Cooking yourself instead of having it delivered – what’s the point? Tips for conscious eating in everyday life

With apps that allow ordering in just a few clicks, it can be very tempting to skip cooking. But convenience often comes at the price of disadvantages. Restaurant dishes can contain many unhealthy ingredients and you can never know what exactly is in them. Additionally, we often tend to eat more fast food when we order food from a delivery service. If you want to change your diet, you should try to prepare healthy meals yourself instead of relying on delivered food or ready-made meals every day. Because cooking yourself can be quick and easy - we'll give you some valuable tips!

Cooking brings the family together

Cooking together can give you the opportunity to reconnect with your partner andwith the childrento connect. But cooking also has other benefits. According to psychologists, trying new things together - such as E.g. learning a new recipe – can help a couple stay connected and committed in their relationship.

Cooking yourself is proven to be healthier

Some studies suggest that people who cook more often than eat outeat healthier overall. These studies also show that restaurant meals typically contain higher amounts of sodium, saturated fat, total fat, and calories than home-cooked meals. If you put together fresh ingredients yourself or get them with a service likeHelloFreshIn a meal kit delivered straight to your home, you have full control over what goes into your food. This can make a big difference to your overall health.

It's easier to watch the calories

An average fast food delivery contains between 1,100 and 1,200 calories - that's almost the entire recommended daily calorie intake for a woman (1,600 to 2,000 kcal) and almost two-thirds of a man's daily intake (2,000 to 2,500 kcal). When you prepare a meal yourself, you can ensure that the portion sizes and number of calories are what you want. Most recipes both online and in a meal kit often include nutritional information and serving size suggestions, making things even easier.

Cooking yourself can save time and money

When you order food, you either have to wait for delivery or drive to get it. Depending on where you live and if you're ordering at a busy time, this may take more time than if you had simply cooked at home.

To cook at homedoesn't have to take a lot of time, if you don't want it. To save time, you can, for example, order a cooking box so you no longer have to look for recipes or buy groceries. Everything you need will be delivered straight to your home, in exactly the quantities you will need. All you have to do is read the recipe and get started.

In the long run, preparing food at home can also save you money. A group of basic ingredients is often cheaper than a single restaurant dish. Plus, a recipe made at home can give you more meals than ordering takeout or taking the leftovers to work the next day. After just a few weeks, you can see the savings adding up.

You can prepare the food according to your individual taste

Cooking at home also gives you the opportunity to eat your favorite foods exactly the way you like them. For example, if you prefer the meat to be well-done or some dishes less spicy, you can easily adapt the recipe to your own taste.