At the beginning a premise: This article is not (only) written for you. Above all, he is intended to be shared. It should not be scanned in silence, but should be read loudly. He is not intended to comment or reflect on facts and events, but should be an impetus for comments and reflections - in a "confrontation" with reality that can trigger a "confrontation" with her environment, her family, her friends (and not just her friends). Because even if the article appears on time for international women's day and the new, more recent chapter of the "Pomellato for Women 2025" initiative has as a topic, this article should not only celebrate the renewal of this pomellato project (a brand that has been committed to women since 1967). He focuses particularly on strengthening women and fighting violence.
This article is an act of active communication towards society and especially to younger people. Because as Pomellato managing director Sabina Belli said: "We have to learn to learn again so that it will be automatic and natural for the new generations." International Women's Day is therefore not simply a tribute to the achievements of women, but an opportunity to find your own voice, to break and act silence. It starts with the "simple" action to share these words.
We need a revolution, a cultural revolution, against violence, and this revolution begins with each of us.
Sabina Belli, CEO von Pomellato
One of three women is the victim of domestic violence. One of three is a very high number. This means that at least one of the women in their area is affected. Not all men, but all women could be affected. Or almost everyone. Violence against women thrives through silence. But how can you fight them? With a cultural revolution to which everyone can make a contribution: change is only possible if we design them together.
Photo: Pomellato
Jane Fonda, American actress, has been committed to women's rights for several years
Let's listen to the survivors: Pomellato's campaign against domestic violence breaks the silence and also includes men
How? This is suggested by the key word of the "Pomellato for Women 2025 How" campaign. The question we have to ask ourselves is: How can we tackle the problem? How can we transform international women's day into an opportunity for real changes? By talking about it in the first step. By using the word "how" in its most active sense. By making our vigorous and powerful importance: not only to mention a topic, but to break the silence, to raise the voice, to report, to discuss. It is an invitation to break taboos, to share and to address important topics with courage and consciousness.
And that is exactly what this article should be: a call to the truth and collective responsibility. Together with the Oscar winner and activist Jane Fonda, the actress, director, producer and activist America Ferrera, the actress and founder of the organization "The JoyFul Heart Foundation" Mariska Harrier, the actress Laura Harrier, the Olympic athlete Mattia Furlani and Gianvito Martino, Professor of Experimental Center Biology at the Università Vita Salute San Raffaele in Milan, Pomellato has set a clear signal on International Women's Day: "Now it is time to act."
Photo: Pomellato
Sabina Belli not only stands for empowerment, but also encourages other women in their actions
Sabina Belli, Managing Director of Pomellato and initiator of the #Pomellatoforwomen initiative for ten years, emphasizes that women and men have to work against violence together without thinking too much about it: "Domestic violence is a collective wound that affects society," she says, "and every third woman is a victim of it. At Pomellato, we believe that the change begins when we all accept our role as a social guard. That means being vigilant and brave enough to act. It means understanding that silence does not mean neutrality, but complicity. We have to pass from consciousness to action, from compassion to systemic change. "
Photo: Pomellato
Mariska Hargitay, American actress, founded an organization against violence
Pomellato's campaign against domestic violence traces a path of change in three basic steps: we break the silence that the women leaves alone; we use our voices to create spaces where the survivors meet and tell their stories; Let us listen to the survivors so that they are always believed. By turning into social guards who are attentive and compassionate and are not afraid to intervene, we can bring about real change.
More than 30 percent of women are affected by violence worldwide. Since there is always at least one attacker for each victim, at least a third of the men are also affected. The admonition, which Pomellato suggests on the occasion of this March 8, is also aimed at men and particularly illuminates the silence spiral, which entails a violence. Those who survive must not only face the violence of their attacker, but also the judgment of the company. The devastating decision to either talk and to live through the trauma again or stay silent keeps many survivors in the captive, which Belli calls a "silent epidemic".
Photo: Pomellato
America Ferrera also likes to show itself in her film roles as a strong and above all activist woman
How do you get out again? That is the question that the personalities gathered by Pomellato and who wants to answer the brand 2025 campaign. A powerful vision of hope, which indicates that real change is only possible if society as a whole is collective against violence. The voices collected by Pomellato reaffirm: "A real change requires that men appear as active allies and solidarize with the women to create a world in which fear has no place in the history of women." For this reason, Pomellato also called on two representatives of the male gender this year to participate in the #Pomellatoforwomen 2025 campaign. "Violence is not a tradition," explains the Mattia Furlani Olympionics. Professor Martino confirms: "Domestic violence is not a private matter and has nothing to do with tradition."
Photo: Pomellato
Mattia Furlani won a medal at the 2024 Olympic Games at the age of 19 and is strong against violence against women
Some call it sisterhood, others call it collective intelligence: this connection, which women in a strong support network between acquaintances, family members, accommodation and advocates. Breaking silence is only the first step. Then the company has to contribute its part. “We have to hear the votes of survivors and recognize their truth by actively breaking the culture of silence, questioning harmful norms and ensuring that the perpetrators have to expect real consequences. Only through consistent accountability and more legal protection - from our apartments to our workplaces - can we bring about a permanent change, ”says actress America Ferrera. The message of the Pomellato campaign 2025 becomes more and more clearer and warns us with a uniform voice that tells the women that there is hope and that there is help. "Let us work towards a future, in which domestic violence no longer throws a shadow on our houses, our communities and our hearts," says Jane Fonda.
And one day when we look back, we will know that this was the moment we chose to rewrite the story.
Mariska Hargitay, activist and founder of the Joyful Heart Foundation
In harmony with the powerful message of the campaign, Pomellato renews his support for Cadmi (Casa di Acclienza delle Donne Maltrattate), Milan's first anti-violent center for women, and Freefrom, a partner of the Kering Foundation based in Los Angeles, an organization that is committed to creating long-term financial security for surviving domestic violence.
Time is ripe: We also join Pomellato's message and call for this to really be the beginning of the end. We actively replace isolation through community, fear through hope and silence with a message that we do not get tired of saying our daughters, our sisters, our sons, fathers and husbands again and again: No woman is alone, and there is only one way forward: Together. So let's talk about these topics in the family, between mothers and daughters, but also - and above all - between brothers, fathers and sons. Let us talk to friends, at school, at work and on social media. Every conversation can make a difference, can cause a change, can save a life. Because - in this case - silence is not gold.