Natural home remedies for coughs, dry coughs and phlegm for sick people of all ages

Even with the mildest cold, you usually can't avoid the cough. And the more stubborn the disease, the more unpleasant it is. Especially at night, a dry cough can get on your last nerve. Therefore, helpful and quick remedies that have a calming and healing effect are in demand. And if you want to avoid medicine from the pharmacy and prefer to use natural remedies like those your grandmother used, you are making exactly the right decision with tried and tested home remedies. After all, what is better than nature when it comes to our health? Sensitive people or children in particular tolerate natural remedies much better. For this reason, we are dedicating this article to exactly this topic: home remedies for coughs.

With our tips against coughs, dry coughs and mucus you will definitely feel better soon. Regardless of whether you are tormented by a dry cough or whether your body has already formed the cleansing mucus, which is no less unpleasant, you can find out in our articleTips and tried and tested cough suppressantsHome remedies you can use without worry. The best thing about natural remedies is of course that, with some exceptions, they can also be tried on children or even babies (more on this below).

So what helps with a dry cough, what can you do against coughing at night and can you use the same cough suppressants for children and babies as for adults or pregnant women? We'll try to summarize and explain all of this for you today. And of course there are also numerous home remedies for coughs and dry coughs.

Danger!If the home remedies for coughing mentioned do not work within a few days, do not experiment any further and instead consult a doctor to avoid complications.

What is a dry cough and what are the symptoms?

At the beginning every cough is dry. It occurs when pathogens attack the mucous membranes and thus irritate them. By coughing, they desperately try to immediately get rid of as many pathogens as possible. The so-called productive cough begins when mucus also comes into play. This can be coughed up, which also clears the airways. Although a dry cough is also a typical symptom of asthma, it is usually a harbinger of a cold or another infectious disease such as bronchitis. This dry cough is also often part of the initial dry cough and is characterized by coughing fits. Exactly these attacks are also typical symptoms of a dry cough, as well as a sore throat that occurs due to irritated mucous membranes.

Dry cough when an illness subsides

Her cold has long since subsided, but suddenly the terrible dry cough appears. Something's wrong, isn't it? Not at all! A dry cough occurs not only in the initial phase, but also often towards the end of an illness. This is completely normal, because the mucous membranes continue to try to get rid of the pathogens that actually no longer pose a threat. The mucous membranes just don’t “know” this and react again with a dry cough. However, you should see a doctor at the latest if the cough lasts longer than 3 weeks. Then it is a so-called chronic dry cough that must be treated and monitored.

Depending on your age, various home remedies for coughs can be tried to at least alleviate the symptoms a little. Age plays a role because children, toddlers and especially babies do not always tolerate the same medications as adults. Caution is also essential during pregnancy. If you are an adult, not pregnant and have no other health problems, you can try the following tips so that the dry cough will hopefully go away quickly. So what helps with a dry cough?

Home remedies for coughs – tea as a cough suppressant for adults

That tea atColds and fluIt's actually no secret. However, not everyone thinks about it. This perfect home remedy for coughing is quick to make and soothes the throat immediately. Overall, it doesn't matter which variety you choose if you want to use tea to combat the urge to cough. They all have a calming effect on the mucous membranes. But some types of tea are particularly good helpers and these are herbal teas.

The choice is yours: buy ready-made herbal mixtures from the pharmacy that have been specially mixed for coughs or put together your own mix. Drink any tea lukewarm and, above all, slowly. One pot per day is recommended. Honey not only sweetens, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect (more on that below). So you can drink tea with honey when you have a cough.

Which tea for cough?

  • Monkshood – anti-inflammatory, antiviral and expectorant
  • Thyme for coughs – makes coughing easier (secretory remover)
  • Cowslip – secretion remover
  • Chamomile – anti-inflammatory
  • Orange blossom – cough suppressant
  • Ginger – anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, expectorant
  • Hibiscus – especially as Rezhusten Teeand best with anise oil
  • Ribwort plantain
  • Marshmallow root
  • Malve
  • wool flower

It is best to combine thyme with cowslip, anise oil with hibiscus and chamomile with orange blossom. The last four ingredients also represent a great combination for cough suppressant tea that can work real wonders. You can get advice from the pharmacy about other types of tea, blends and the correct quantities.

Chest compress as a home remedy for dry coughs

If you want to use chest wraps as a home remedy for coughing, you should know that you don't necessarily need special ingredients such as herbs. If you don't have anything at home at the moment and don't have the opportunity to go shopping or to the pharmacy, you can also make a wrap from a simple warm and damp cloth. However, a potato wrap for coughs is highly recommended. They have the inherent property of storing heat. In this way, it is released gradually so that your wrap can last longer. Quark is also a great ingredient or you can use a thyme wrap.

How is the chest wrap for cough done?

The chest compress for a dry cough must be hot (40 to 45 degrees). However, a severe cough combined with a fever is combated with a cold compress (lukewarm water), otherwise you would only cause the fever to rise further. Check the temperature before putting it on, because of course you don't want to burn yourself. Heat the water to the desired temperature and add the selected ingredients (e.g. lemon, thyme or salt).

Spread a long, thick wool or terry towel on the bed. Dip a smaller but equally long cloth into the water, wring it out and place it on top of the large cloth. Lie on the towels and wrap both ends around your chest. Cover yourself well and leave this chest compress as a home remedy for coughs on for an hour or until it cools down. When using a cold compress, it is important to ensure that you do not get cold. Feet must be warm.

Inhale and relieve the urge to cough

Since the dry cough is caused by dry mucous membranes and is particularly unpleasant due to the lack of sputum and can even be painful because it is difficult to cough up, it is only logical that moistening the mucous membranes can help. That's why it's also a good idea to inhale when you have a dry cough. Not everyone is a fan of it and can stand it for long. However, if you don't mind inhaling steam for a few minutes, be sure to do so to relieve the cough.

Inhaling is a very old home remedy for coughing and to clear the airways. But it also has to be done correctly for it to really help. Since nothing other than water is needed to moisten the mucous membranes, it is also the perfect method if you spontaneously want to do something against the urge to cough. Simply boil water, hold your head over the vessel (pot or bowl) and cover it with a towel so that the vapors do not escape but can be inhaled. You can also use additional remedies when you inhale for coughing. Essential oils are well suited, but so are other remedies. Recommended are:

  • Thymian
  • Camomile
  • Eucalyptus
  • peppermint
  • Anis
  • fennel
  • table salt


  • Be careful when inhaling as there is a risk of scalding. Both the fumes can be dangerous if a sufficient distance is not maintained, as can the hot water itself if the container is accidentally knocked over. Alternatively, a special steam inhaler can be used.
  • Essential oils are not recommended for asthma sufferers as they can irritate the lungs and cause attacks. When inhaling for a dry, irritating cough, asthmatics should use one of the other ingredients (e.g. thyme or chamomile).

Onion broth as a home remedy for cough irritation

Does onion juice help with cough? Onions contain essential oils, which make them so popular as a home remedy for coughs. It is often used in the fight against dry coughs, especially in the form of a decoction. If you want to use onion broth for a cold, you can make it yourself quickly and easily. But how do you make onion juice for cough? Here is a recipe:

As a home remedy, onion juice for coughs – recipe

  • Dice an onion as you would for cooking.
  • Put them in a pot with rock candy and a little water and bring everything to the boil.
  • Cook until the onions become soft and translucent and a syrupy mixture forms. If necessary, you can add water.
  • Take the pot off the stove. The onion syrup for coughs can be taken straight away (as soon as it has cooled down) or steeped for a few hours.
  • Pour the onion water through a sieve into a preserving jar that you have boiled beforehand.

The cough suppressant made from onion juice is now always taken teaspoon by teaspoon as soon as you feel the need. So when the dry cough starts to break out again, take a teaspoon and let it slowly flow down your throat. If the cough isn't that bad, it's enough to take a teaspoon each morning, afternoon and evening.

Prepare cold

You can also make onion juice cold for coughs. The advantage is that many more active ingredients and especially the sulfur compounds are retained. However, from one onion you will also get a smaller amount of onion juice against dry coughs. The same ingredients are used, which are simply placed in a glass. Then let it rest in a warm place for a few hours. The sugar contained in the jar draws all the liquids out of the onion. Finally, filter through a sieve again and use the onion water.


  • If you cook onion broth as a home remedy for coughs, you can leave out the sugar and later add the cooled Z juiceonion honeyto add. It should therefore be cooled down, as the good active ingredients in honey are lost through heat.
  • Onion stock also gets pleasant aromas and, above all, additional helpers if you add certain herbs. For example, thyme, sage, mint and rosemary are well suited.

Does honey help against a dry cough?

We have already mentioned honey several times and for most people it is no secret that it can be a real helper in the fight against colds and similar illnesses. This is thanks to the many vitamins, minerals and flavonoids it contains. These prevent the pathogens from multiplying by having antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Since it also liquefies mucus, it is also a great home remedy for coughs if they are already productive. Coughing up is then easier and less painful. You can use a spoonful of honey for an initial dry cough as well as for those that occur towards the end of the illness.

How to use honey?

We have already mentioned that you can combine onion juice and honey. In this way, the rather less tasty onion stock also tastes a little more pleasant. But that's not all you can prepare with honey if you want to use home remedies for coughs.

Milk with honey

Warm milk with honey will help you sleep more peacefully. The carbohydrates and sugar in honey lead to the release of insulin, which in turn causes a series of reactions that make you tired and relax the body. This combination is not only extremely tasty, but also very effective as a home remedy for coughs. However, this only applies to dry coughs! Milk promotes mucus production. So if you are now suffering from a productive cough, you can make it worse with milk. However, milk, combined with soothing honey, is great for dry coughs.

Ginger as a home remedy for coughs

Ginger has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and expectorant effects. It is therefore the perfect miracle cure in the fight against dry coughs. For this purpose it can be taken as desired:

  • as a spice in a soup, grated or pureed
  • in the form of tea
  • as lukewarm ginger water

Ginger with honey for cough

  • Bring 25 g peeled ginger and 250 ml milk to the boil.
  • Remove from the heat and let steep for 5 minutes.
  • Sweeten with honey.
  • Steam the mix of milk, honey and ginger warm.

Ginger and lemon

A very tasty and helpful combination is also that of ginger, lemon and honey. With this home remedy for coughing, you can also give your body a dose of vitamin Cto strengthen the immune systemand to help him fight the disease. The antioxidants it contains are also only beneficial.

What can you do against coughing at night?

It shouldn't be completely without a cough, because the body uses this to rid itself of pathogens. The urge to cough seems to be particularly bad at night, but that's when you want to rest and sleep through the night. But why do you cough at night? Mucus production subsides at night,Neck and pharynxbecome drier and therefore more irritable. The result is that the dry cough intensifies. A few simple home remedies for coughs can help.

What helps against a dry cough at night?

We have already mentioned some useful home remedies for dry coughs at night.Breast wrapandTea with honey(e.g. mallow blossom tea), for example, relieve the urge to cough at night. Even a tablespoon of honey, and ideally even fennel honey, that you slowly let melt in your mouth will help you fall asleep better. It's best to leave the honey on the bedside table. If you have problems again later, just snack on another tablespoon of this great cough suppressant for the night. Alternatively are also suitableSugar with oil, sugar waterand hotMilk with honey.

Since the urge to cough often gets worse when lying down, you can try to simply stop your coughRaise your head a little higher. This can also relieve the irritation and help you fall asleep. That tooGinger honey milk-Drink, which we already mentioned above, is a good idea before bed.

Dry heating air is another cause of increased coughing at night. Humidifiers or simple containers with water can help here. Even simple onesdamp cloths, which you hang in the room, work wonders. Ventilate the room well before going to bed and, if possible, sleep with the window tilted.

Home remedies for cough for children

Especially when it comes to children, people prefer to avoid store-bought medications and prefer to use home remedies. Nevertheless, we must warn against this! Continue to monitor your child closely and, more precisely, to see whether any improvement really occurs. If you notice that the cough doesn't get better or worse even after a few days, or that other symptoms appear, you need to see a doctor! Don't underestimate dry coughs and colds. These can quickly turn into bronchitis or pneumonia.

Many of the home remedies for coughs already mentioned can also be used as cough suppressants for children. However, some are not recommended or even outright banned. This includes honey for children under one year old, as it can contain dangerous bacteria that the organism can only cope with after this age. Furthermore, strong essential oils such as mint (menthol) and eucalyptus are unsuitable for children. Their strong aroma can cause shortness of breath.

Suitable home remedies for severe coughs in children are againTees. However, peppermint, ginger or other strong flavors are an exception for smaller children. Older children can also drink these without any problems if they want. There are home remedies for children's dry coughs at nightBreast wrapanddamp clothsrecommended against dry room air. AlsoMilk with honeyor a drinkGinger, honey and lemonis suitable.

AlthoughOnion stockis less tasty for children, you can also try using the onion for coughs in children. With a little more sugar or honey you might get ita cough syrup, which you can persuade the little ones to do. Older children can tooinhale. However, be sure to handle the hot water carefully and only use additional products that children can tolerate.

What helps against a dry cough in small children?

The appropriate home remedies for coughs in young children are largely the same as those for older children. Only hot substances such as steam for inhalation or tea that is too hot are taboo.Tees, but alsoMilchshould instead only be lukewarm. Ginger should also be handled with caution. Since it is quite spicy, it can only be used in very small quantities in drinks and soups. A child from 1 year is allowed tooGinger with honey and lemontake in.

Breast wrapThey shouldn't be too hot either, but can otherwise easily be used as a home remedy for toddlers' coughs at night. They are even highly recommended. We have already explained above what types of compresses there are for dry coughs and how to do them. After the first year of life, you can also do so at bedtimeHonigGive to suck to relieve coughing in toddlers at night.

Irritable coughs in small children at night can also be wonderfully relievedcorrect humidityfight. This is where damp cloths come into play again, which you can hang up in the room. Alternatively, you can also place a bowl, a cup or a glass of water, ideally on the heater if it is in use. Then the water can evaporate much better and moisten the air and at the same time also the mucous membranes.

Small children in particular, who do not yet understand what is happening to them and that you just want to help them with various means, are more likely to refuse unsavory home remedies for coughs. Don't force it, try something else instead. After all, the selection is large enough. So if theOnion juicefor small children, even if it's nice and sweet, is not accepted, use tea or milk with honey (honey after the first year of life!). Because these are at least as good cough suppressants for small children.

Onion sachets for coughing in (small) children

Do you really want to try the effective onion, but your child doesn't want to accept the brew? Then the onion bag is a perfect alternative home remedy for coughs, which is also suitable for very small children and even babies and is easy to make.

  • Peel and dice onion.
  • Place onion cubes in a washing mitt. Other fabric containers are also suitable.
  • Tie the filled glove (with string, elastic or hair tie).
  • Place, hang or place the onion bag near the crib but out of the reach of babies and small children.

If the smell of the onion subsides, you can simply squeeze the bag a little and new aromas will flow out of the onion. You can repeat this until all the flavors have been used up. Then simply throw the onion away and fill the bag with a new one if necessary.

Cough in small children – when to see a doctor?

Home remedies for coughs are great, no question. They are natural, harmless and in most cases help almost immediately. But only almost and not always! You shouldn't overdo experimenting. Coughing does not mean a bad cold or other illness. It is a normal symptom, a protective reaction of the body and should not be stopped immediately. In some cases, however, a doctor should be consulted immediately:

  • Your child is under 3 months old
  • the cough is accompanied by a fever of over 38 degrees
  • the child breathes unevenly or is even plagued by breathing problems
  • with rapid breathing (40 to 50 breaths per minute in a calm state)
  • it is painful
  • the dry cough lasts for a long time
  • is accompanied by wheezing noises
  • the cough is so strong that the lips turn blue

Home remedies for cough in baby

What helps against coughing in babies? The options here are a little less because the baby is not sufficiently mature for most home remedies for coughs. Lots of liquids, including unsweetened teas, are one option (honey in particular is forbidden!). As for adults, you can buy special ones at the pharmacyHustenteesavailable that are also suitable for babies.

The best way to relieve a dry cough is through dry airdamp clothsor a bowl of water in the room. So ensure good humidity even for small babies. Good cough relievers for babies are also the good old onesBreast wrap. You can also give the baby somethingput to sleep elevated. To do this, simply take a towel, fold it several times and place it under the mattress in the head area. In babies, pay particular attention to symptoms and coughing. If this doesn't improve quickly, you need to see a doctor!

Cough suppressant while breastfeeding

Care must also be taken while breastfeeding. Everything we eat passes into breast milk or can influence the amount of milk. Sage and peppermint, for example, are known to help reduce milk. They are therefore not suitable as tea, but can be used for gargling. Well suited forTeesHome remedies for coughing while breastfeeding include ribwort plantain and thyme. Thyme tea when breastfeeding has no negative effect on milk production and does not harm the baby. You can also use honey instead of regular honey to sweeten itFenchelhonigtake despite breastfeeding.

Breast wrapandInhalationsare also permitted. In addition to tea, milk with honey is also suitable for drinking, but in smaller quantities. AlsoOnion stockYou can use it to combat the cough. But don't overdo it with the amount per day, because the taste of your breast milk changes with what you consume.

Cough and dry cough during pregnancy – home remedies

You don't just have to take the baby into account at birth and while breastfeeding. You should also pay attention to your diet and everything you eat during pregnancy, because almost everything is passed on to the unborn child via the placenta. It can be even more unpleasant to get sick during pregnancy. You are then also restricted in terms of medication, because not everything is allowed.

In most cases, you can't go wrong with natural remedies. So before you have a doctor prescribe you medicine or get it from the pharmacy, you can try home remedies for coughing if this symptom bothers you again. But what helps against a strong cough during pregnancy and what is allowed? In principle, you can try all of the remedies mentioned above.InhaleIt is best to drink eucalyptus, pine or sage oil every three hours to soothe the mucous membranes and drink plenty.Teesare again the perfect choice because the herbs help fight the cough. Choose peppermint and chamomile, which you can sweeten with honey. Thyme, anise and cowslip are also suitable.

You can also use the miracle cure during pregnancyOnion stockfall back. You can find a recipe for this further up in the article. If the cough is very bothersome, especially at night, you can take honey with a few drops of eucalyptus or lemon. Because now sleep is particularly important for you. If you are not recovered, it will also affect your baby.

Isn't it just a simple cold?Bronchitis, the coughing attacks can be even stronger and more unpleasant. Coughing will not harm the baby, so you don't have to worry about that. It is well protected in the amniotic fluid. However, you are probably asking yourself the question “What to do if you have bronchitis during pregnancy” when the treatment options are so limited.Onion syrupmade from a finely chopped onion and brown sugar is a good home remedy for coughing with bronchitis because it has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Both ingredients are placed in a glass where they are allowed to steep for several hours. This creates a syrup that is very reminiscent of cough syrup. However, this is completely safe for pregnant women and can be taken in tea or tablespoonfuls throughout the day.

Home remedies for mucus in the throat

As soon as the productive cough begins, i.e. sputum comes into play, coughing up becomes much easier. However, that doesn't mean that you can't still help your body get rid of all the pathogens with the help of mucus. Then it's a good idea to use expectorants. The home remedies for coughs mentioned above are very suitable. We remind you again what these are:

  • drink a lot and especially herbal teas, but no more milk, as this can promote mucus formation - thyme, anise (also as a decoction)
  • Honey (straight from the spoon or in tea)
  • Ginger water

What helps against mucus in the throat - home remedy apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar not only tastes great in dishes, but can also help you get rid of annoying mucus in your throat. It breaks it down little by little, which in turn prevents the germs from spreading further. If you want to loosen mucus in your throat and use home remedies for this purpose, apple cider vinegar is a good choice. However, the vinegar is not drunk. Instead, fill a glass or a cup with lukewarm water, mix it with one to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and gargle with this vinegar water three times a day.

Remove mucus from the throat - home remedy anise

To make anise tea, pour a teaspoon of anise seeds into 200 ml of hot water and let it steep. Anise has an antibacterial and expectorant effect, making it easier to cough up mucus. So if you want to combat mucus in your throat with home remedies, anise is a good choice.

Bronchitis and home remedies for cough

You can combat bronchitis symptoms with natural home remedies. However, the same applies as with any other infection: If symptoms persist, a doctor must be consulted in order to begin effective therapy. Good home remedies for bronchitis in adults are:Quarkwickel. They can also be easily used on children as a home remedy for coughs, especially at night, as small children in particular will find the wraps uncomfortable and annoying during the day. The wrap should be body warm. In this case, lactic acid bacteria are the helpers. They dissolve mucus and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Instructions for curd wraps as a home remedy for coughs:

  • Warm the curd to body temperature.
  • Spread the quark on a cloth, about half a centimeter thick.
  • Place the cloth on your chest, preferably on a thin surface, as dried quark on the skin is difficult to remove.
  • If necessary, wrap the breast with a larger cloth and secure the wrap (or with a gauze bandage).
  • Leave to work for 30 minutes or until the curd begins to dry.
  • Dry skin, cover well and keep warm.

Another good tip is for bronchitis as a home remedy for adultsOnion juiceto use. You can find a recipe for the bronchitis home remedy with onion in the article above. Also remember to drink plenty of fluids. 2 to 3 liters a day are very important, not only during illness.Teeis a home remedy for bronchitis that you should definitely try. But which tea helps with bronchitis? In principle, the effective herbs are no different from those for other types of coughs. Accordingly, you can drink thyme, ribwort plantain, sage and fennel again and sweeten them with honey.Inhalewith herbs, salt or essential oils. The latter are unsuitable for asthmatics and to a large extent also for children.