There are some commonly consumed sodium-rich foods that are part of most people's daily menu these days. As you already know, it is best to avoid foods with added salt. However, you should also look out for less obvious sources that are loaded with sodium. Here's a list of the sneaky sodium bombs you should eat rarely.
What health risks high-sodium foods pose
Salt is found almost everywhere - in food sources where you would expect it, but also in abundance where it may be harder to find. In addition, people today consume too much sodium chloride, also known as table salt, without even knowing it. Unfortunately for fans of savory foods, a diet high in salt can have devastating effects on your health. Scientific research suggests that excess sodium increases blood volume and therefore...Blood pressure increased. Chronic high blood pressure can also increase the risk of serious illnesses such as cardiovascular problems and strokes.
However, the body needs sodium for important bodily functions such as maintaining good fluid balance, transmitting nerve impulses and theMovement of muscles. So how much sodium can you safely eat each day? The latest dietary guidelines recommend keeping sodium levels below 2,300 milligrams (mg), or just 1 teaspoon per day. A limit of 1,500 mg could benefit you even more. However, if neither is currently possible for you, a 1,000 mg reduction could improve your blood pressure. From canned vegetables to bread, here are secret salt mines to beware of.
Processed meat and sliced sausage
Most people know better than to constantly sprinkle their food with table salt. However, daily diets contain many hidden sources of sodium, nutrition experts warn. For example, sliced sausages like salami are packed with sodium. One sausage can contain around 500 mg of sodium, while just two slices of regular cooked ham can contain almost 250 mg. Instead, choose fresh meat or fish and try making an extra portion for dinner. You can then do the rest for yourselfquickly prepared lunchuse the next day, as experience shows. However, also check the nutritional labels of raw meat. Sometimes even fresh produce may have been topped up with a sodium solution to retain moisture, which can still increase its salt content fivefold.
Breakfast cereal with added salt
When it comes to foods high in salt, breakfast cereal may be the last thing on your mind. These products are more for herhigh sugar contentknown. Grains and other processed foods make up a majority of sodium intake. For example, a cup of corn flakes can contain almost 200 mg of sodium per serving. This can add up quickly if you don't pay attention to your portion sizes. Other processed and high-sodium foods for breakfast could be even worse. Premade baking mixes can contain more than 400 mg of salt per serving. So instead, try making your own breakfast mix from scratch using low-sodium baking powder and baking soda.
Avoid vegetable juices as liquid foods rich in sodium
Even a healthy-sounding option like vegetable juice can be high in salt. That's why it's important to read labels carefully. The sodium content is usually listed per serving size. To be considered a low sodium serving, it should be 140 mg or less. Even a can of tomato juice can be a mini sodium bomb, with more than 900 mg per 300 gram serving. It is therefore best to press your fresh vegetable juice yourself. A medium tomato contains only 6 mg of sodium, according to the Department of Agriculture.
Canned vegetables and ready-made soups can contain a lot of salt
Canned soups and such vegetables could also be foods with too much salt. So check labels and choose products with less sodium per serving. For example, a classic 250 gram can of chicken noodle soup contains 2,225 mg of sodium. Basically, this represents the entire recommended daily allowance. On the other hand, you can make your own soup using low-sodium broth and fresh ingredients. To lower your sodium intake, buy your vegetables fresh instead of canned and be sure to rinse all canned vegetables before eating to remove excess sodium. For example, half a cup of raw carrots has only 45 mg of sodium, while one cup of green beans contains about 6 mg of it.
Reduce salt-rich ready-made sauces and mixed spices
Instead of the salty mixes that come in boxes of spaghetti and rice meals, you could make your own flavors using fresh ingredients. By using fresh herbs and spices, you can add lots of flavor to your dishes without added sodium. Consider seasoning your meals with lemon juice, ground pepper, cumin, garlic, onion powder, and fresh herbs. Also be careful when pouring mayo and ketchup. Ketchup contains about 150 mg of sodium per tablespoon, while soy sauce can contain almost a whopping 1,000 mg of sodium per tablespoon.
Avoid frozen and ready-made meals with added table salt
The frozen section of your grocery store can be another hiding place for high-sodium foods. A single slice of frozen pizza can contain up to 750 mg of sodium, and who actually eats just one slice of that? Additionally, a single serving of frozen meatloaf can contain 900 mg of salt. All that excess salt causes your body to retain fluid, which not only makes you feel full but could also cause high blood pressure. Instead, look for low-sodium options, or better yet, cook your own meals from scratch in bulk and freeze leftovers for days when you don't feel like cooking.
Spaghetti sauces can be hidden sodium-rich foods
Pasta dishes may appear frequently on your dinner menu. However, if you're concerned about your sodium intake, you may want to rethink how you prepare such a dish. One cup of spaghetti sauce can have a sodium content of almost 1,000 mg. If you're a fan of meat sauces, you also need to consider the extra sodium that comes from the sausage or meatballs. Alternatively, you can make your own spaghetti sauce using ripe plum tomatoes and fresh basil combined with garlic. You can also combine pasta with fresh vegetables and olive oil for a healthy sauce-free dish.
Eat bread and pasta less frequently as foods rich in sodium
You also have to read the labels carefully for bread, rolls and pretzel sticks or chips. Don't assume that all corn or pasta is the same. For example, a piece of tortilla can contain more than 400 mg of sodium. This number jumps to over 500 mg for chips and such snacks.
Instead, choose plain varieties that are low in sodium per serving. If you grill, a hamburger bun can also add an additional 200 mg of sodium to your meal. Instead, try swapping out a salad or alternatives for more nutrients without added sodium.
Consume dairy products such as cold cuts with caution
Common salt is also often used in dairy production as a stabilizing agent. As a general rule, dairy products can be a good source of calcium and vitamin D. However, some products may not be a wise choice when it comes to treating high blood pressure. Foods such as cottage cheese, buttermilk, and processed cheese may also be high in salt. For a low-sodium alternative, choose fresh mozzarella with 85 mg of sodium per ounce or Swiss cheese with less than 40 mg per slice.
Be careful with canned fish and processed seafood
Seafood is a great addition to a heart-healthy diet. When prepared healthily, they can help lower cholesterol levels, which in turn helps improve heart health. However, you should choose these types of foods carefully. Shellfish and canned foods are usually high in salt. About 150 grams of canned tuna has more than 300 mg of sodium, while 90 grams of frozen shrimp can contain more than 400 mg of it. A better choice of seafood is logically the fresh products, although the same also applies to various types of fish.
So before you add sodium-rich foods to your shopping cart, follow this simple rule of thumb: The most important thing when it comes to hidden sources of sodium in foods is to check your labels and choose products with less than 140 mg per serving. Therefore, consume fresh and wholesome foods as often as possible.