Detect bodies when you have eaten too much: Detox plan for nausea after the holidays

Another piece of tunnels, an extra portion of the main course and of course a few chocolates in between: that is simply part of Christmas and New Year's Eve. What happens the next day when you eat too much, unfortunately too. Only a detox helps against nausea and feeling of fullness. We explain how you can detoxify the body after the holidays.

Detect bodies: These tips help with nausea and feeling of fullness

A common mistake that many people commit after the holidays is, on 2.January a detoxifying dietTo keep and do without lunch and dinner. Or you can start with a fitness program in the hope that training will help against nausea and the feeling of fullness. Actually, it is a bad idea to do without food and start with a diet. If you suddenly reduce the daily calories, the body is under stress. In this state, the calories already taken are saved and you actually increase. It is also unfavorable to start with a new training program immediately after the holidays. The body must first recover step-by-step.

How do I detoxify my body step by step?

1. Drink more water

You often don't notice it, but the body urgently needs water after the holidays. Juices, on the other hand, are advisable, because they contain far too much sugar. If you want, you can choose lemon water or put a few pieces of fruit in the water.

2. Clean up the pantry

The next step is to tidy up the pantry and give away all the heavily processed foods/ place in the back of the pantry. So you canResist cravings much more easily. In the front of the pantry, on the other hand, food comes with few calories, without additives, organic food such as nuts, whole grains, fruit and vegetables.

3. In the first few days, interval fasting can cause miracles

Intervall fasting gives the body the opportunity to relax. The stomach can also recover and does not have to constantly process new food. You can also take a few kilos. For this purpose, it is best to start with 12 hours of fasting and slowly increase the number of hours until you fast for 16 hours a day.

4. Kraft-Training

Daily cardio workouts and strength training help burn calories and build up the muscles. Yoga and Pilates can also help with the detox. They improve inner balance and flexibility.

5. regulate sleep

During the holidays, not only eats more, but also less slept. The irregular sleep routine can also have a negative impact on the body. Therefore, it is very important to go to bed at the same times in the days after Christmas and then get up.

6. Lots of movement

Even if you have a feeling of fullness, you should go for a walk. If the weather is bad, then you can wipe dust at home or vacuum. Only bend and move slowly as possible.

7. Regulate breathing

In the event of nausea, because you have eaten too much the day before, breathing exercises can also help. Inhale and exhale deeply, move your shoulders down when inhaling down and move up when exhaling. Repeat about 10 times in the morning, at noon and in the evening. Yoga breathing techniques also prove to be very helpful. You can regulate breathing if you take a bath or shower with hot water.

8. Purple the body - sauna

If you fill yourself after the holidays, full and tired, you should go to the sauna first. A visit to the sauna helps to regulate the bloodstream, to sweat the toxins and regulate the stress. Sauna can also relax the muscles. However, a visit to the sauna can damage certain diseases. People withhigh blood pressure, Heart diseases or pregnant women should better do without it. A visit to the sauna is also not advisable for certain drugs. For safety's sake, everyone should therefore get advice from their family doctor.

9. Vitamin D

Not only the stomach is overwhelmed in the first days after Christmas and New Year's Eve. The skin also suffers. What helps - sit in the sun as often as possible or, the doctor should prescribe it, take vitamin D.

10. In the first two weeks after the holidaysRestaurant visits to the minimumhold.

If you feel full and nausea after the holidays, it is advisable to avoid visits to restaurant in the first few days. In the restaurant you have no influence on how the food is prepared. At home, everyone can prepare their own dishes themselves and, at least at the beginning, rely on gastrointestinal workmanship. Cooking, steaming and baking instead of grilling and roasting.

Fast detox after Christmas and New Year's Eve

Quickly detoxify the body:With nauseaIt is best to have a lot of water in the first days after the Christmas holidays (in portions, drink small swallowing). As usual, get up on working days, have breakfast and then go for a walk. Then do breathing exercises at home, eat lunch and then stay at the table 15 minutes after eating. Get up, take a short walk again or wipe dust at home. The main thing - move. Dinner, yoga exercises and then go to bed early. Intervall fasting, i.e. nothing more eat after 8 a.m.