There is hardly anything as annoying and unpleasant as a stiff neck. Sitting in front of the computer for hours at work, watching TV at home and constantly checking your smartphone - these are all movements that actually put a lot of strain on our neck muscles. These days belongstabbing back painand neck or shoulder pain are among the most common complaints. In fact, around 50% of all Germans suffer from a stiff neck at least once a year. In addition, women are affected almost twice as often as men. If the pain does not subside after 2 to 3 months and keeps recurring, then it is called chronic neck pain and then you should definitely see a doctor. But so that it doesn't get that far, we have put together the most effective neck pain exercises for you with which you can relax and strengthen the muscles at the same time!
Neck pain occurs primarily in the back of the head or in the entire arm and shoulder area. In some cases, severe headaches are the result. Although it's good to rest and give your body a little break, it's also important to keep your neck moving to relieve muscle tension. Since most neck pain exercises don't require any special equipment, you can do them at home or in the office.
What are the most common neck pain causes?
In order to prevent future pain and tension in the neck area, it is extremely important to know what causes it. Before we start with the exercises, we will first introduce you to the most common causes of neck pain.
- Bad posture
- Lack of mobility in the thoracic spine due to sitting for too long
- Lack of exercise
- Unfavorable sleeping position
- Stress and psychological strain
- Weak immune system
- Injuries and muscle strains during sports
What are the best neck pain exercises and what should you pay attention to?
A typical oneExercise program for stiff neckconsists of a combination of stretching and strengthening exercises and endurance training. While stretching exercises stimulate joint elasticity, specific strengthening exercises help improve posture. This in turn can reduce or even prevent recurring pain outbreaks. Endurance training in the form of running, jogging or cycling stimulates blood circulation and relieves muscle tension in the neck and shoulder area. We recommend that you choose 6 to 8 of the following neck pain exercises and perform them 3 to 4 times a day for at least 6 weeks.
Exercises to stretch the neck muscles
Declare war on neck and shoulder pain with these exercises! To warm up the muscles and prepare them for exercise, apply a heating pad for about 10 minutes before exercise. However, doing the right exercises with the wrong technique won't help and can even make the symptoms worse. It is therefore important to ensure that the execution is clean and slow. If you feel excessive pain while performing it, stop immediately and seek medical advice.
- Neck stretch with forward and backward movement –You can do this stretching exercise while sitting or standing. Keep the movements slow and controlled. Tense your back and keep it straight and look forward. Then lower your chin towards your chest and hold it for about 20 seconds. Lift your head back up and then lower it back so that your chin points towards the ceiling. Hold for 10 seconds and return to start position. Do 20 reps.
- Stretch your neck to the side –This stretches the muscles on both sides of the neck. Stand or sit in a chair with your back straight. Lower your shoulders to the floor and tuck your chin. Then carefully tilt your head to the right side without turning it and try to touch your shoulder with your ear. Hold for 10 seconds and return to starting position. Now repeat the exercise with the left side. To increase the stretch, you can grab your head with your hand and then gently push it to the side. Do between 15-20 reps per side.
- Turn your headis one of the most popular and easiest neck pain exercises to do at home or in the office. Keep your head and back straight and then slowly turn your head to the right until you feel a stretch in your shoulder and neck area. Hold tensely for 15-30 seconds and switch sides. Do 10 to 15 reps per side.
- Stretch your arms –This exercise eases tension in the neck and shoulders and can even relieve headaches. Place your feet hip-width apart and keep your back straight. Raise your arms above your head and stretch them out. From this position, lean slightly to the left and hold for 10 seconds. Then repeat with the right side and hold for another 10 minutes.
- Body rotation –Neck pain exercises like these are great for mobilizing and strengthening the spine. To do this, place your feet hip-width apart, raise your arms to chest height and fold your hands. Now bend your right leg slightly, slowly turn to the left and at the same time turn your upper body to the right. Make sure that your spine and head remain straight. Do 10 reps and repeat on the left side.
Exercises for shoulder and neck pain
The pain in the neck area is often accompanied by unpleasant shoulder tension. For this reason, we have put together some effective shoulder and neck pain exercises for you that will help you relieve the feeling of tension in no time.
- Turn shoulder –The circular movements stimulate blood circulation in the neck and ensure relaxation in the shoulders. Stand upright and keep your back straight. Look forward and let your arms hang loosely. Then pull your shoulders up towards your ears and make 20 circles back and then forward.
- Raise your shoulder –So simple yet incredibly effective for promoting blood circulation and relaxing muscles. All you have to do is raise your shoulders towards your ears and hold the position for 10 seconds. Repeat 15 to 20 times.
- Wall pressingis one of the best exercises for neck pain that can help you strengthen your shoulder muscles. Stand about 1 meter away from a wall and carefully let yourself fall forward. Hold for 10 seconds and push your body off the wall with your hands.
Yoga exercises neck pain
Whether you have a stiff neck orBack pain exercises– Yoga is a tried and tested remedy for a variety of ailments and helps to strengthen our mind and body.
- The bridge -This is a classic yoga exercise that not only relaxes the neck muscles, but also trains the buttocks and legs. Lie on your back with your arms at the sides of your body. Bend your knees slightly and place your feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Lift your hips slightly off the floor and hold the position for 10 seconds. Then lift further until the body forms a straight line. Then alternately pull your knees towards your chest. Do 5 reps per leg.
- Kind-Position –Kneel with knees hip-width apart and big toes touching. Exhale deeply and slowly bend forward and place your forehead on the floor. Place your arms at the sides of your body so that your palms face upwards. Stay in the position for at least 1 minute.
- The cow-cat positionis one of the most popular and effective yoga neck pain exercises and is also ideal for relieving tension in the upper and lower back. Get into the classic all-fours position with your knees under your hips and your hands directly under your shoulders. Breathe in deeply and as you breathe out, slowly arch your back like a cat. Pull your chin towards your chest and tuck in your belly button – this is the cat position. Now slowly move into the “cow position” by moving your body in the opposite direction. Raise your head, relax your stomach and bend your elbows slightly to form a slight hollow back. Make sure that you do not hunch your shoulders but remain relaxed. Now repeat the movement in the sequence described 10-12 times.
- Eagle arms –This yoga exercise is for advanced students and is ideal for stretching the side muscles. Sit on the floor and keep your back straight. Stretch your arms forward and cross your right arm over your left. It becomes even more effective if you bring your palms together. Now bend your elbows so that your arms point towards the ceiling. Pull your chin toward your chest and lift your elbows until your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Hold the position for 20-30 seconds, switch hands and repeat. Do a total of 10 reps.
- Seated mountain positionis an excellent neck pain exercise that stretches the spine and relieves tension in the upper back. Sit upright on the floor in a cross-legged position, stretch your arms in front of your chest and interlace your fingers. Then stretch your arms over your head and lightly touch your ears. Be careful not to bend your elbows. Push up as far as possible and hold for 10 seconds.
- The dolphin pose– While stretching exercises are important to relax the muscles, strengthening exercises are also very important. This yoga exercise is used to strengthen the muscles surrounding the neck and is therefore highly recommended. Start in the classic all-fours position and bring your forearms to the floor. Place your feet hip-width apart and your elbows directly under your shoulder joints. Breathe in deeply and push your head in front of your hands so that your upper body comes parallel to the floor. Keep your legs stretched during the exercise. Exhale and push your buttocks up. Do 10 reps.