Foods containing zinc – nutrition tips & list of foods

As you know, there are a number of vitamins, nutrients and trace elements that are important for our body and are absorbed thanks to various foods. This also includes zinc. In this article we would like to explain to you what function this trace element has in our organism and in which foods it occurs. You will also find out the daily zinc requirement and what symptoms are typical in the event of a zinc deficiency or an overdose. Simply read on and find rich foods in the table that you can use to make your diet more balanced.

What is zinc used for?

Zinc has a much larger onepositive influenceon our bodies than some might believe. In general, the element is important for our metabolism and if it works well, it of course affects many other things. On the one hand, it strengthens the immune system and the defenses. Of course, this ensures that we are better protected against illnesses and that we recover more quickly if we already have a cold. Growth is also influenced by the zinc balance. This is what makes the element so important during the growth phases of childhood and adolescence.

The skin also needs foods containing zinc to improve wound healing. The skin copes with this task much better. The trace element improves the appearance of the skin by having an anti-inflammatory effectfor acne, which helps psoriasis and neurodermatitis. Not only inflammation of the skin is inhibited by sufficient zinc in the body, but also of the stomach and intestinal mucosa. The storage of insulin, protein synthesis and sperm production also depend heavily on the zinc balance.

How much zinc per day is ideal and allowed?

The daily zinc requirement depends primarily on gender. Women need 7 milligrams per day, while men should consume 10 milligrams daily. But you shouldn't think that more also means better. If you overdo it, you will have side effects that can even lead to poisoning. You should therefore not exceed the recommended daily requirement. Below we have put together the zinc deficiency symptoms and then the signs of a zinc overdose. Here are the needs for children depending on their age, which can be achieved with the help of foods containing zinc:

  • Infants up to 4 months – 1 mg
  • Infants 4 to less than 12 months – 2 mg
  • 1 to under 4 years – 3 mg
  • 4 to under 7 years – 5 mg
  • 7 to under 10 years – 7 mg
  • Girls 10 to under 13 years – 7 mg
  • Boys 10 to under 13 years – 9 mg
  • Girls 13 to under 15 years old – 7 mg
  • Boys 13 to under 15 years – 9.5 mg

Zinc deficiency signs

With all of thempositive effectsIt is only logical that a deficiency brings with it many disadvantages. This leads to growth retardation and even diabetes and liver cirrhosis can be consequences of the deficiency. In principle, the opposite of what was explained above in the function follows. A zinc deficiency occurs when the recommended daily requirement is not met over a long period of time.

Certain groups of people in particular are affected more frequently. This includes pregnant and breastfeeding women, as they have an increased need for foods containing zinc. The same applies to athletes, as they use up the zinc content more quickly due to increased performance and therefore have to do more to re-absorb it.

It is not unknown that vegetarians and vegans should pay special attention to their vitamin and nutrient levels. Although people in this group have zinc-containing foods in their diet, they also consume more so-called phytic acid, which means that zinc can no longer be absorbed well by the body. Last but not least, older people should also be mentioned. They pay less attention to their diet, which is now not balanced enough for various reasons (be it loss of appetite or dental problems).

Some typical appearances can be found in the following list:

  • cracked and dry skin
  • brittle hair and even hair loss
  • brittle nails
  • Skin inflammation and slower healing of wounds
  • Night blindness
  • Loss of appetite
  • impotence
  • weakened immune system
  • limited performance, tiredness, concentration problems
  • Depression

Zinc poisoning symptoms

However, if you overdo it, you will of course have an excess of zinc, which can be quite unpleasant. However, this can hardly happen through normal diet. Only those who take additional nutritional supplements risk an overdose. Poisoning often occurred only in earlier times, when food was still stored in containers containing zinc. Otherwise, the trace element is not considered particularly toxic. If an overdose does occur, diarrhea, nausea or even vomiting will most often occur. When you inhale zinc (and other metals), you get what is known as casting fever or metal fever.

Where is zinc contained?

Many foods that we eat every day contain zinc. These include cheese, flakes and exotic Brazil nuts. We have put together some foods with zinc in the following table, including their mg number.

Foods containing zinc

All in all, you don't have to worry about a deficiency as long as you eat a balanced and varied diet. If you still want to be on the safe side, you can seek advice from a doctor. They can certainly recommend a specialist to you. If the symptoms mentioned above occur (whether due to deficiency or overdose), it is best to consult a doctor immediately. A blood sample can then be used to determine what is wrong with you. The reason does not necessarily have to be a zinc deficiency. Such symptoms also occur due to numerous other causes and should therefore be examined as quickly as possible.