Get fit through strength and cardio training: Flatter your figure and stay healthy with targeted training

Fitness and good looks are important topics, especially for young people. Staying in shape not only helps you maintain a good figure, but it also helpsRisk factors for various diseasesto lower. Targeted training increases endurance, builds muscle mass and thus leads to less damage to the musculoskeletal system in the long term. Back problems in particular, one of the most common widespread diseases, can be effectively prevented through proper training. And only in a healthy body does a healthy mind reside. Exercise and fresh air are also good for the soul. It is therefore important, even for untrained people, to get rid of their lethargy and start a new, better life with the right exercise.

Strength training as an effective remedy for back problems

The choice of activities knows no limits. Of course, everyone should choose the sport that promises the most fun. Because without fun, regular training often becomes torture and is usually not sustainable. For beginners, it can make sense to do some kind of trial training in a gym in order to test out what your preferences are without obligation. Strength training can be a good start because the weights and thus the load can be ideally dosed so that you don't become overwhelmed. TheTraining with dumbbells and weightsis so popular because it burns a lot of calories and builds muscle mass. This not only looks good, but also stabilizes the entire body and leads to better posture and therefore fewer back problems.

In connection with onehealthy, protein-rich dietRegular strength training makes results visible very quickly. If you want to avoid going to the gym, you can set up your own training center at home with a few pieces of equipment. Both options certainly have their advantages. However, it is certainly helpful, especially for beginners, to initially train under professional guidance, as exercises carried out incorrectly can cause problems.

Running as a way of life

As an alternative to strength training, but also as an accompaniment, targeted cardio training is recommended. Running in particular is the ideal entry-level sport for many people, as it requires hardly any equipment to speak of, you can also increase the load little by little and success can be seen very quickly. Depending on body weight and intensity of the run, per hourbetween 600 and 900 caloriesbe burned. But the same applies here: a sensible diet is essential if the goal is to lose weight.

But running is so much more than just a means to (weight loss). Running is almost a way of life. Admittedly, this feeling only comes when a certain level has been reached and not every run ends with a red head and a pounding pulse. It is therefore particularly important for beginners to start with very moderate training.Experts are happy to recommend this, alternating between walking for a minute and running for a minute. If you stick with it, i.e. run at least twice a week, preferably three times a week, you will be able to run for ten kilometers within a few months. From this level, a half marathon is no longer an unattainable goal.

But the beauty of running is that it's not necessary to set goals at all. Anyone who jogs through the woods early in the morning on a beautiful summer day with the birds chirping will quickly realize that the path is the real destination.