Hemp oil effects and benefits for our health and skin at a glance!

From coconut oil and argan oil toYlang Ylang Öl– Natural oils, which have a positive effect on our skin and health, have been trendy for a long time and are flooding the market. Unknown just a few years ago, hemp oils are becoming increasingly popular and are used for a number of ailments and illnesses. While the cannabis plant has been used for its healing properties for thousands of years, hemp oil has only recently received the recognition it deserves. The “miracle oil” is said to strengthen our immune system, help against skin problems and promote calmer and healthier sleep. You can find out which nutrients are in the oil and everything about the special hemp oil effect in our article!

Hemp oil is a cold-pressed vegetable oil that is obtained from the seeds of the cannabis sativa plant and is characterized by a slightly nutty taste. Due to the high proportion of healthy omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids as well as vitamins E, B1 and B2, it is a true elixir that is good for our bodies both inside and out. Contrary to popular belief, hemp oil does not contain THC and is therefore absolutely legal and has no intoxicating effects. However, many people don't know the difference between CBD oil and hemp oil. While CBD is made from the stems and leaves, only the seeds of the plant are used to make hemp seed oil. If youBuy hemp oil, we recommend that you choose a high-quality, organic product.

Hemp oil effect – the miracle cure for a strong immune system

Our immune system serves as a defense against infections and protects us from viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. Factors such as inadequate sleep, unhealthy eating habits and inadequate exercise can have a negative impact on our immune system. It is therefore important to pay attention to a healthy diet and to supply the body with enough minerals and vitamins.The essential fatty acids in hemp oilare in a ratio of 3:1 or in other words – it contains three times as much omega-6 fatty acids as omega-3 fatty acids. This composition is ideal for strengthening our immune system and preventing diseases such as cardiovascular disease, allergies or cancer.

The miracle cure promotes better sleep and reduces stress

According to recent studies, around 1/3 of Germans suffer from sleep disorders. But waking up in the morning rested and active plays a crucial role in our mental and physical health. Hemp oil contains over 140 cannabinoids, including CBD, CBN and terpenes. Scientific studies suggest that these compounds bind to our body's endocannabinoid system, ensuring healthier, more restful sleep. But that's not all - taking hemp oil helps us feel refreshed, relaxed and full of energy. It increases our heart rate, lowers blood pressure and is perfect for relieving stress or counteracting anxiety.

Hemp oil for active cell protection and to relieve pain and muscle cramps

The main reason for the positive effect of hemp oil on strengthening cell membranes and cell protection is the high proportion of polyunsaturated linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid. They also help lower cholesterol levels, which in turn reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Due to its anti-inflammatory and calming properties, hemp oil is often used to relieve physical pain and muscle spasms. In addition, many professional athletes use the miracle drug to promote the release of estrogen and cortisol.

Use hemp oil for glowing and flawless skin

No matter whether you apply it topically or consume 1-2 tablespoons a day - your skin can also benefit from the effects of hemp oil thanks to the high proportion of antioxidants and vitamins. It is often used as an ingredient in various beauty products includingAnti-Pollution Cosmetics, body lotions as well as shampoos and hair conditioners. Numerous scientific studies have already confirmed that regular use of hemp oil strengthens the skin and makes it resistant to infections. The fatty acids it contains provide moisture without clogging the pores, making the oil perfect for all skin types. Gamma-linolenic acid has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps to relieve skin irritations and inflammations such as acne or psoriasis. To achieve faster results, it is recommended to apply hemp oil directly to cleansed skin. Leave it on for 1-2 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.