Stay healthy: these vital substances need our body

Cloudy days, cool air and weaker immune system: in autumn and winter we aremore susceptible to colds. Sufficient sleep and a lot of movement are good for the body and the soul, but the vital substances that we absorb through the diet keep our immune system fit. In the article, we tell you in the article which amino acids, minerals, trace elements and secondary plant substances are essential for our body and how we stay healthy in the cold season.

Stay healthy: What are vital substances and how can we supply our bodies with it?

The collective term “vital substances” refers to all important micro and macronutrients that our body needs. The human organism is able to produce only a few of them themselves. The majority must be supplied with food. Despite the wide range of food in organic shops and supermarkets, there can be a deficit in some cases. Most of the time, it is because the individual needs are greater than average, that we feed incorrectly or that important vitamins and minerals are lost when preparing. In the case of larger deficits in particular, the family doctor can also recommend taking vital substances in the form of nutritional supplements.

If you are dependent on certain nutritional supplements, you should pay particular attention to the high quality when buying. High -quality vital substances have been tested, examined for heavy metals and manufactured in compliance with strict hygiene standards. Onedubily.deFor example, there are not only food supplements to choose from. The founders have set themselves the goal of giving users of the health portal an insight into the biological processes in the human organism. Therefore, the offer is expanded to include several books on topics such as performance, metabolic health and metabolism.

Stay healthy: the vital substances at an overview

The vital substances include the vital amino acids, healthy intestinal bacteria, useful mineral and plant substances as well as proteins and vitamins.

1.Amino acids.They support the body in forming the body's own proteins. They are responsible for hormone formation, regulate the circulation and promote the immune system. The human organism produces twelve of the vital amino acids itself. The remaining eight must be absorbed through the food. Examples:Taurin can increase performanceAnd is therefore included in numerous energy drinks, Citrulin promotes blood circulation and glutamine has a positive effect on the cell volume.

2.Healthy intestinal bacteriaregulate the intestinal flora and strengthen the body's defenses. Such healthy intestinal bacteria are, for example, the lactic acid bacteria such as bifidobacterium lactis, lactobacillus plantarum and saccharomyces boulardii.

3.MineralsPromote the metabolism and keep our immune system fit. This includes the vital magnesium, which is responsible for muscle and nerve function. Eisen supports the production of eating cells that remove pathogens in the body and calcium is responsible for bone formation.

4.The secondary plant substancesAnti -inflammatory properties are attributed to the food. The oleuropein, an active ingredient that is obtained from the olive leaves, is intended to help the regulation of blood sugar levels and reduce cholesterol.

5.Proteinare essential for our body. They are considered the building blocks of the cells. Healthy skin and strong muscles are only possible through a healthy diet with protein -rich foods.

6. To the group of vitalVitaminsbelongVitamin A, Vitamins of group B, vitamin C, vitamin K and vitamins of group D (vitamin D2 and vitamin D3). Perhaps less known is vitamin K that is responsible for blood clotting.