It doesn't always have to be expensive! Host a Christmas brunch with little money

The time around Christmas is ideal for inviting friends and family to a cozy Christmas brunch. But people often tend to spend a lot of money on elaborate menus, expensive decorations and fine drinks. That doesn't have to be the case! With planning and creativity, you can have a Christmas brunch even on a smaller budget. Here are five tips on how to do it:

Collect table decorations in nature

Spend hundreds of euros on Christmas decorations? We have a better idea: simply use nature to design the table. Collect pine cones and twigs (only fallen ones, please!) and use them to create a completely natural table decoration. Old preserving jars can be used with tea lights to make beautiful candle storage, and fir branches connected with wire can be used as napkin rings. Add dried orange slices or folded paper stars. This gives the brunch a natural touch and you produce almost no waste with it. You can find inspiration for the decoration on Pinterest, among other places.

Choose simple but festive recipes

A Christmas brunch doesn't have to consist of elaborate dishes to impress. Simple recipes like scrambled eggs, baked potatoes or sandwiches are perfect for this. Dishes like quiche or a winter salad with seasonal ingredients like oranges and nuts are inexpensive to make and go just as well with brunch. Soups are another cheaper option that is easy to prepare and doesn't put a strain on your wallet - for example, made from pumpkin, carrot or potato. Offering waffles is also a great option for brunch. The great thing about it is: Waffles taste good to almost everyone and they can be topped with both sweet (for example with powdered sugar, cherries or applesauce) and savory (for example with Camembert and cranberries). In the Christmas worlds ofAldi NorthandAldi SouthYou will find a wealth of recipe suggestions that are easy to prepare and perfect for a cozy brunch.

Wishing for souvenirs

Instead of flowers, you can ask each guest to bring something for brunch. For example, a bottle of sparkling wine, cookies, dessert or side dishes for the main course. This means guests don't have to worry about what they bring with them and you can save a few euros. This also creates variety and reduces your preparation time. The best way to do this is to create a list and assign each guest a specific thing.

Set a budget and shop cheaply

Set a budget for brunch and think about which elements of brunch are particularly important to you. Does it have to be the expensive Prosecco from a special brand or can you choose cheaper alternatives instead? With cheaper own brands such as Gourmet Fines Cuisine or Back Family, Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd offer special high-quality Christmas products such as salmon fillet, buffalo burrata, stuffed organic gnocchi, goat's cream cheese wrapped in bacon or inexpensive X-Mas baking ingredients.Hereandherelearn more!


Photo: PR

Star-shaped rolls are a festive eye-catcher for Christmas brunch

Use seasonal and regional ingredients

For Christmas brunch, rely on seasonal and regional foods that are readily available in winter. Vegetables such as pumpkin, beetroot or potatoes are cheap and versatile. Fruits like apples, pears and oranges add freshness and festive colors to the table. In addition, regional products are often cheaper because they do not have to be transported long distances - which is usually better for the environment.

You can find further information about the Christmas products from Aldi Nord and Aldi Südhereandhere.