It has long been known that certain foods can trigger allergies. According to statistics, around 6% of Germans are affected by it. Nut allergies are considered particularly dangerous because the body's reaction to nuts is often very violent and, in the worst case, can even lead to shortness of breath. It is therefore all the more important that theAffected the nut allergyCan detect symptoms early. We explain which nuts can cause allergies, list the most common symptoms in children and adults, and provide an overview of various methods of prevention and treatment.
Which nuts can trigger nut allergy symptoms?
There are many nuts that oneallergic reactioncan trigger in both children and adults. The specific thing about the nut allergy is that once it occurs, this food allergy never really goes away. Children continue to suffer from a nut allergy for the rest of their lives, and cross-reactions with other foods are also possible in adults. Although the nuts that are considered allergenic are not botanically part of the same family, they can cause similar symptoms.
- Peanuts
- Almonds
- Cashewkerne
- Walnuts
- Pistachios
- Chestnuts
The most common nut allergy symptoms at a glance
Here is an overview of the most common nut allergy symptoms:
- Nut allergy symptoms throat:Sufferers usually experience itching of their lips shortly after eating foods and dishes that contain the allergen. This is followed by a scratchy throat, which is caused by the swelling of the mucous membrane in the throat. If you experience such symptoms, you must see a doctor as soon as possible. A nut allergy can develop quickly and lead to shortness of breath.
- Nut allergy skin:Those affected already know that a nut allergy can cause a rash on the face. However, when it happens for the first time, many people find it difficult to identify the cause. What is characteristic of the rash is that red pustules first form on the face. The majority of those affected report a rash on the face, hands and elbows. In individual cases the face can even swell.
- Nut allergy intestinal:A nut allergy can also be a numbercause gastrointestinal problems. These include nausea and diarrhea.
- Shortness of breath:If the affected person first feels a scratchy throat, this is a sign that the mucous membranes have become swollen. If not treated immediately, shortness of breath may occur.
Nut allergy in children: recognize symptoms early
Nut allergy in children has similar symptoms to those in adults. Parents should therefore always pay attention to reactions in the first few years of life when introducing allergy-causing foods. This is especially true for babies with an increased risk of allergies. A nut allergy in small children is primarily manifested by skin rashes such as urticaria, erythema and swelling. Parents should definitely see a doctor as soon as they see symptoms. Because the symptoms can quickly worsen. The immune system usually recognizes harmless substances as “harmful” and creates antibodies to help fight the allergens. These antibodies attack several body organs one after the other and can then lead to anaphylactic shock within 30 minutes. That's why parents should always treat any allergic reaction as an emergency.
Nut allergy: what to do in an emergency?
If the human body's defenses suddenly mistakenly recognize harmless substances as “harmful” and attack them, things can quickly become life-threatening. Especially people who observe or feel an allergic reaction for the first time cannot recognize an emergency in time. In young children, it is important to treat any sudden allergic reaction as an emergency. If the person affected has a life-threatening allergy and has accidentally eaten nuts, the emergency doctor should be called as quickly as possible. Even if the allergy sufferer does not feel any symptoms, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible. If the first symptoms have appeared, you should act quickly:
- The allergy sufferer should sit on the floor so that they can support themselves with their hands. You can lean his upper body against a wall.
- If the mucous membranes in the throat swell (symptom of scratchy throat), then the affected person can suck ice cubes or ice lollies.
- If the affected person loses consciousness, first check whether they are breathing normally. If he is breathing normally, roll him to the side, cross his left arm over his chest, and place his hand on his right cheek. Tilt his head back slightly and open his mouth so he can breathe.
- If the affected person is not breathing, begin chest compressions and resuscitation.
Peanut allergy in children and adults
1. According to researchers and doctorsthe peanut allergymost common in Europe. It is called food allergy type 1. The majority of those affected feel the first symptoms immediately after or within an hour of eating peanuts or foods containing peanuts. The symptoms very rarely occur more than 2 hours after eating peanuts. Both small children and adults are affected. In children, the allergen is usually transmitted through milk or baby food when they are babies. Around 1% of all children in Germany have a peanut allergy. Since more and more dishes now contain peanuts, scientists assume that the number of those affected will increase in the coming years. Children with asthma are particularly at risk because they more often develop severe symptoms. The so-called cross allergy occurs much more often in adults. People who, for examplesuffer from hay feveror have a dust allergy can also develop a peanut allergy later in life. Just contact with traces of peanuts can lead to a violent reaction of the immune system in the event of cross-allergies. The quality of life of people who suffer from a peanut allergy is therefore massively affected.
Almond nut allergy in children and adults
An almond nut allergy is less common than a peanut allergy. Nevertheless, those affected can also react strongly to the allergen. The special thing about a tree nut allergy is that they contain allergens that are heat-stable. That's why those affected should not only avoid raw almonds, but also roasted almonds. Otherwise, almond allergy has similar symptoms to peanut allergy. The complaints are also treated similarly and asPrevention of peanut allergySimply avoid this allergen.
Nut allergy to cashew nuts: These are often cross-reactions
A nut allergy to cashews is much less common than a peanut allergy. In most cases it is caused by a cross-reaction. People who suffer from a pollen allergy are also sensitized to other allergens and allergic reactions can occur if they come into contact with them again. That's why allergy sufferers who suffer from hay fever should eat consciously and ideally avoid it completely during the pollen count.
Nut allergy Pistachios can cause skin rashes
Pistachios are stone fruits and not nuts. Nevertheless, the allergy to pistachios is often incorrectly referred to as a nut allergy. The symptoms are definitely very similar: itching in the throat, skin rashes, intestinal problems, swelling. There is also the fact that an allergy is detected with an allergy test, similar to nuts. The allergy to pistachios can reduce the quality of life. Those affected often find it very difficult to recognize all foods or dishes that contain pistachios or traces of the stone fruit. Particularly in some confectionery products, pistachios are not listed as an ingredient. However, the heat can destroy the allergy-causing proteins in the pistachios. However, the person affected should consult a doctor in this regard, as it often depends on the type, preparation, etc.
Nut allergy chestnut: Typical cross allergy
Similar to cashews, a cross allergy can sensitize the immune system to chestnuts. In this case, for example, a latex allergy can cause a cross-reaction with chestnuts.
Balsamic vinegar for nut allergies: harmless or allergenic?
Do you have a nut allergy and are not sure whether balsamic vinegar is safe or can trigger an allergic reaction? Although balsamic vinegar products do not contain nuts, they can still trigger an immune system reaction. This is because balsamic and vinegar contain histamine. The person concerned could thereforedevelop histamine intolerance. It is therefore important to seek advice from your doctor and create a suitable diet plan.
Coconut oil for nut allergies: Can an allergic reaction occur?
Coconuts and coconut oil are well tolerated by most people who have a nut allergy. Of course, every case is different, so it's best to discuss the question with your doctor.