Good health – 10 remedies that are a natural antibiotic

Living in a polluted environment exposes us to a number of serious threats to our good health. This is mainly a result of the many microbes and bacteria that exist in the environment. To combat the health challenges, most doctors prescribe synthetic antibiotics, which come with many side effects.

The natural antibiotic influences good health

According to a study by the American College of Physicians, the high dosages prescribed every day are unnecessary. These antibiotics kill not only the negative but also the positive bacteria in the body. They also develop antibiotic-resistant microbes. This is a critical condition that requires immediate attention. For these reasons, researchers around the world recommend some products from Mother Nature that have antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal properties and a great,natural antibioticand ensure good health. This shows that they are much more effective than artificial antibiotics. Other advantages include that they are widely available, cheaper and have no negative side effects. Below is a list of 10 foods commonly found in the kitchen that are perfect as natural antibiotics.

Helpful tips

10. Sulfur in garlic

Garlic has been known as a natural antibiotic and healing agent for centuries. Ancient folklore has it that garlic is effective for respiratory problems, colds, coughs and the flu. This was largely due to its strong therapeutic benefits. And garlic also proves in history that it has many benefits. During World War I, garlic poultices were used on wounds to prevent inflammation. During World War II, garlic helped heal thymus and sepsis. In the following years, researchers have proven its beneficial effects against stroke, high blood pressure, some forms of cancer, heart problems and skin inflammation. This is due to the sulfur compounds in garlic, which act like a natural antibiotic. They also strengthen the immune system and thus improve health. Apart from all these benefits, the sulfur compounds also help to neutralize the free radicals and prevent the occurrence of serious diseases.

9. Flavonoids in onions

Onions belong to the same family as garlic. They also contain a lot of medicinal properties thanks to the sulfur and flavonoids. Onions act as a diuretic with anti-inflammatory properties because they consist of powerful antioxidant compounds. These improve circulation, protect the body from diabetes, high cholesterol and heart disorders and provide ahealthy digestive tract. Onions are also a good remedy for colds and coughs. Due to their antibacterial properties, they are very suitable as a natural antibiotic and as a disinfectant for insect stings and animal bites.

Benefits of alternative medicine

8. Gingerol and the Angel

Ginger has been one of the main ingredients in alternative medicine for over 2000 years and is ideal as a natural antibiotic. This is due to the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that the components Shogaol, Zingerone and Gingerol possess. These have the ability to counteract mucus, thereby preventing infections in the gastrointestinal tract and upper respiratory tract, such as flu, colds and coughs. Regular consumption of ginger helps fight against sleep problems, improves circulation, stabilizes blood sugar, improves heart and immune system health, fights cancer and perfectly relieves pain.

7. Curcumin in turmeric (turmeric)

The golden yellow spice is an excellent remedy thanks to the curcumin it contains. Turmeric is a great natural antibiotic and antiseptic because it has a higher content of anti-inflammatory substances and protects the body from attacks by certain specific bacteria. Turmeric also helps heal various skin injuries, such as minor scrapes and cuts, as well as more serious skin problems, such as leprosy, psoriasis, eczema and scabies. The spice also has a positive effect inside the body, namely on the liver, heart and digestive tract. Thanks to the anti-carcinogenic components, turmeric prevents the development of a tumor. In a scientific study, the antibiotics used failed to cure MRSA infections, while turmeric, as a natural antibiotic, alleviated the infections due to its powerful blood-purifying substances.

The role of vitamins

6. The Benefits of Vitamin C

Increasing lots of vitamin C can naturally heal the body damage caused by antibiotic resistance. Many people die every year due to antibiotic-resistant microbes, which leads to more frequent illnesses. Fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C are a natural antibiotic, or rather, part of it. Vitamin C, a water-soluble mineral, plays a major role in the body. They attack and destroy harmful microorganisms, including HIV, allowing body growth and development. Furthermore, vitamin C strengthens the immune system, which stimulates the production of white blood cells and injuries to the skin heal faster. It is also a great remedy for other ailments such as snake bites, diphtheria, tetanus and polio.

5. Defensin-1 in honey

Long before the emergence of synthetic antibiotics, honey was an effective and natural antibiotic for healing skin abrasions and other ailments. It works so well because of the natural antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory enzymes that release hydrogen peroxide, preventing certain bacteria from multiplying. According to recent research, bees release a protein known as defensin-1 into the honey they collect.

Researchers are currently thinking about a way to use this substance for drugs to combat antibiotic-resistant microbes. Further studies show that bee protein is a key ingredient in honey's antibacterial effects, which is why it is so suitable as a natural antibiotic.

Green tea and probiotic

4. EGCG in green tea

Due to the EGCG contained in green tea, it is another natural antibiotic that provides a variety of benefits. Researchers at Northwestern University believe that the compounds of polyphenols created when tea is steeped in water with a pinch of salt produce non-toxic, natural antibiotics that resemble a thin shell. When these encounter a harmful bacteria, they destroy it. The antioxidants strengthen the immune system and fight against infections that affect the body. Green tea, together with other antibiotics, fights bacteria such as E. coli and streptococci, which are responsible for infections. Additionally, research shows that green tea helps manage the damage caused by synthetic antibiotics.

3. Probiotic and Bifido Acidophilus

The probiotic or fermented substances are a natural antibiotic due to the Bifido Acidophilus and Lactobacillus contained in them. The bacterium Bifido stimulates the positive bacteria in the body to defend themselves against various pathogens. Doctors recommend taking antibiotics along with probiotics to compensate for the loss of microflora (positive bacteria) in the digestive tract.

Two more tips that are beneficial

2. Grapefruit seed extract

Grapefruit seed extract is also known as Citricidal and has natural antiviral, antifungal and antiseptic effects. In combination with antioxidant substances, they help the body cleanse itself of free radicals and prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria such as Giardia and Candida, without damaging the body's friendly bacteria.

1. Oreganoöl

Oregano oil is a natural antibiotic and the best among them all. Various studies prove its superiority and effectiveness as an antimicrobial substance. It strengthens the immune system and keeps infections away. It is also interesting that oregano oil has been used as a natural antibiotic for over three thousand years. That's no wonder considering its antibacterial, antimicrobial, pain relieving, antispasmodic, antifungal andantiparasitic effectconsider. It also has a positive effect on snake bites. Oregano oil is also beneficial in treating various topical infections including allergies, athlete's foot, insect bites, acne, sinusitis, indigestion, sore throat, bronchitis and the common cold.