Pulling sprouts and growing microgreens: tips for the hobby gardener and instructions

For many people these days,healthy eatinga priority. For them, fresh microgreens and sprouts are the perfect addition to the weekly menu. They prove to be a good alternative, especially in the cold season, when the supply of local vegetables is very limited. They can supply our body with valuable vitamins, fiber and minerals. There is a wide selection of varieties available in stores, but if you have a green thumb you can also pull the sprouts and grow the microgreens yourself. We explain how it works and give useful tips to help hobby gardeners and quivers with the task.

Growing sprouts: an overview of the health benefits

Sprouts usually contain twice as many enzymes, trace elements, carbohydrates, fiber and secondary plant substances as in the vegetables themselves. They are also considered real vitamin bombs because they are rich in vitamins A, B and C. The sprouts are eaten raw and in this way the nutrients they contain can be preserved. Anyone who regularly adds sprouts and sprouts to their dishes is doing something good for their body.Especially vegetarianslike to refine their dishes with fresh sprouts. That's why they're ideal for anyone who wants to eat healthily:

  • They stimulate digestion and thereby enable our body to absorb all nutrients better.
  • They provide the body with vitamins and minerals during the winter months
  • They have a delicious, slightly crunchy taste

Growing sprouts yourself: Dangerous or harmless to our health?

Until recently, sprouts were consideredas a true superfood. But in recent years there have been repeated reports of illnesses caused by eating raw microgreens. Dangerous bacteria such as salmonella, E. coli, listeria and shigella, among others, were isolated in sprouts. The researchers assume that the bacteria were already in the seeds from which the sprouts were grown. However, they were able to multiply quickly during germination. When germinating, the seeds are provided with plenty of water and placed in a warm place. The high temperatures and humidity promote bacterial growth. If the germs are then eaten raw, dangerous illnesses can occur. You could protect yourself from this if a few rules are followed when producing the germs. However, since strict hygiene measures can impair the seeds' ability to form sprouts, measures are usually taken to reduce the number of germs.

Grow your own sprouts: instructions

If you want to grow sprouts yourself, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Here are step-by-step instructions that will surely help you grow microgreens.

1. The first step is to wash the seeds thoroughly. To be on the safe side, you can first treat the seeds with a citric acid solution. In the food industry, citric acid, still referred to as E330 on packaging, is used as a preservative. It can reduce the oxidation processes and therefore also the formation of germs.

2. The seeds are then soaked in warm, but not hot or boiling, water for 12 hours. During this time the seeds begin to swell and germination begins.

3. The microgreens are then placed in a glass and covered with well-moistened cotton pads and placed in a dark and warm place. The room temperature should be 28 degrees Celsius. The cotton pads should be moistened 1-2 times a day. Germination can take a total of 5 to 10 days. The sprouts can then be harvested, washed thoroughly, dried and possibly kept cold.

Despite all the safety measures, there is a risk that bacteria will form not only on the surface, but also in the sprouts themselves. These pathogens cannot be removed by washing. That's why doctors recommend not consuming home-grown sprouts. Most manufacturers regularly inspect their production. But hobby gardeners can grow sprouts andthen into the balcony boxor plant in the garden. Even if the sprouts contain germs, the other edible parts of the plant can usually be eaten later without any health risk. Of course, you should always wash them thoroughly.

Grow your own sprouts: fight mold

Sprouts are highly perishable. Anyone who wants to grow sprouts themselves often has to struggle with mold. Microgreens will mold if they are too warm and moist. That's why they should never stay covered for too long. It helps if you open the lid a little in the first few days. Once they begin to germinate, you can leave them uncovered.

Grow sprouts: Use glass for germination

By the way, you can find so-called seed trays in specialist shops. The cultivation trays are special containers for growing plants. The bowls are specially designed to distribute the water evenly. This prevents the formation of rot. Because they are so easy to use, they are great for complete beginners. Experienced hobby gardeners decide to grow the sprouts in a glass. The procedure is as follows:

  • First wash the seeds thoroughly under running water.
  • Then soak the seeds in lukewarm water for up to 12 hours.
  • Place the seeds in the germination jar and water twice a day.
  • Place the glue jar in a light or dark location, depending on the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Harvest the germs, wash them thoroughly and keep them cold.
  • Eat the sprouts within the next 5 days unless otherwise stated on the seed packaging.
  • Thoroughly clean the germination jar.

Growing microgreens: instructions

The term microgreens is often incorrectly used as a synonym for sprouts. In fact, the difference between microgreens and sprouts is that sprouts are grown on paper, cotton pads or in water. Microgreens are grown in soil and form seedlings much more slowly. They form leaves and look like miniature plants. There are two types of microgreens: the light germinators do not need to be covered with soil and the dark germinators need to be covered with a little soil.

You need seeds, growing soil,small flower pots. Simply cover the bottom of the flower pot with soil, distribute the seeds evenly, fill a spray bottle with water and spray the seeds with it. Cover the pot with cling film and place it in a bright room at a temperature of around 25 degrees Celsius. The optimal location for microgreens is usually the kitchen. Remove the cling film once a day and let the seeds air for about 20 minutes. The harvest can begin after about 7 days, but it takes several weeks.

Growing sprouts: Which types of seeds are best suited for this?

Hobby gardeners and cooks without experience should choose vegetables that generally germinate without any problems. Mung beans are the most suitable for growing, followed by other vegetables such as alfalfa, rocket, broccoli, beetroot, and legumes such as linseed, quinoa or lentils.

Growing mung bean sprouts: instructions

Mung beans are legumes that were brought to Europe from India. They are very similar in taste to soybeans, but the two types of legumes are not related. They enjoy great popularity in their home country and throughout Asia. Even in the USA, amateur chefs like to refine their salads with mung bean sprouts. In Germany they are also available under the name Lunja. This is how you can grow mung bean sprouts:

Simply soak the dry seeds in lukewarm water for 8 hours, then drain the water. Place a damp sheet of kitchen paper in a fine sieve and spread the mung beans on top. Cover with a second sheet of paper towels, spray with water and cover with an opaque dark plastic bag. Place the sieve in a bowl and leave it in the kitchen at room temperature around 22 degrees Celsius for several days. Moisten the kitchen paper every day and check whether water collects in the sieve. The water should drain into the bowl, otherwise mold can form.

Growing alfalfa sprouts: How to germinate alfalfa seeds

Alfalfa is the name given to alfalfa seeds in the Far East. In Europe, alfalfa has been cultivated as a fodder crop for centuries, but in Arabic cuisine its sprouts are considered a delicacy thanks to their mild and crunchy taste. Alfalfa seeds need sunlight to germinate. They should therefore be grown in a bright and warm room.

Growing arugula microgreens

In contrast to alfalfa sprouts, dry rocket seeds are grown directly as microgreens in potting soil. They do not need to be soaked in water overnight beforehand. The first harvest takes place after about a week, which could then extend over three weeks.

Let the broccoli sprouts steep in the glass

In contrast to other sprouts such as mung beans, broccoli sprouts are very rarely available commercially. So if you want to refine your salad with it, you should let it steep in a jar at home. The broccoli are dark germinators, which means that they should be placed in a dark place to germinate. The germination time is quite short; seedlings form after just four days and can be harvested.

Beetroot sprouts grow significantly slower than other vegetable seedlings

The beetroot sprouts grow significantly slower than other vegetable seedlings. You must first let them soak in water for 24 hours, then place them in a glass in a bright place and after 10 days the harvest can begin.

Grow quinoa sprouts in the germination jar

Growing quinoa sprouts yourself is not a difficult task. You need a germination jar with a special sieve lid and a cotton cloth. The quinoa seeds are light germinators, which means they fill the glass with water and put the soaked seeds in it. Place the jar in a bright but sunny location in the kitchen. The germination time is very short - the harvest can begin after just one day.

Grow lentil sprouts

Lentil sprouts are very popular for their nutty taste. They are grown in special sprout houses. These houses consist of several slats and are constructed in such a way that the rungs can be ventilated. The lentils need 3 to 4 days to germinate.

Grow flaxseed sprouts

Flaxseeds germinate in light, so a warm and sunny location such as the windowsill is suitable. Line a sieve with a cotton cloth and place it in a bowl so that excess water can drain away. Dampen the cloth and sprinkle the soaked flaxseeds on it. Spray the seeds with water twice a day, after two weeks the harvest can begin.