Dairy products unhealthy? Reasons for a dairy-free diet

Whether dairy products are unhealthy is very controversial these days. While health organizations consider dairy products asessential for bone healthestimate, some experts argue that these could be harmful to health. Of course, not all dairy products are the same. Most of these vary greatly in quality and health effects, depending on how livestock owners breed the milk-producing cows and how the dairy processes the milk afterwards. In this post, we try to give you a detailed insight and determine whether dairy products are unhealthy or good for your health.

Controversy over whether dairy products are unhealthy

Thanks to the dairy industry's massive advertising campaigns, cow's milk has long been touted as a go-to source of calcium. However, consuming some types of cheese, yogurt, or ice cream, for example, could also cause many health problems. Many nutritionists advise against this and recommend excluding dairy products from the diet. This could make a big difference in general health. Today, dairy's nutritional reputation is as clear as a glass of milk. Dairy products are either good or bad for you, depending on the latest diet trend or a recent study.

Where then is the truth? Are dairy products unhealthy or not? Such foods are not essential in the diet for optimal health, but for many people these are the easiest way to get calcium, vitamin D and protein. People need these to keep their heart, muscles and bones healthy and functioning properly. Dairy products undoubtedly contain nutrients such as phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin D and protein, while the calcium they contain is also a necessary mineral. It helps build strong bones and is necessary for other functions such as muscle contraction and nerve transmission. These are some of the main reasons why most health experts recommend consuming dairy products.

Improve bone health through calcium

For example, a systematic review and meta-analysis suggests that aRisk of osteoporosisand hip fractures decrease with increasing dairy intake in some studies. However, this was not the case in all studies included in the analysis. It is also important to explain that many other factors can affect bone health. These include physical exercise, smoking, alcohol consumption and some changes in hormone levels as we age.

However, the calcium sources help maintain bone density and may reduce the risk of fractures. Adults up to 50 years of age need 1,000 milligrams (mg) of calcium per day. Women over 50 and men over 70 need 1200 mg. A normal serving of yogurt contains about 187 mg of calcium. Milk is also enriched with vitamin D, which bones need to maintain bone mass.

Older adults also need protein to protect against sarcopenia, the natural age-related loss of muscle mass and strength, and dairy can be a decent source. The recommended amount for older adults is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. An 80-pound man would need about 65 grams of protein per day, and a 60-pound woman would need about 50 grams. However, when it comes to the direct health effects of dairy, the existing science is mixed. Some research warns against consuming too much milk, while other studies show some benefits of regular milk consumption.

Are fat-free and full-fat dairy products unhealthy?

Nutritional science continues to recommend that adults stick to fat-free or low-fat dairy products. However, new research suggests that full-fat dairy products may not be greatThreat to heart healthrepresent. A report presented at the 2018 European Society of Cardiology Congress examined 20 studies involving nearly 25,000 people and found no association between consumption of most dairy products and cardiovascular disease.

The exception was milk, but the results showed that only very high milk consumption (almost a liter per day on average) was associated with a higher risk of heart disease. So it turns out that dairy products are the largest source of saturated fat in our diet. At least a third of the saturated fat consumed by the world's population comes from cheese, butter, milk and other dairy products. Given that saturated fat is a leading cause of heart disease and obesity, this seems like a good reason to avoid such foods.

Good reasons to switch to a dairy-free diet

There are several important health reasons to follow a dairy-free diet. Two of these are controlling inflammation and balancing hormones. Milk is produced by mammals to feed their young and is a rich source of protein and growth hormones to help a baby develop from infancy. However, humans are the only mammals that consume milk from other animals and also the only ones that drink milk as adults. While dairy products can be a great source of protein, there can be other problems associated with consuming them. When people avoid dairy, opportunities arise to reduce inflammation, balance hormone levels, and treat other troubling symptoms. So there are several reasons why dairy products are unhealthy and can cause problems.

Conventional dairy products for diabetes

Although people need some of the vitamins and minerals found in milk, they do not need to be exposed to the additional antibiotics and hormones used in traditional dairy products. The sad truth is that most dairy cows are given large amounts of antibiotics to prevent infections. These antibiotics find their way into traditional dairy products, meaning people are also exposed to them. The use of antibiotics in the dairy industry can be one of the causes of antibiotic resistance. In addition to the antibiotics given to cows and found in their milk, people are also exposed to growth hormones when they consume traditional dairy products. Most dairy farms give dairy cows a synthetic version of bovine growth hormone (BGH) to stimulate milk production and further increase insulin-like growth factor (IGF) in the milk supply. Scientists link higher levels of IGF-1 in humans to oneincreased risk of cancer.

Insulin-like growth factor is found in milk to fatten babies. For this reason, consuming dairy products increases insulin levels accordingly. Drinking milk is therefore not recommended for people who need to avoid excessive insulin production. These would be, for example, people with diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome (PZOS) ​​and other serious metabolic disorders. So dairy products of all kinds like yogurt, cheese and anything with casein and whey can cause a significant insulin response. One study showed that dairy products increased insulin levels much more than white bread in some people. Obviously that's not good if you're trying toto avoid high blood sugaror reduce your weight.

Digestive problems and estrogen in milk

If you're trying to balance your hormones, consider eliminating cow's milk. Milk consumption promotes excess estrogen in the body as it contains it from female cows. Consuming dairy products can account for up to 80% of estrogen in the diet if you consume a lot of it. This is not healthy as excess estrogen from any source has been linked to an increased risk of cancer in women. Men are also at higher risk of developing prostate cancer if they have excess estrogen in their bodies. This hormonal imbalance can also cause mood swingslead to unwanted reactions such as acne.

An estimated 70% of the world's population may be lactose intolerant. Even people who produce lactase, the enzyme needed to break down the lactose in dairy products, can experience indigestion when consuming dairy products. Common complaints from people who consume cow's milk, whether allergic, intolerant or not, include bloating, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), nausea, and chronic constipation or diarrhea. Dairy products are even on the list of the eight most common allergenic foods. For this reason, negative health symptoms may occur after consuming such foods that contain lactose.

In addition to digestive upset, dairy products are known to cause excessive mucus production in the respiratory tract. This means they could also be an asthma trigger. Avoiding dairy products may benefit people who have asthma or are prone to upper respiratory tract infections. People have also reported many dairy products as triggering arthritis symptoms, skin rashes, acne, migraines, narcolepsy and unexplained inflammation. As a result of all of the possible reactions listed above, consuming dairy products can lead to an increase in inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is definitely not healthy and can lead to disturbing symptoms.

Alternatives to milk

So how do you get the nutrients you need if you don't consume dairy? Consuming milk isn't the only way to get the beneficial vitamins and minerals into your diet. In addition to conventional dairy products full of hormones, antibiotics and pesticides, there are evenbetter sources of calcium. Some excellent ones include kale (24%), sardines (21%), broccoli (9%), almonds (8%) and mustard greens (7%). However, you can also get calcium from fortified milk alternatives. If you even prefer to make your own dairy-free products at home, many recipes for cashew milk, homemade unsweetened almond milk, macadamia nut milk, oat milk, and even hemp milk could help you.

Are fermented milk products unhealthy?

Some science has even found that the right kind of dairy products can prevent heart disease. A study of 2,000 men published by the British Journal of Nutrition found that those who ate a lot of fermented dairy products, such as yogurt and cheese, had a lower risk of coronary artery disease than men who consumed less of these products. This supports previous studies that showed fermented milk products have healthier effects on blood fat and heart disease risk than other dairy products. However, no further proposed benefit has emerged. Saturated fats are found in full-fat dairy products such as whole milk, butter and cream, and to a lesser extent in low-fat dairy products such as 1% milk. Saturated fats are also found in meat, some processed foods, coconut oil and palm oil.

If you know you can tolerate dairy and don't want to avoid it completely, make sure you consume it from certified organic, grass-fed sources. Raw and fermented milk from trusted manufacturers is a good option. Also, make sure you opt for the full-fat versions for additional health benefits. Milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, ghee and kefir from other animals such as goats, buffaloes, sheep and camels are other healthier alternatives.

However, be careful with protein powders, even if they come from certified sources. If you're unsure about going completely dairy-free, you can try an elimination diet. If you eliminate dairy from your diet for at least 3 weeks (some doctors recommend up to 6 weeks), you can get a very good idea of ​​how you feel.