Clary sage has a long history as a medicinal plant and is one of the healthiest essential oils. It has antidepressant, antifungal, antiseptic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. Clary sage oil is known for itsEffect on period pain, sleep disorders as well as against hot flashes and depression.
Clary sage is a perennial herb native to the Mediterranean region and some areas of North Africa and Central Asia. The plant reaches a height of 1.5 meters and has thick square hairy stems. The pink-violet flowers appear from May to September and have a fantastic scent. TheIngredientsThe essential oils of clary sage include sclareol, alpha-terpineol, geraniol, linalyl acetate, linalool, caryophyllene, neryl acetate and germacrene-D. It has high concentrations of esters – about 72 percent.
Difference between clary sage and sage
Sage is one of the most species-rich plant genera, with more than 900 species of sage worldwide. Clary sage (botanical Salvia sclarea)is therefore a close relative of the real sage (Sage officinalis), but there are differences in their appearance and properties.
1. Relieves menstrual cramps
Clary sage regulates the menstrual cycle by...Balances hormone levels naturally. It relieves symptoms of PMS, including bloating, cramps, mood swings, and food cravings.
This essential oil worksantispasmodic, that is, it favors the relaxation of the muscles and helps with related problems such as muscle cramps, headaches and abdominal pain. It does this by relaxing nerve impulses that we cannot control.
An interesting study conducted at Oxford Brooks University in the UK analyzed the influence that theAromatherapyon women in labor. The study was conducted over a period of eight years and included 8,058 women.
The results of this study suggest that aromatherapy is effective in reducing anxiety and pain in laboring women. Of the 10 essential oils used during childbirth, clary sage and chamomile oil were the most effective in relieving pain.
Another study from 2012 measured the effects of aromatherapy as a pain reliever during schoolgirls' periods. There was an aromatherapy massage group and a paracetamol group. During the aromatherapy massage, the subjects' abdomen was once treated with aMassage oilmassaged from almond oil, clary sage oil, marjoram oil, cinnamon oil, ginger and geranium oil. The extent of menstrual pain was assessed 24 hours later. The results showed that aromatherapy produced a significantly greater reduction in menstrual pain than paracetamol.
2. Regulates hormones naturally
Clary sage affects the body's hormones because itnatural phytoestrogenscontains substances that come from plants and not from the endocrine system. Through these phytoestrogens, clary sage can regulate estrogen levels, ensuring long-term uterine health. This also reduces the chances of uterine and ovarian cancer.
A lot of women's health problems these days, even things like infertility, thatPolycystic ovary syndromeand cancers, are caused by an excess of estrogen in the body.
A 2014 study published in the “Journal of Phytotherapy Research” found that inhaling clary sage oilReduce cortisol levels by 36 percentcan. The study was conducted on 22 menopausal women (in their 50s), some of whom were also diagnosed with depression. At the end of the study, researchers found that “clary sage oil had a statistically significant effect on reducing cortisol levels and demonstrated antidepressant effects to improve mood.”
3. Clary sage for sleep disorders
Clary sage oil isa natural sedativeand will give you the calm and peaceful feeling necessary to fall asleep. Insomnia not only affects your energy levels and mood, but it also negatively impacts your work performance and quality of life.
Two main causes of sleep problems are stress and hormonal changes. Clary sage essential oil can improve insomnia without medication by reducing feelings of stress and anxiety and balancing hormone levels.
A study published in "Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine" in 2017 showed that applying a massage oil containing lavender oil, grapefruit extract, neroli and clary sage oil to the skin led to an improvement in sleep quality in nurses who worked rotating night shifts.
4. Increases blood circulation and regulates blood pressure
Clary sageopens the blood vesselsand allows increased blood circulation. It also naturally lowers blood pressure by relaxing the arteries. This increases the performance of the metabolic system by increasing the amount of oxygen reaching the muscles and supporting organ function.
A study conducted at the Department of Basic Nursing Science in the Republic of Korea examined the ability of muscle sage oil to lower blood pressure in women with urinary incontinence or involuntary urination. 34 women took part in the study and received either clary sage oil, lavender oil or almond oil (for the control group). After inhaling these scented oils for 60 minutes, blood pressure was measured again.
The results showed that the clary sage oil group showed a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure compared to the control group and the lavender oil group, a significant reduction in diastolic blood pressure compared to the lavender oil group, and a significant reduction in respiratory rate compared to the control group.
The results suggest that inhalation of clary sage oil may be useful in inducing relaxation in women with urinary incontinence.
5. Against depression, anxiety and panic attacks
Clary sage serves asAntidepressantand as one of the best natural remedies for anxiety. It boosts self-confidence and mental strength while alleviating feelings of fear and failure. It also has euphoric properties and gives a feeling of joy and lightness.
A 2010 study in South Korea found that clary sage oil could be developed as a therapeutic agent for patients with depression. For the study, the antidepressant properties in rats were examined using a forced swimming test. Clary sage oil had the strongest anti-stress effect.
6. Kills bacteria and prevents infections
Clary sage inhibits the growth and spread of bacterial and fungal infections. These antibacterial properties protect the colon, intestines, urinary tract and excretory system.
This powerful oil is also antiseptic, so you can apply it to wounds. This beneficial property prevents infections and helps the body heal quickly.
A 2015 study published in the Postepy Dermatol Alergol Journal found that clary sage oil has antimicrobial propertiesTreating wounds and skin infectionscan be used. The results indicated that the essential oil had a strong effect against staphylococci isolated from wound infections - the oil was effective against strains such asStaphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis und S. xylosus.
7. Clary sage for skin
In clary sage oil there is an important ester calledLinalylacetat, which occurs naturally as a secondary plant substance in many flowers and herbs. This ester reducesSkin inflammationsand acts as a natural remedyrashes. It also regulates theSebum production of the skin.
Like all other essential oils, clary sage oil must always be used diluted on the skin, for example in a fatty base oil such as jojoba oil. The combination of the two creates the perfect skin moisturizer that keeps skin fresh and supple all day long.
Clary sage oil
prevents the formation of wrinkles
balances oily skin
relieves cellulite
prevents the formation of stretch marks
increases skin elasticity
Clary sage oil application
–To relieve stress– Add 2-3 drops of clary sage oil to a diffuser.
–In inflammation of the upper respiratory tract– 3 drops per 2 liters of boiling water are inhaled for 10 minutes.
–For asthma symptomsTo provide relief naturally, mix 4 drops of this oil with lavender oil and massage the mixture on your chest or back.
–For joint pain– Add 3-5 drops of clary sage oil to warm bath water. To yoursMake your own healing bath salts, you can also combine the essential oil with Epsom salt and baking soda.
–Eye compress for inflammation or tired eyes:Add 2-3 drops of clary sage oil to a clean and warm face cloth and press the cloth over both eyes for 10 minutes.
–Against period pain– To relieve cramps and pain, make a massage oil by diluting 5 drops of clary sage oil with 5 drops of a carrier oil (such as jojoba or coconut oil) and then applying it to the desired area.
- Around thedigestion to support financially, massage the abdomen with a mixture of clary sage oil and a carrier oil in a 1:1 ratio or use a warm abdominal compress with 3-5 drops of the essential oil.
- ToSkin careMake a mixture of clary sage oil and a carrier oil (such as coconut or jojoba oil) in a 1:1 ratio. Apply the mixture directly to your face, neck and body. You can also enrich a face cream with this: 10 drops of oil are mixed into 50 ml of cream.
– Clary sage internal use:ONLY very high quality products should be used for internal use. The natural remedy is available in many forms - including tea and dietary supplements. Since essential oils are very concentrated, they must always be diluted. Add a drop of the oil to a glass of water, a cup of tea, or mix it into smoothies.
–Against hair lossYou can enrich a shampoo and conditioner with clary sage oil. To stimulate hair growth, add 10-15 drops of sage oil to 100 ml of shampoo.
–Foot bath for sweaty feet: Add 3 drops of sage oil and 4 drops of lavender oil to a bowl of warm water and immerse your feet in the water for 15 minutes. You can find more recipes for a soothing foot bathdiscover in this article.
Clary sage side effects
Use clary sage oil with caution duringpregnancy, especially in the first trimester or when used in the abdomen. It can cause uterine contractions, which can be dangerous. It shouldn't eitherbabiesorsmall childrenbe used.
There are claims that clary sage oil improves vision and prevents vision loss due to premature or normal aging. However, there is not yet enough research to indicate that essential oils should be used in the eyes. It may not be safe and should be discussed with your eye doctor first.
Avoid using this essential oil withAlcohol. This can reportedly lead to vivid dreams and difficulty sleeping. If you have the oilapply externally, it is recommended that you do a patch test on the skin before use to determine if you have an allergic reaction to the oil.
Drug interactions
Clary sage oil interacts with chloral hydrate and hexobarbital, which cause drowsiness and dizziness. Clary sage appears to increase the effects of these sleeping pills.