Risky double: Researchers find a connection between diabetes and depression


ESC 2019: Tel Aviv in Eurovision fever, the song contest starts tomorrow

This year ESC 2019 will take place in Israel. 41 artists are taking part in the music competition, the semi-finals of which begin in less than 24 hours. Tel Aviv is hosting the biggest music show in Europe for the fourth time. The Israeli organizers have made a great effort, even Madonna appears on stage.

Chronic depression reduces quality of life and is difficult to treat. In combination with other diseases, they are even more dangerous because they can increase the risk of an unfavorable course of the disease and lead to complications. Diabetes and depression are considered a particularly risky double. A study conducted by scientists at the Medical University in Bucharest, Romania, proves the close connection between depressive moods and long-term consequences in diabetics.


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ImFramework of the studyThe researchers read over 90,000 patient files and found a connection between diabetes and depression. Diabetics are almost twice as likely to suffer from depressive moods. But scientists still cannot say which of the two diseases occurs first and could be the trigger for the other disease.

On the one hand, diabetics are under great stress and have to adapt their everyday lives to the disease. In order to get their blood sugar under control, they often have to change their entire life. They must strictly adhere to a new diet and always watch what they eat. Those affected take medication or inject insulin every day. It's not easy to cope with the new lifestyle. For many, accepting the diagnosis proves to be a major challenge. The psychological stress then leads to depression in around half of the patients, which results in a lack of motivation. Depressed diabetics find it difficult to...daily routineto have. They are less active, do not exercise, neglect their diet and often forego insulin.

On the other hand, people who suffer from chronic depression have a 30% increased risk of diabetes. In most cases, they eat unhealthy foods, move significantly less, hardly do any exercise and are stressed. These factors can trigger diabetes. Regardless of whether it is a trigger or a consequence: According to doctors, depression should definitely be treated.