Endurance training at home: What are the benefits of the different cardio machines?

Even a perfectly equipped gym is of no use to us if we don't visit it regularly - that's clear. No matter whether the journey is too far or it's really crowded in the afternoon after work - there are many reasons and excuses for skipping training. But that doesn't have to be the case, because a home workout can actually be just as effective and strenuous. We are completely independent of the weather and opening times and can train whenever we want - so endurance training at home is perfect for anyone who is short on time but still wants to stay in shape. But at the latest when we decide on our ownHome Gymdecide, the question arises – which cardio machine should we choose? Below we will explain to you what you should pay attention to when buying and what advantages the different devices bring!

Cardio equipment for home: This is what you should pay attention to when buying

Endurance training is an indispensable part of every training program and especially those who would like to lose a few kilos simply cannot avoid a cardio session. But so that you can achieve your goals, you should consider a few important aspects when choosing the right cardio machine for your home. The different machines also train different muscle groups and therefore it is important to choose what best suits your needs. Size also plays an important role. If you live in a smaller apartment, devices with folding options would be a very good option. Since this is a long-term investment, we recommend that you dig a little deeper into your pockets. You can find this at maxxus, for examplehigh-quality cardio equipmentin different price categories and various designs that are guaranteed to ensure a lot of fun during training.

The treadmill for effective endurance training at home

Super effective and easy to use - the good old treadmill is undoubtedly one of the most popular cardio machines for endurance training at home. Especially if you want to avoid soaking wet shoes in winter and jog regardless of the weather, you'll get your money's worth. The treadmill not only sheds the pounds, but also trains our coordination and endurance and improves cardiovascular health. Many people think that endurance training at home on the treadmill mainly trains the legs. But that is far from the truth. Running also works and strengthens the abdomen, calves, buttocks and even arms. In addition, the newer models offer social media connections so you can watch your favorite series during your workout.

Rowing machine for an effective full-body workout

If you want to lose weight at home and build muscle at the same time, this would be greatthe rowing machinein good hands. The cardio machine is considered a real all-rounder in the fitness world and is ideal for strenuous HIIT training with high intensities. The intense movements that stimulate the rowing experience work different muscle groups, including shoulders, back, arms, abdominal muscles, and thighs and legs. Plus, you can burn up to 700-800 calories in 1 hour of rowing depending on your weight and intensity - what's not to love about that? Another advantage of rowing machines is that, unlike treadmills, they are extremely gentle on the joints. This makes them a good choice for beginners or overweight people.

Ergometer for endurance training at home

Practical and effective - the ergometer is very common in private households and is undoubtedly one of the most popular cardio machines for home. Some models can even be folded up very easily, making them a very good choice for those who have little space available. Since you sit on the ergometer during training, your joints are protected and are not influenced by your body weight. However, we have to mention that the focus of the ergometer is only on the lower half of the body and the arms, stomach and back are not trained at all.

Lose weight at home with the cross trainer

Watching our favorite series and exercising at the same time - no wonderthe cross traineris also one of the most popular cardio machines for at home. The device is a real miracle weapon for burning fat and regular training trains coordination and improves endurance. By using legs and arms, it is ideal for effective full-body training. In addition, the cross trainer is very gentle on the joints and is therefore the best choice for overweight or older people who want to stay in shape. In order to really work up a sweat, newer models allow you to adjust the incline in addition to the resistance. This in turn increases calorie consumption and ensures that training never gets boring.