Along with salt, black pepper is one of the most commonly used spices around the world and is a must-have in any kitchen cupboard. The aromatic spice is often referred to as the “king of spices” and gives any dish a flavorful pep. While we are familiar with the negative effects of consuming too much salt, we don't know much about the benefits of black pepper for our health. The seasoning not only provides a pleasant aroma, but has also been used since ancient times to treat a wide variety of ailments and illnesses. Okay, is black pepper healthy? What health benefits does it offer and what is the difference between the different types of pepper? We'll tell you the answers in our article!
What is the difference between the different types of pepper?
Whether white, green, red or black pepper - the popular spice goes well with both savory and sweet dishes and should not be missing in any kitchen. All types of pepper come from the same plant, the pepper bush (Piper nigrum), and differ not only in appearance, but also in taste and level of spiciness. Depending on further processing and harvest time, the grains get their specific color. When unripe the fruits are green and when ripe they are red. Green pepper has a fresh and mild taste. Red and black pepper, on the other hand, are more sweet and spicy and white pepper is considered the particularly hot classic spice. In order to benefit from all the health benefits of the seasoning and so that the grains can develop their versatile aroma, you should of course if possiblefresh and natural pepperchoose without additives.
Black pepper is healthy for digestion
Black pepper is healthy and has been used for various ailments since ancient times. The king of spices contains over 200 different components, piperine being the most important of them. This is an alkaloid that gives black pepper its spicy taste. The ingredient is also considered a type of antioxidant and offers many benefits for our health and the brain. Piperine also stimulates the release of gastric juices and saliva and thus supports digestion. In addition, the tannins and secondary plant substances contained in pepper ensure that fatty and heavy foods are more digestible and easier to digest. The seasoning can help with diarrhea and stomach painRelieve flatulence. However, the pungent substances can irritate the mucous membrane in the stomach and if you have a sensitive stomach mucosa, you should not overdo it with consumption.
Helps with coughs and colds
Because black pepper reduces fever and is anti-inflammatory, it is one of the most effective home remedies for coughs and colds. The seasoning also warms you from the inside and can relieve a sore throat. To kill the bacteria, take three black peppercorns and chew them well in your mouth. Depending on how severe the sore throat is, repeat the process several times a day. A tea made from black pepper, honey and a little turmeric is one of the most effective home remedies for colds and relieves the symptoms very quickly. To do this, mix some freshly ground pepper with 1 tablespoon of honey and a pinch of turmeric and fill the cup with boiling water. Let it steep for about 15 minutes, strain and drink.
Piperine for better bioavailability
Piperine was described as the first bioenhancer back in 1979 and is considered the most effective substance of this type. These are certain active ingredients that ensure that vitamins, trace elements and minerals are better absorbed by the intestines. This in turn contributes to a significant improvement in bioavailability and can compensate for nutrient deficiencies. In particular, the bioavailability of curcumin, the most important active ingredient in turmeric, is increased up to 20-fold when combined with piperine. Consuming black pepper is healthy and can also increase the absorption of other important vital substances such as selenium, vitamins A and C.
Black pepper supports fat burning
Yes, you read it correctly! Black pepper is healthy and can even help burn fat. According to a scientific study by Sejong University in South Korea, piperine inhibits the formation of fat cells and the spiciness also activates thermogenesis, which produces heat in our body and thus converts fat into energy. The bitter substances contained in black pepper stimulate the metabolism and thus help with fat loss.