Tips for a healthy sleep – feel rested!

Do you have trouble sleeping and feel tired during the day? This is often due to the stress we suffer from these days, which leads to an inadequately healthy diet. In this article, we have a few tips for healthy sleep that you can use to improve your sleep just by changing a few bad habits and doing a few things. Bad habits not only lead to poor sleep, but also to memory loss, lack of concentration, high blood pressure, weight gain, heart problems and depression. With the right changes for healthy sleep, you will find that you will feel more rested and full of energy. As a result, you can lose weight and your immunity is increased. Your memory will also be strengthened, making it easier for you to learn and remember new things.

For better and healthy sleep, it is first and foremost important that you turn off your cell phone or smartphone, preferably for at least an hourbefore going to bed. The same applies to the television and the computer. The lights from these electrical devices stimulate the brain and prevent healthy sleep. So instead of lulling yourself to sleep with movies, start resting half an hour before you lie down. You can do this by, for example, listening to relaxing music or simply doing nothing at all. A hot bath is also relaxing and is a good idea before bed.

Proper nutrition

The right oneNutritionalso plays an important role. To feel rested, you should eat a healthy diet. One sign that you're not getting enough sleep is that you're addicted to caffeine and sugar. This bad habit results in frequent colds, constant appetite, distress, and lack of desire for sex. Do not drink coffee after 2 p.m.

Avoid sleeping pills

One mistake some people make when they can't sleep is taking sleeping pills. But apart from the fact that they can make you both psychologically and physically dependent on them, such drugs make you feel tired. The feeling can be compared to the state after a night of partying with a lot of alcohol.

Eat these foods in the evening

Instead of medication, you should eat natural foods. These include, for example, nuts and especially walnuts. Thanks to the proteins, potassium and selenium they contain, sleep is naturally induced. Melatonin is necessary for this. This is caused, among other things, by calcium, which is contained in spinach, for example. In order for the body to produce melatonin, it needs vitamin B6. This vitamin is found, among other things, in tuna, flounder and salmon, as well as in garlic. Furthermore, have a positive effectChickpeas, shrimp and lobster. Vegetables are important so that your brain can relax. For this reason, you should enrich your dinner with a salad. If you have already eaten and forgot the salad, you can also cook a garden salad and drink the water before bed. Bananas are suitable as a small snack before bed, but low-fat milk is also beneficial. Both contain the already mentioned and important calcium, but also tryptophan.

Chamomile tea for insomnia

Some pastas can also induce sleep because they cause a jump between blood sugar and insulin levels. For this to happen, the glycemic index in the pasta must be high. This reaction in the body leads to sleepiness.

Chamomile tea can also serve as a light and natural sleep aid. This contains glycine. This amino acid relaxes both the nerves and the muscles.

Alcohol can cause sleep problems

A common myth is that alcohol contributes to deep, healthy sleep. This seems to be the case at first glance, as falling asleep occurs quickly, but in reality sleep is less regenerative. Because of this, the body cannot really rest and you feel sleepy and weak the next day.


Try to get your body into the habit of sleeping on a regular schedule and equal amounts, whether on weekdays or weekends. This means your body always knows exactly when it needs to produce the hormones it needs for sleep.

What is typical when falling asleep is that the body temperature rises. You can achieve this artificially by returning to your cool bedroom. In this way, you help the body become more receptive to changes in its temperature and you achieve a healthy sleep.