The right abdominal exercises are the basis for strengthening your core. However, simple sit-ups are far from enough to make you proud with a flat and toned stomach for the summer. The best abdominal exercises are those that load most of the abdominal area at once and allow the abdominal muscles to work as a unit. We offer you three exercises that are much more effective than sit-ups and that you can also do at home.
The abdominal muscles play an extremely important role in almost every exercise or movement of our body. With these three exercises you are guaranteed to tone your abdominal muscles. But not only that. They also help to effectively combat back and lower back pain, develop your endurance and become more flexible. Just remember one thing: quality over quantity. Even if you do thousands of sit-ups in a day, it's a waste of time. Because abdominal muscle training doesn't require speed and strength, but rather a slow pace and well-controlled movements.
Flutter Kicks: One of the best exercises for your stomach
Surely you know the basic abdominal exercises like sit-ups and crunches, but if you want results, you should consider the flutter kick. This exercise is suitable for both beginners and advanced users. It requires no equipment and simultaneously trains the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, obliques, lower back, hip flexors and quad muscles.
- Lie on the floor with your arms at your sides or under your butt.
- Lift your feet off the ground as far as possible, keeping your legs straight. A slight bend in the knee joints is permitted.
- Start moving your legs up and down alternately, alternating the left and right legs. As you lift one leg, the other comes down.
- Aim for 3-4 sets of 20 reps, depending on your personal ability.
If you find the exercise too easy, you can increase the resistance by wearing ankle weights. Your goal should be to perform 20-40 kicks with each leg.
Bicycle crunches for a flat stomach
This exercise puts a lot of strain on the side abdominal muscles. It is suitable for both beginners and advanced users. When performing the exercise, do not press the back of your head with your palms, as this would create a prerequisite for injury.
- Lie down,so that your backlies on the floor. Place both of your hands on the back of your head.
- Lift your upper body off the floor so that you are perpendicular to the floor.
- In a fluid motion, begin to pull one leg back and bring the other as close to the stomach as possible, touching it with the opposite elbow.
- Slowly return to the starting position and switch legs.
- Start with 3-4 sets of 10 reps per leg and aim for 30 reps.
Make it harder:
- Do the exercise slowly and in a controlled manner and make sure that you feel the strain in the abdominal area at all times.
- Perform the exercise in a compound set after another abdominal exercise.
Three exercises more effective than sit-ups: jackknife
An important component of core strength is balance. This exercise is suitable for advanced exercisers as it engages the entire abdominal muscles. The strain comes from lifting one's limbs and torso into the air while balancing on a small area of the waist. Try to bring your legs into a straight position so that your body forms a V shape.
The correct execution:
- Lie down. Your back should be on the floor.
- Stretch your body by extending your arms above your head and relaxing them on the floor. Keep your feet together and stretch them out.
- Keep your legs straight and lift them while simultaneously lifting your arms and torso toward your toes.
- When you reach the highest point, hold for a second if possible.
- Slowly return to the starting position.
- Depending on your personal ability, you should do 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions.
Make it harder:
- Raise your arms and upper body towards your toes at the same time.
- Hold the highest position for a second or two.
- Relax 2 to 3 times slower than when lifting.
To get a flat stomach, also read how toLose belly fat easilycan.