Detoxify the liver through a balanced, healthy diet

Our dynamic lifestyle sometimes puts enormous strain on our bodies and nervous systems. Many people around the world cannot rest properly these days, and this happens every day. You feel tired and strained every day, have back pain, high cholesterol, bloating, increased susceptibility to infectious diseases and even itchy skin from time to time. Do you also know this condition? Or some symptoms of it? Have you already asked yourself why this is? Because these can be the consequences of an overloaded liver! That's why we want to talk together today about different options for liver detoxification before it gets too late!

The liver is a particularly important organ because a healthy liver in most cases means a healthy body. It regulates our cholesterol levels and fat digestion, and produces hormones and enzymes. But their functions do not end there. The liver is our number 1 detoxification organ; its job is to filter all toxins from the blood and render them harmless. Only when it works properly can we feel good, be healthy and active. Isn't that the most desired wish of every human being - to be healthy and active?

Our answer to this vital question is: best through a balanced,healthy eating. Today we are presenting you with a 2-week detoxification plan. What you can and should eat and drink is shown below:


1 1/2 l hot water – spring water recommended
2. After 10-15 minutes
Juice of 1 lemon, diluted with warm water
It is recommended that you rinse your mouth after drinking lemon juice so that you do not damage the top layer of your teeth.
3. After at least 20 minutes: apple juice / 200 ml / beet juice / 50 ml /
4. After at least 40 minutes: eat a ripe fruit, depending on the season, fresh or squeezed as juice
– Apples – very ripe and sweet
– Tangerines – very ripe and sweet
– Oranges – very ripe and sweet
– Pomelo – very ripe and sweet
– Grapefruit – very ripe and sweet
– Kiwi- very ripe and sweet

– Bananas – the rind of the bananas should have lots of black dots and the handle should break easily. This requirement is particularly important for the healing process! Our recommendation is to buy a few bananas and let them ripen at room temperature for 4-5 days.
– Shake of very ripe fruit that can be prepared in a blender with a little water added
All fruits must be ripe and sweet! This is very important for the entire healing process!

To have lunch

Combination of lettuce, Brussels sprouts, steamed vegetables, as a main course you can have steamed potatoes or a gluten-free dish
a/ Salad selection – finely chopped carrots, beetroot, cabbage, finely chopped dill, parsley
b/ Sprouts and seedlings of Chinese beans, broccoli, rocket - the seedlings should be 5-6 days old, spelled - sprouts 2 mm long - quantity is up to one tbsp
c) Seasoning the salads
– with a little lemon juice
– without any fat, such as olive oil or other cold-pressed oils
– limited amounts of water salt solution (see the preparation)
d) steamed vegetables of your choice: cabbage, beetroot, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, zucchini, red pepper (you have to peel the pepper after steaming)
e) Main courses
– Steamed potatoes or a gluten-free dish such as – brown rice, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, amaranth, corn, cornmeal porridge
f) Seasoning the main courses
– without any fat, such as olive oil or other cold-pressed oils
Cooking with fat is not recommended.
– limited amounts of water salt solution (see the preparation)
– Spices of your choice: fenugreek, turmeric, ginger, savory, caraway, celery, mint, dill, marjoram, paprika, basil.
Pepper and chili spices are kept to a minimum.


Dinner is the same as lunch, but you have to reduce the amount of vegetables used compared to lunch, but add green salad and celery.

– It is essential to start the day with a cup of hot water. It is recommended to drink 1-2 glasses of water 10-15 minutes before each meal, but not during or at least 1 hour after eating fruit or 2-3 hours after the main course. It is also recommended to drink spring water or distilled water. The daily amount of water must be around 1.5 to 2 liters.

The fruits should always be very ripe and sweet and may be chosen depending on the season.
During the liver detox days you are not allowed to eat fat / any animal products, oil and olive oil, and even cold pressed olive oil, linseed oil, etc. / seeds, alkyl, olives, avocado / during the diet plan after the detox days you are allowed small amounts Eat seeds, nuts, avocados and olives as described below.
Minimum amount of 26% water salt solution made from natural sea salt or Himalayan salt.
With the steamed potatoes or gluten-free grain meal, you can combine chopped steamed vegetables to enhance the taste of your lunch or dinner.

Sports activities such as hiking, more stretching,Yoga exercises, Jogging.
Recommended relaxation of the mind and consciousness through meditation - mantra meditation as a simple and practical method for our way of life:
We recommend planning and carrying out detoxification on the Ekadashi days. These are high-energy days, very appropriate for liberating and detoxifying the body. You can do this by eating fruits, drinking fruit juices or combining fruits and juices, and extremely detoxify the body on an Ekadashi day by drinking only water.

Ekadashi Days 2015
January 16th and 30th
February 15th
March 1st, 16th and 31st
April 15th and 30th
May 14th and 29th
June 12th and 28th
July 12th and 27th
August 10th and 26th
September 8th and 24th
October 8th and 24th
November 7th and 22nd
December 7th and 21st

From the 1st to the 10th day

In the morning – continue as described above
At lunchtime – continue as described above

a) In the evening you can prepare a bean dish. You could possibly strain the beans in the blender. It is recommended that you use the following types: lentils, chickpeas, mung beans, peas, white and green beans. The ratio between legumes and cereals must be 1: 5.
b) You can enrich the salad with seeds and nuts (25-30 grams). You could make a salad dressing from seeds - for example 50% chia - or flax seeds, the remaining 50% depending on your choice. All seeds and nuts are previously soaked in water and beaten with a little water in a blender to make sauce.
Possible combinations:
Flax seeds 5 g, chia seeds 5 g, walnuts 5 g, almonds 5 g, 5 grams sunflower seeds.
or 10 grams of chia seeds, 10 grams of sunflower seeds.
– Sometimes instead of seeds and nuts at dinner you can take half an avocado and 6-7 desalted olives.

From the 10th to the 20th day

In the morning – continue as described above
Lunch and dinner are the same as in the first 10 days, only the gluten-free dishes can be more.
Be very careful with the fat. It should be present in your menu in the minimal amount possible, as it is a significant obstacle to the entire healing process. You can get a sufficient amount of digestible fat and of good quality by consuming the type and quantity of seeds and nuts described here, avocados, olives, where enough fat is obtained. We cannot recommend any use of oil, including cold-pressed oils!
After the 20th day
Now you can also add animal products and by-products to your diet if you wish.
Always an animal product, if possible only in combination with green salad / without tomatoes, carrots, beetroot /.
It is recommended to eat animal products 1-2 times a week.
If you consume animal products, it is best to do so at dinner, always in combination with a green salad.

– Cottage cheese or quark + green salad
– Yoghurt + green salad
– Goat cheese + green salad
Of the dairy products, the best recommended ones are fat-free items and goat products: cottage cheese, yogurt
– Of the fish species, fat-free fish are preferred.
– Of the types of meat, beef is particularly harmful, so you should exclude it from your menu!