Stretching exercises for the back: Declare war on back pain with the following exercises!

Back pain is the number 1 widespread disease in Germany and, according to a survey, more than 85% of Germans have suffered from it at least once. One of the biggest risk factors for back tension is lack of exercise. By sitting in front of the computer for hours, our muscles become weaker and shorter. If you also lead a sedentary lifestyle and don't exercise enough, then you areExercises against hollow backand back pain essential for your health. But effective back stretching exercises can also help you eliminate tension and relieve pain. Effective stretching improves blood circulation in the muscles and makes them more supple and stronger. Whether in the gym, at home or in between - in this article we have some of the most effective exercises for you that you can use to stretch your back anywhere.

A very interesting fact is that most people can only stretch their back to 20% of its possible range of motion. Regardless of whether you suffer from back pain frequently or occasionally, it is important to listen to your body and take quick action to relieve the tension. If you do nothing, over time our muscles will shorten, the fascia will stick together and the maximum length of movement of the muscles can no longer be achieved. Additionally, pain in the upper, middle, or lower back can affect our productivity, sleep, and overall quality of life.

Stretching exercises for the back – what should you pay attention to when doing them?

Strong and flexible back muscles play a major role not only in our health, but also in optimal performance during sports. The best thing about most back stretches is that you can do them anywhere and don't need any special equipment. However, if you want to stretch muscles effectively and without injury, there are a few important points to keep in mind.

  • Always wear comfortable sports clothing that does not restrict movement.
  • Pay attention to your body's signals and do not force it into painful and difficult positions - stretching exercises for the back should be painless.
  • Perform the movements slowly and in a controlled manner and pay attention to your breathing.
  • To ensure you can move freely and without restrictions, you should stretch on a flat, clean surface.
  • To improve your flexibility and lengthen muscles, it is important to hold stretches for at least 15-20 seconds.
  • It's best to choose exercises that stretch multiple muscle groups at the same time. These include the back extensors, the abdomen as well as the leg and gluteal muscles.

Effective and gentle stretching exercises for the lower back

The back is a very complex muscle group and in order to activate all the muscle fibers of the lower and upper back, you should perform several back stretching exercises. It would be best if you put together a small training plan with a total of 6-8 exercises and do it 2 to 3 times a week. If you regularly work out in the gym, you should never do stretching immediately after back training.

  • Knees to chest stretchis one of the most effective stretching exercises for the lower back and also relieves pressure on the hips and glutes. Lie on an exercise mat with your legs extended. Pull your knees toward your chest and grasp them with both hands. Try to bring your knees as close to your chest as possible and hold for 15-20 seconds. Return to the starting position, take a short break and do another 4-5 repetitions. When performing this, make sure that your back remains firmly on the floor and does not form a hollow back.
  • Single leg stretching exercise –This stretch relaxes the lower back and stretches the hamstrings and spine. Lie on your back with your legs extended, lift your right leg up and bend your knee slightly. Grasp your leg behind your thigh with your hands and hold the position for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side for a total of 3-4 reps per leg.
  • Spinal Twist Stretch –When the lower back is tight, the glute muscles contract, which in turn can worsen back pain. Incorporate this exercise into your exercise routine to prevent pain and muscle tension in your back and buttocks. Lie on an exercise mat with your back and knees bent. Now slowly rotate your hips to the left and try to reach the floor. At the same time, turn your head to the right and stretch your left arm completely to the side. Hold the position for about 15 seconds, making sure to keep your back on the floor. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Do 3-5 reps per side.
  • The bridgeis a classic back stretching exercise. This strengthens and stretches the back, legs and stomach at the same time - a real all-rounder! Lie on your back with your knees bent and slowly lift your butt off the floor until your body forms a straight line. Hold for about 10-15 seconds, return to the starting position and repeat 5-6 more times.Foam Rollinghas proven to be particularly effective against back pain - to stretch the lower back even better, you can do the bridge with a foam roller.

You can easily do most stretching exercises at home or in the office

  • Circling your hips –This is probably one of the most effective and simple standing back stretches. Stand upright and place your hands on your hips. First start making small and then increasingly larger circles in a clockwise direction with the pelvis. Rotate your hips for about 20-30 seconds and change direction.
  • Die Kobra Posebuilds a lot of tension in the lumbar region and is one of the best yoga stretching exercises for the lower back. Lie flat on your stomach and slowly lift your upper body off the mat as far as possible. Point your head upwards and hold the position for at least 20 seconds.
  • The cat-cow positionis a great way to stretch the spine, shoulders and neck at the same time. Start in the classic all-fours position with your knees positioned under your pelvis and your hands directly under your shoulders. Tense your back and pull your shoulder blades together. Then press your back upwards in an arch, with your chin towards your chest and your shoulder blades pulled apart - this is the cat position. To move into cow position, lift your head and arch your back slightly. Push your bottom up and hold the position for 5-10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.
  • Lateral stretching –If you're looking for upper back stretches that you can do anywhere, the side stretch is perfect for you. Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and your back remaining straight. Place your right hand on your hip and lift your right arm straight up. Now slowly bend your upper body to the right side until you feel a strong stretching sensation. Hold for 10-15 seconds and repeat on the other side. Do a total of 3 passes per side.
  • Seated Spinal Twist –This stretching exercise comes from yoga and has a positive effect on the entire back, opens the chest and even tightens the butt! To avoid injury, always perform the exercise slowly and in a controlled manner. Sit on the floor with your legs extended. Bend your right leg slightly and place it over your left. Press lightly against the knee of your right leg with your left arm. Rest your right arm behind your back for support. And now turn your upper body towards the raised leg and hold the position for 20-30 seconds. Return to starting position and switch sides. Repeat a total of 4 times per side.
  • Bend forward –This exercise looks pretty simple at first glance, but you'll be surprised at how many adults can't even do 1 rep of it. Regular back stretching exercises are particularly important to avoid shortening of the ligaments and improve flexibility.

The best upper back stretching exercises at a glance

Anyone who spends most of the day sitting in front of the computer often has tension in their upper backsevere neck painto fight, which in some cases cause headaches. To relieve tension, it is important to perform back stretching exercises that focus on the lats and trapezius muscles. Regular stretching of the upper back muscles also promotes blood circulation and mobilization, which are crucial for an improved supply of minerals and nutrients to the body.

  • Shoulder rollis without a doubt the classic among the neck, shoulder, back stretching exercises. Stand upright and keep your back straight. Start rolling your shoulders backwards in circular movements for about 30 seconds. Then circle forward for 30 seconds and repeat the exercise two more times after a short break.
  • Bend your neckis the perfect upper back stretch that you can do over and over again at work. Whether standing or sitting is up to you. Tilt your neck to the right until you feel a stretch and then slowly roll your head counterclockwise for 10-15 seconds. Switch sides and repeat a total of 3 times.
  • Armstreckerrelieves tension in the neck and upper back and also stretches the shoulders. Stand upright and extend your arms forward so that your upper body and upper arm form a 90 degree angle. Now stretch your arms forward as far as possible or until you feel tension in your shoulders. Tilt your head and round your upper back slightly so that your chin almost touches your chest. Hold the position for 20 seconds, take a short break and repeat a total of 4 times.