Nowadays, people are increasingly suffering from difficulty sleeping and falling asleep. For all the things we have to do in everyday life full of stress and hectic pace, we sacrifice our good sleep without hesitation. We often forget or neglect the fact that deep sleep is the most important method of regeneration and thus prepares our body for the next day. In order to treat yourself to a healthy sleep and to deal with the causes of sleep disorders, two factors are particularly important: sleep hygiene and the furnishings of the bedroom.
Sleep disorders causes – stress, uncomfortable mattress, noise in the environment, illness
The usual sleep rhythm varies from person to person, so there are early risers and night owls - owls. Additionally, the amount of sleep someone needs to be fit during the day varies. Everyone has restless nights from time to time and can usually discover the problem for themselves. OneA cold, itchy rashes, private problems or deadline pressure at work, but also joyful anticipation are the causes of sleep disorders for many people. The old, worn-out mattress puts strain on the back and often leads to sleep disorders. However, the reason for the nighttime unrest can lie outside the apartment - a new street lamp in front of the bedroom window, heavy traffic nearby and others.
A few mistakes at a glance
Our sleep is very complex and strongly influenced by our individual lifestyle. Habits and sleep needs change throughout our lives, but there are widespread misconceptions about the idea of healthy sleep. They say that eight hours should be enough, but numerous studies have shown that we can live healthily with different amounts of sleep. In fact, it repeats itselfSequence of sleep phasesseveral times throughout the night, but the first 3-4 hours after falling asleep are the most restful for the body and brain. Many people swear that they have difficulty sleeping or not sleeping at all when the moon is full. However, such a connection has not been scientifically proven. Others try to promote sleep with a glass of alcohol, but this only makes them fall asleep and later leads to difficulty staying asleep.
The problemseliminate
Investing in health
Everyone can develop healthy habits to combat the unpleasant causes of sleep disorders - avoid caffeinated drinks in the afternoon, do sports during the day rather than in the evening and don't think about upcoming obligations and appointments in bed. In order to really benefit from the invigorating effects of sleep, you also have to minimize the disruptive factors in the bedroom and thus invest in your health. A comfortable mattress that...individual sleeping needsfully corresponds, contributes to pain-free sleep. The mattress should usually be replaced after 7-10 years and it is important to take weight and age into account when making your selection. The higher your body weight, the firmer the mattress should be and as you get older, a softer mattress is easier on your joints. Partner mattresses are ideal for partners who have different ideas about the mattress. A suitable slatted frame allows air to flow throughout the bed and a pillow promotes the correct body position in bed.
Comfortable mattress according to the individualclaims– Partnering
For a relaxed sleep, it's not just the right sleeping surface that's important, but also the right atmosphere in the bedroom. Light, room temperature and ventilation should be provided to promote sleep. The optimal temperature for the bedroom is 18-20 °C, which is supported by reasonable darkening of the windows in summer. Allergy sufferers should avoid plants in their bedroom and always opt for bed linen made from natural fibers. Painting the walls in cool colors and a carpet that keeps your feet warm when you get up are also advisable when designing the bedroom. On the other hand, electronic devices have an exciting effect due to their blue light and therefore disrupt sleep.
According to currentResearch by the Robert Koch InstituteSleep problems plague almost 70% of Germans. And almost 4% of men and twice as many women take medication. However, we should be aware that taking sleeping pills can lead to dependence in the long term. Instead, natural remedies should be considered, which are best taken with warm milk or tea. It is advisable to take it continuously for a few days because its effect is not instantaneous. Herbal tea made from chamomile, lime blossoms, St. John's wort, hops and lemon balm are recommended against insomnia. Tablets and capsules containing real valerian are used quite often, although its calming effects can slow down reactions. If you have trouble falling asleep, lavender aromatherapy in the form of a refreshing bath or scented candles is recommended
Conclusion: Deal with the causes of sleep disorders for your good and restful sleep
You spend about a third of your life sleeping and this is fundamentally important for the proper functioning of our body. If you constantly suffer from sleep problems, it's worth taking a closer look. In the long term, they lead to problems with metabolism, memory and depression. Whether it is a serious sleep disorder or not,hereyou can take a test.
A few recommendations forYourhealthy sleep
- a regular rhythm when falling asleep and waking up
- pleasant, harmonious environment – quiet, dark, cool bedroom and with enough fresh air
- comfortable mattress and clean bed linen made from natural fibers
- no television or electronic devices in bed
- Avoid alcohol, smoking, heavy and spicy dishes before sleep
- enough exercise and activities throughout the day
- Relaxation through yoga or breathing exercises before bed