A nice foot bathrelaxed and pampered. But it also has other benefits, depending on the ingredients you use to prepare it. There are numerous ready-made mixes for foot baths available in stores, but you can also make them yourself using simple products that you already have at home. We will show you how to make a foot bath yourself and which home remedies can be used for which purposes. Whether baking soda, vinegar or mustard – each product has its own healing power and will simply be good for your feet!
Make your own foot bath against calluses
Many people have withCalluses on the feetto fight. On the one hand, this is not particularly nice to look at in open shoes, especially in summer, and on the other hand, it can even become painful over time. You can ensure soft and smooth feet with simple foot baths. If you would like to use home remedies for the foot bath, the following recipe is suitable:
Make your own foot bath for dry feet – recipe with honey
For the foot bath against calluses, simply add warm water to a large bowl. Then mix three teaspoons of honey into it and soak your feet for 15 to 20 minutes. Then dry your feet with a clean towel. If necessary, you can now rub particularly dry and cracked calluses with a pumice stone. Finally, care for your feet with a special foot cream or elsewith argan oil.
Fight calluses with oils in the foot bath
Various oils, including tea tree oil, also work just as well against callusesor olive oil. So that they can bind with the water and not float on the surface of the water, you need oneEmulsifieradd to the water. Honey, cream and whey powder are suitable, as are other high-fat dairy products.
To make a foot bath with tea tree oil, simply add a few drops of the oil (or any other oil) to the bath after making the above recipe with honey. Then care for your feet as described above.
Alkaline foot bath with baking soda
Baking soda is a very versatile oneHome remedy and is used for a variety of purposes. Among other things, you can also use it to combat calluses. If you use baking soda in a foot bath, you can achieve soft skin thanks to its alkaline properties and calluses will soon be a thing of the past. The home remedy is also ideal as preparation for the pedicure, because after the foot bath with baking soda, the cuticles can easily be pushed back. The recipe looks like this:
Dissolve 25 g of baking soda in 5 liters of warm water. Then soak your feet in this water for 25 to 30 minutes. Finally, you should take additional care of the skin by using a pumice stone if necessary and applying foot cream to your feet. Instead of baking soda, you can also prepare a foot bath with baking powder.
Prepare a foot bath with curd soap
The good old curd soap can also help you in the fight against annoying calluses on your feet. To do this, simply dissolve some of the soap in warm water and soak your feet in it for 20 minutes. You can also use curd soap to lather your feet. After the exposure time, the skin is soft enough to be further treated with a pumice stone.
Is there something bothering you?Nail bed inflammationCurd soap is also a suitable ingredient with which you can make a healing and relaxing foot bath yourself.
Make your own nourishing foot bath for delicate feet
In a bowl of warm water, combine 1 cup lemon juice, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 3 tablespoons milk and 1 tablespoon honey. Soak your feet in this bath for about 15 minutes and then rinse them with clean water and dry them well.
Athlete's foot foot bath
Athlete's foot can prove to be really stubborn and is best treated with appropriate medication. You can also make a simple foot bath yourself by:black teause. It is very important to dry your feet immediately and thoroughly afterwards, because as you know, moisture is the ideal prerequisite for athlete's foot to develop or persist.
For the foot bath against athlete's foot, put a liter of warm water in a large bowl. Then leave six tea bags in this waterblack teasteep for about 15 minutes. Then soak your feet in the tea water for 20 minutes, then dry them well.
Alternatively, you can use a handful of choppedIvy leavesPour a liter of hot water over it and let it steep. Strain the broth to remove the leaves and add it to the foot bath water.
Oils for athlete's foot
In this case you can also add tea tree oil to the foot bath. Other oils that can help with fungus include manuka oil, lavender oil and myrrh oil.
What does nail fungus look like?
Nail fungus is quite stubbornand should therefore not be treated exclusively with foot baths, but rather alongside nail fungus treatment. It is best to use it again for a foot bath against nail fungusTeebaumölor you can prepare with usVinegara foot bath too. However, keep in mind that these products only kill fungi to a small extent.
Foot bath for colds with fever
Although fever helps to kill pathogens, a very high fever can also be dangerous. Did you think that simple foot baths could help you reduce fever? Here's how you can make a helpful foot bath yourself:
Make your own foot bath with lemon oil
Add warm water and an emulsifier (see recipe for oils against calluses) to the foot bath bowl and then add about eight drops of lemon oil. Mix everything together well. Then bathe your feet in this pleasant water for 15 to 20 minutes. Then dry your feet well to prevent fungus from forming due to moisture and put on warm socks.
Foot bath with salt
You can also use salt for the foot bath if yourelieve a coldwant. More specifically, use sea salt as follows:
Place the leaves of 3 stalks of thyme in a bowl and pour boiling water over them. After 10 minutes, stir in 1 to 2 tablespoons of sea salt and a few drops of lemon oil (no more than 10 drops). After a 15-minute bath, rinse and dry your feet thoroughly.
Make your own foot bath and relieve swollen feet
During the strenuous summer heat, our feet quickly get tired andcan even swell. The solution for such cases is aApple cider vinegarFoot bath. This home remedy is a real all-rounder: it revitalizes tired feet, promotes blood circulation and removes water from the body, which is ideal for swollen feet. However, if your feet are swollen, use cool (not too cold!) water.
Mix 150 ml apple cider vinegar (organic and naturally cloudy) with 5 liters of cool water. Place your feet in the water and let the vinegar work for at least 20 minutes.
Danger!Avoid this home remedy for foot baths if you currently have open wounds on your feet. Vinegar causes severe burning.
Treat sweaty feet with a bath
If you suffer from sweaty feet, baths can also be very helpful and, more precisely, a simple onesageFoot bath. However, one treatment is not enough to permanently get rid of sweaty feet. It's best to use the bath every day for a week. This is how the foot bath for sweaty feet is done:
Fill a bowl with some warm water and let sage leaves or tea steep in it for several minutes. Then immerse your feet in the water for 15 to 20 minutes and let the sage work its magic. In addition to sage, the following are also suitable:
- Oak bark
- naturally cloudy apple cider vinegar(250 ml to 2-3 liters of warm water)
- Sage oil
- Bergamotteöl
- Cypress oil
- Rosemary beer
Don't forget thatessential oilsalso add an emulsifier, as already described above.
Make your own foot bath to relax your feet
Peppermint has an invigorating effect, which is why it's no wonder it's one of the ingredients in this relaxing foot bath for tired feet. Bring water to the boil and pour over 4 stalks of sage and 4 stalks of fresh peppermint. Cover and let the herbs steep for about 10 minutes. Then put the broth in a bowl with a few drops of lavender oil and 3 tablespoons of cream, which serves as an emulsifier, and pour in a little water. Let your feet relax in this bath for about 15 minutes and then rinse and dry them well.
If you want to detoxify your body with a foot bath, certain ingredients can help. You can make a detoxifying foot bath yourself with the following ingredients (the quantities given are intended for a larger supply and for multiple uses):
- 120g sea salt
- 120g Epsom salt
- 200 g Natron
- 2 tea bags of peppermint tea
- 12 drops of peppermint oil
First mix the dry ingredients, i.e. the salts, baking soda and the dry peppermint tea from the tea bags. Then add the oil and mix everything together well. You can then store the mixture in a preserving jar. If you then make the foot bath yourself, simply add 70 g of the mixture to 4 liters of warm water (approx. 38 degrees) and bathe your feet in it for 15 to 20 minutes.
Mustard foot bath
With mustardVarious complaints can be alleviated with the bath for feet. Mustard is said to be very effective and a popular home remedy for low blood pressure, cold feet and even headaches. It gets your metabolism going and takes tension out of your head. It's best to use a handful of mustard seeds that you first crush. Then prepare the foot bath from the mustard flour obtained by placing it in a bowl and pouring warm water over it. Make sure that the water temperature is not over 35 degrees, as this prevents the mustard from developing its full effect.
Recipe with magnesium
Would you like to make a relaxing foot bath yourself with which you...Relieve muscle tensionmagnesium is the ideal ingredient. It is best to use magnesium chloride for the magnesium foot bath, as it is also suitable for sensitive skin. Pour 5 liters of warm water (37 to 40 degrees) into a bowl and dissolve 4 tablespoons of magnesium chloride in it (you can also dissolve it in a glass of water and then add it to the bath water). Immerse your feet in the water for 15 to 20 minutes and enjoy the relaxation.