Salmonella symptoms, incubation period and possible treatment

There are manyTypes of bacteria, Salmonella can cause symptoms and a range of illnesses, including typhoid fever and gastroenteritis. Most people with salmonella infections have mild signs of infection and recover without treatment. However, some conditions require hospitalization. Other people also often develop this type of infection after being in contact with affected patients or consuming contaminated food or water. In this post you can learn more about it to better protect yourself from it.

What are Salmonella symptoms?

Salmonella is a type of bacteria that can cause diarrhea in humans. There are over 2,500 subtypes, including animal and human strains. Some are present in animals but can also affect humans. However, fewer than 100 strains of bacteria have the potential to infect humans. First and foremost, washing raw fruits and vegetables before eating them can helpto prevent salmonella infection. Salmonella symptoms usually appear between 6 hours and 6 days after the initial infection and last 4 to 7 days. These most often include diarrhea, stomach cramps and abdominal pain, sudden fever, nausea and in some cases vomiting.

Some strains can infect urine, blood, bones, joints and the nervous system, including the fluid of the spinal cord and brain. In addition, this can lead to serious complications. Some people who have symptoms of salmonella experience joint pain, also known as arthritis. This condition can last for months or years and turn into chronic arthritis. These bacteria live in the intestines of birds, animals and humans. Most human infections occur after consuming food or drinking water contaminated with feces. Raw meat, seafood, and poultry are also possible causes of infection.

Contamination may occur during processing of these products. For example, harvesting seafood in contaminated waters is a common cause of salmonella infection. Infection can also spread if a person handles contaminated raw meat and then touches other foods. Uncooked eggs from a bird with a salmonella infection may also contain the bacteria. Boiling the eggs can usually reduce the risk. However, some popular sauces such as mayonnaise may contain raw eggs. Watering fruit or vegetable plants with contaminated water or washing the produce in that water can also lead to a salmonella infection.

Risk factors and salmonella treatment

Salmonella infections occur more often in summer than in winter. Overall, the highest risk of infection is among children, older people with weakened immune systems and pregnant women. Because of the risk of infection, small children should not be allowed to handle reptiles or chicks and young birds. Diarrhea and vomiting are usually a clear sign of gastroenteritis caused by Salmonella. Blood and stool tests can help determine the cause of the infection. Salmonella symptoms of induced gastroenteritis usually disappear after 4-7 days without treatment. Salmonella therapy can include the following treatment methods:

  • Taking fluids to prevent dehydration
  • Medication for abdominal cramps and diarrhea
  • Antibiotics for severe salmonella symptoms or if bacteria have entered the bloodstream or are likely to do so

It is important to note at this point that a doctor would not always prescribe antibiotics for salmonella. Scientists have found that excessive use of such drugslead to antibiotic resistancecan. Additionally, this may increase the risk of the infection coming back. However, good hygiene is key to preventing salmonella infection. So here are some tips:

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and warm water or use hand sanitizer.
  • Keep cooked and raw foods separate.
  • Wash raw fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating them.
  • Replace used tea towels regularly with clean ones.
  • Avoid drinking untreated water, such as from streams, rivers and lakes.

Salmonella can live for different lengths of time in different foods. For example, researchers found that the bacteria can survive in cookies and snacks for at least 6 months. When purchasing eggs, make sure they come from a supplier that keeps them refrigerated. At home, it is important to store eggs at a temperature of no more than 4°C. Also, throw away any cracked or dirty eggs.

Prevention and medical care

It is advisable to see a doctor if any of the following occur as salmonella symptoms:

  • Diarrhea, vomiting, or both that lasts at least 2 days
  • Symptoms of dehydration such as dark urine, dizziness, decreased urination, and dry mouth
  • Fever over 39°C
  • Blood in the stool
  • Elderly people, pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems should not hesitate to seek medical advice.