After the beginning of spring, many people are looking forward to the mild weather. But for others, the flowering period is a big challenge: flowers, trees and perennials secrete pollen, which can trigger an allergic reaction in sensitive people. Hay fever is one of the most common allergies in Europe. The number of allergy sufferers nationwide has doubled in the last few decades. Today, seasonal pollen allergy has been diagnosed in around 15% of the German population. Those affected suffer from itchy eyes, a runny nose and burning sensation on the roof of the mouth. Under certain circumstances, hay fever can lead to complications such as allergy-related asthma. The first symptoms are felt from April and cause discomfort until the end of September. Due to the fairly long pollen period and the increasing number of allergy sufferers, it is very important to treat the allergy effectively. We have summarized several ideas for effective remedies for hay fever for you and explain what is important when treating a pollen allergy.
What is a pollen allergy and what are the triggers?
Hay fever is a collective term used to describe different types of colds. The only triggers are the so-called aeroallergens, i.e. allergens that are only transmitted through the air. The majority of these allergens are the group of pollens that are spread outdoors by the wind.
From mid-April onwards there are already large concentrations of hornbeam, ash and birch pollen in the lowlands, while in the mountainous regions the pollen load is lower. Tree, grain and grass pollen are considered particularly aggressive. A nitrogen-rich rain followed by several days of mild and dry weather provides the best conditions for germination. The weather service is aware of these conditions, which is why meteorologists create a pollen calendar every year. The calendar allows for an accurate forecast that can warn allergy sufferers a few days before the peak season. This leaves enough time to take some simple measures to prevent hay fever. Below we will explain in detail how you can protect yourself from pollen allergies and alleviate the symptoms.
Numerous studies have proven that pollen in particularTrees in big citiesCan trigger hay fever. There are two reasons for this: On the one hand, the trees in cities are exposed to the exhaust pollutants that accumulate on the tree pollen during the germination period, and on the other hand, the polluted air also irritates human skin and mucous membranes. All in all, the conclusion can be drawn that this is why the urban population suffers particularly badly from allergic rhinitis.
But we are also at risk in our own home. House dust mites, mold spores or animal hair can also trigger allergies if inhaled. The difference to pollen allergies is that while the first is dependent on the weather and season, the second can lead to a permanent runny nose.
What are the symptoms of hay fever and how is the allergy diagnosed?
The symptoms of hay fever can vary greatly. Many of those affected suffer from sneezing, itching, watery eyes, chronic fatigue, various contact allergies and dermatitis. The doctors advise you to...when coughingalways have it examined. This is because the symptoms may worsen over time and spread to the bronchi. Small children with allergies are particularly at risk of asthma, so parents should always seek advice from their family doctor to avoid complications. He can best assess whether treatment with medication makes sense as a preventive measure and possibly prescribe therapy.
But before it tootreatment comes, it is important to find out the exact cause. Diagnosing allergic rhinitis is not difficult in most cases. The doctors examine the patients and decide based on the symptoms whether a skin or blood test is necessary. Molecular diagnostics and nasal tests can provide important information in some cases. As soon as the triggers are identified, the professionals can recommend appropriate therapy.
Therapies and preventative measures
While in the case of a contact or food allergy, doctors recommend excluding the allergens from the menu or cosmetics, in the case of hay fever it is impossible to completely avoid the trigger. Instead, in these cases, desensitization measures are taken. With immunotherapy, those affected are made insensitive to the allergens. Around 65% of patients are positively influenced by the therapy, and for the majority the risk of developing further allergies is significantly reduced. They are also less likely to suffer from complications such as cough and asthma and require less or no medication during peak pollen season.
Important preventive measures that those affected can take in advance include:
1. During the peak pollen season, ventilate less often and turn on an air purifier in the house.
2. Dry the clothes in the dryer and do not dry them outdoors.
3. If you need to go out, an afternoon after a rain is the optimal time to go out. The rain cleanses the air of floating pollen
4. No gardening during peak season. Allergy sufferers should especially avoid mowing the lawn in the long term.
5. Apply nasal balm or petroleum jelly to the nasal mucosa before going out.
6. Shower after every walk.
7. Protect your sensitive eyes from pollen with sunglasses.
8. Prevent other allergens: Thoroughly clean your home before the start of the high season and vacuum daily. If possible, keep pets outside and not indoors.
9. Avoid cigarette smoke and strong scents.
10. If necessary, remove mold in the house.
Honey can have a surprisingly effective effect and can prove to be one of the best remedies for hay fever. The natural product contains small amounts of pollen and is therefore used as a desensitizing agent. Anyone who consumes honey every day could slowly get their body used to the allergens, similar to hyposensitization therapy. In order to achieve the desired effect, you must adhere to a few basic rules:
1. Buy honey only from local traders. Only if the bees have fed on pollen from the area will the honey they later produce also contain the pollen that triggers an allergic reaction in you.
2. If you suffer from hay fever in spring, then you need to buy honey that has been extracted in spring. If, on the other hand, you suffer from allergies in the summer, then the natural product should be thrown away in late summer.
If you have allergic asthma, it is better to avoid honey completely. This method is also less suitable for small children. Otherwise, you can eat honey every day at least 4 months before the peak season. Start with one teaspoon per day and very slowly increase the amount until you are consuming four tablespoons per day. If you suffer from severe allergies, you should first discuss honey therapy with your family doctor.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine that is found in oranges, lemons and grapefruit, among other things. The fruits are also rich in flavonoids, which have antioxidant properties. The combination between vitamin C and flavonoids can be effectiveRelieve symptoms such as nasal congestion. Since the combination with milk can neutralize the effects of flavonoids, experts recommend avoiding tea with lemon and milk. Instead, you can squeeze a cup of fresh juice every day in spring and dilute it with half a cup of water. Drink the juice in the morning after you have breakfast.
Hot peppers/chilli peppers
Hot peppers/chilli peppers contain capsaicin, a substance that gives the vegetable its spicy taste. Depending on the level of spiciness, you can add half to one chili pepper daily to salads and dishes. It will alleviate symptoms such as sneezing or itching, has an expectorant effect and can reduce swelling.
Carotenoids are similar to flavonoids, pigments known for their antioxidant properties and can strengthen the immune system. Carrots, apricots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins and spinach are rich in carotenoids. Eat at least a handful of the fruits and vegetables mentioned above every day.
Which tea helps with Poland allergy?
Vitamin B12 - everything you need to know at a glance!
So that we can start the day fit every day, we need lots of micronutrients. Vitamin B12 plays an important role and is essential for our survival. You can find out what causes and symptoms a vitamin B12 deficiency has, which foods are rich in vitamin B12 and much more in our article!
Even though chamomile tea is celebrated for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, allergy sufferers should avoid it. The otherwise mild tea can increase the allergic reaction. Instead, peppermint tea or black tea are alternatives. Cool compresses with black tea help with watery eyes. Instead of putting the tea bags themselves on your eyes, you can boil water, immerse the tea bag for three minutes, and then remove it. First let the tea cool to room temperature and then refrigerate it for 15 to 30 minutes. Dip cotton pads into the tea and then place them over your eyes. Leave the compress on for 15 minutes and then remove the cotton pads.
Garlic cloves contain the substance quercetin, which reduces the effects of histamine. If you want to alleviate your symptoms with garlic, you should consume one to two cloves of garlic raw every day two months before the peak pollen season. If you wish, you can use it to flavor salads or appetizers and either press the garlic cloves or cut them into thin slices.
One of the most popular remedies for hay fever, and perhaps the cheapest and most effective, is petroleum jelly. If you spread petroleum jelly on and into your nose before going out, you will keep the allergens away from the nasal mucosa. The pollen is not inhaled but sticks to the petroleum jelly. Unlike the other measures mentioned above, petroleum jelly cannot help prevent it, but it is perfect for alleviating the symptoms.
At home, you can then shower your nose with salt water to gently remove the petroleum jelly and care for the mucous membrane. However, you should only use these nasal douches in the acute phase, i.e. in the peak pollen season.
Fragrance oils
Fragrance oils are also often used in the treatment of allergic rhinitis. Peppermint oil has an expectorant effect, oregano essential oil is anti-inflammatory and eucalyptus fragrance oil can help with a runny nose. Lavender and clary sage oil can regulate contact allergies and skin inflammation.
There are several ways you can use essential oils to alleviate your symptoms:
1. If your nose is blocked, you can put a few drops of a fragrance oil of your choice on a tissue once a day and then hold it in front of your nose. Then breathe in the essential oils for several minutes.
2. Bring water to a boil, then remove the pot from the heat and add several drops of fragrance oil. Cover your head with a cloth and then inhale the steam. Repeat 2 to 3 times daily.
3. Add fragrance oils to an aroma oil diffuser.
4. Mix the oils into the bath water.
Does acupuncture really help with hay fever?
It's not just herbs and certain types of vegetables and fruits that help reduce pollen allergy symptoms. In recent years it has become increasingly commonAcupuncture as a treatment methodspoken. In England, some medical associations advise treating patients who do not want to take medication with acupuncture. In Germany, experts do not agree on whether such treatment can really reduce the symptoms or not.
Millions of people suffer from hay fever every year; in Germany alone, one in five people is affected by allergic rhinitis. But most people don't go to the doctor and don't want to take medication. A mistake, actually, because it is the family doctor who can assess whether other remedies can be used against hay fever or whether it is better to take medication to avoid complications such as asthma.