Foam rolling: What exactly is it and does foam roller training help against cellulite?

Bikini season is in full swing and all women want to show off their best body for their beach vacation. Unfortunately, we all know them – the small and unsightly dents on the legs and bottom. Regardless of fitness level and age – according to recent studies, up to 95% of women worldwide suffer from cellulite. While overpriced creams and cosmetic treatments promise to improve the complexion in a very short time, exercise is the only safest way to combat cellulite. Foam rolling has become increasingly popular in recent years and for good reason. The fascia roller training is primarily intended to helpto relieve back painto ease muscle tension and prevent injuries. We'll tell you in our article what exactly is behind the beauty trend and the most effective exercises with a fascia roller against cellulite!

Although foam rollers offer a lot of benefits for our health, they are unfortunately one of the most underestimated fitness accessories. With foam rolling, individual parts of the body are rolled back and forth using special foam rollers. Actually sounds pretty simple, right? You will be surprised at how versatile the wheels can be used. Whether it's for warming up, increasing flexibility, speeding up muscle recovery or combating cellulite, it's this incredible tool that you should definitely incorporate into your fitness routine.

What is fascia anyway?

Before we look at the benefits of foam rolling for our bodies, we will first explain to you what fascia actually is. This is a type of “tissue network” that surrounds our organs, muscles, tendons and ligaments and runs throughout the entire body. Fascia consists of thick collagen and elastin fibers and, above all, ensures that the body remains stable and flexible. They are also involved in nutrient transport and water storage, prevent muscle soreness and reduce cellulite on the buttocks and thighs. A lack of exercise or too much stress can cause so-called “gluing” of the fascia and the result is often severe pain. Healthy connective tissue plays a crucial role in our well-being and physical health. And this is where fascia roller training comes into play – rolling back and forth puts light pressure on the skin. The gentle massage relaxes our muscles and loosens the sticky fascia.

Can foam rolling help against cellulite?

As already mentioned, sticky fascia can worsen the appearance of our skin and promote the development of cellulite. But targeted foam rolling training is one of the most effective methods to promote the production of collagen fibers and stimulate the cells in the connective tissue. The massage and quick movements also help the water to be squeezed out of the connective tissue. And as we all know, water retention and weakened connective tissue are the most common causes of cellulite. It can therefore be said that foam rolling can help against unsightly dents.

A study conducted by “Dermatology Research and Practice Journal” examined the effects of foam rolling on women with cellulite on the thighs and buttocks. After just 2 weeks of regular training, the participants lost an average of 1.7 centimeters and their skin looked significantly firmer and healthier. However, when training fascia, you should make sure that you carry out the exercises as quickly and intensively as possible. Recent studies have shown that slow movements can actually increase the visual effect of cellulite.

Fascia roller training against cellulite – How often should you train?

It's no surprise to us that foam rolling has become so important in the fitness world in recent years. It's one of the easiest and most versatile ways ever to workout from home andReduce orange peel. The exercises with the fascia roller help to stretch the connective tissue and improve blood circulation. This allows the body to eliminate water retention and toxins, resulting in a reduction in cellulite. To achieve faster and lasting results, it is recommended to perform foam rolling training about 3 to 4 times a week. The foam roller should be a little harder so that you can massage the tissue vigorously.

Foam rolling is a wonderful addition to any training routine and is ideal for both fitness beginners and advanced fitness users. Many of the exercises with the foam roller are similar to classic positions from yoga and Pilates and are therefore perfectTo prevent neck pain. However, if you are not yet completely familiar with fascia training, you should start with shorter sessions and lighter pressure to prevent possible injuries and pain. And here you will find the most effective fascia roller exercises against cellulite:

  • Tighten the front of the thighs –This exercise focuses on the front of the thigh and helps release fascia and improve blood circulation. To do this, go into the classic push-up position and place the foam roller between your thigh and the fitness mat. Tighten your stomach and bottom and slowly roll the roller down until it reaches just above your knees. Then roll in the opposite direction and perform the movement for about 30-60 seconds.
  • Training outer thighs –The outer thighs are one of the parts of the body most affected by cellulite and should therefore be trained regularly. Lie sideways on an exercise mat with the foam roller under your hips. Lift the body a few centimeters off the floor and support yourself with the lower arm, keeping the lower leg straight and the upper leg slightly bent in front of the lower one. Roll back and forth for 30-60 seconds and switch sides.
  • Foam rolling for toned legs –The following exercise not only massages the buttocks, but also the hamstring muscles and is a real miracle weapon against cellulite. Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out and place the foam roller under your thighs. Tighten your stomach, keep your back straight and begin to gently roll back and forth. It becomes even more intense and strenuous if you keep one leg stretched out and slightly bend the other. This shifts the weight to one side, which is trained even more. Repeat the movement for 30-60 seconds.
  • Fascia roller exercise for the bottom –If you dream of a toned butt without cellulite, then this move is perfect for you. Sit on the foam roller and place your palms behind your body. Cross your legs by placing the lower leg of one leg on the thigh of the other just above the knee. Roll slowly back and forth for 30-50 seconds and repeat the movement with the other leg.
  • Lateral turning –This exercise works multiple muscle groups at the same time and is ideal for reducing cellulite on the buttocks and thighs. Sit on the roller and support your arms behind your body. Bend your legs slightly and then slowly drop your knees to the right while rolling your hips to the left. Repeat the exercise at least 10 times per side.
  • Train your calves –Even though the calves themselves may not be affected by cellulite, they play an important role in our physical health and improve the overall appearance of the skin. Sit on the floor and place the foam roller under the mid-calf of one leg. Support yourself backwards with your hands and lift your bottom so that you only touch the floor with your hands. Cross your legs and then slowly roll back and forth. Do 10-15 reps and alternate sides.
  • Tighten the adductors with foam rolling –If you want to have slim and toned legs without cellulite, then you should also train the adductors. Lie face down and bend one knee to the side at a 90-degree angle. Place the roller under the inside of the knee and roll the leg forward towards the bottom and then back. Repeat the movement 10-15 times and switch sides.