground or grind them yourself, for example with an electric coffee grinder. Tip: do not grind too large a quantity at once, because crushed linseed becomes resinous and rancid more quickly than other seeds.
If you want to lose weight with them, you can include them in your diet plan. For example, you can use it to prepare delicious smoothies, bake sweet or savory pastries or refine muesli for breakfast. Many recipes can also be prepared with crushed or ground flaxseed as an egg substitute, meaning you can still prepare your food vegan.
As a rule, you should not boil the seeds because they lose important nutrients. They can be mixed not only with water but also with milk, although some dairy products can hinder swelling. It is therefore recommended to prepare the flaxseeds with water and to drink plenty of water after consumption. At least two and a half liters of liquid should be consumed per day, with water or unsweetened tea being the best.
The most important thing to remember is drinking water. In order for the seeds to promote digestion, a minimum amount of two liters of water per day should be achieved. Otherwise, the mucous cells of the seeds cannot swell completely and consumption can ultimately lead to constipation.
Although they are a superfood for the body, you should accustom it to the high-fiber diet. It would therefore be advisable not to eat more than one spoonful per day in the beginning. You can start with a few flax seeds in muesli or yogurt for breakfast, or add them to salad. Over time, you can increase the amount, but do not exceed more than three spoonfuls of flaxseed per day.
Taking flaxseed during pregnancy is recommended by many doctors because it has been proven to make childbirth easier. However, since they promote entry into the final phase of labor, they are best only taken from the 35th week of pregnancy and in a broken form.
With a few simple ingredients you can prepare crispy crackers and bake them in the oven. Here are the ingredients for this delicious snack:
- 250 g Flour
- 1 tbsp salt
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 packet of baking powder
- 4 THE Leinsamen
- 4 tbsp olive oil
- 125 ml milk.
Although you can't lose weight with seeds alone, you can add them to your daily food. A bowl of muesli, for example, becomes even healthier with a spoonful of flax seeds and you will feel full until late lunch.
If you want to support a diet, you can add a teaspoon to most popular recipes and make the smoothie even healthier. When preparing it, we recommend that you first mix the linseed with water and only then add it to the blender.