Unpasteurized milk contains antibiotic-resistant bacteria

In recent years, many people have started to prefer raw or unpasteurized milk as a health-promoting option. Typically, manufacturers pasteurize or heat raw milk to kill bacteria before consuming it. The French microbiologist Louis Pasteur developed this method in the 19th century. However, a new analysis revealed potentially dangerous antibiotic-resistant bacteria as well as onelow number of beneficial bacteria, the number of which increased at room temperature.

Is unpasteurized milk healthy?

Scientists and doctors have so far questioned the credibility of these claims and warned about the potential risk of infection from drinking raw milk. In a new study, researchers analyzed the bacteria content of over 2,000 purchased milk samples, including raw milk. They found that raw milk contained higher numbers of bacteria compared to pasteurized varieties. The team also identified that some of these bacteria contained antimicrobial resistance genes. The published results suggest that raw milk can lead to the spread of antibiotic resistance, especially if the product is not kept in the refrigerator. Many of these products supposedly contain healthy bacteria thatgood for the intestinesare. To evaluate these claims, the authors of the latest study collected milk samples from different areas.

The samples included a variety of pasteurized milk that manufacturers had sterilized in a variety of ways, including high-temperature short-term pasteurization - the most commonly used method and ultra-pasteurization (UHT) - that of extended shelf life. However, the researchers also collected samples from unpasteurized raw milk. They stored these for up to 24 hours at a refrigerator temperature of 4 °C and a room temperature of 23 °C. During this time, they analyzed the types of bacteria living in the samples. The results showed that raw milk contained the most bacteria, mainly from the Pseudomonas family, which can cause illness in many people. Many advocates claim that raw milk contains high levels of healthy lactic acid bacteria, which can improve digestion. Many probiotic supplements contain lactic acid bacteria, but this study found that raw milk contains limited good bacteria.

Research results

The researchers also found that the raw milk samples contained antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. When stored at room temperature, the number of these bacteria increased dramatically. The consumption ofantibiotic-resistant bacteriais a risk not only for the individual but for society as a whole. This is primarily because the genes that confer resistance can be transferred between bacteria. This leads to the spread of antibiotic resistance.

According to scientists, raw milk poses a really high risk if people don't store it properly. They also warn against the production of thick and sour milk. This is a fermented milk product where raw milk is left at room temperature for 1-5 days. They say that consumption of such a product could lead to a higher intake of antimicrobial resistance genes. Although scientists need to do more research to understand the health risks of raw milk, the results suggestthis studyindicating that this may not be as beneficial as the claims suggest. In addition, the study authors recommend that anyone who wants to continue drinking raw milk should store it in the refrigerator.