Fitness against depression - how the exercises improve our mood

Sport is said to be a valuable helper when it comes to depression by improving our mood and allowing us to live life more relaxed. Regular visits to the gym can help combat depression and even protect us from it, scientists claim. A 30 minute workout every day and we experience significant improvement in our emotional state. This is what the American Mental Health Association recommends.

Fitness workout – a successful remedy for depression

The frequent physical activitiesimprove self-confidence and reduce stress, according to the researchers. The training could also prevent stress and depressive emotional states, but also serve as a remedy for depression and emotional restlessness. People who exercise regularly are around 30% less likely to develop depression and dementia than their peers who don't exercise.

to do sports

The researchers recommend aTraining program, which serves as a “regulator” of our mood. But they also say that we shouldn't overdo it - because then we could cause negative effects. You could become bitchier and close yourself off. It is very important to choose the right exercises that suit us and our physical capabilities.

Endurance training in the gym reduces stress

The best place for beginners to get the best exercise program is in the gym with a professional trainer. They can better assess your abilities and current capacity and put together an individual and perfect program for you. The important thing is not to lose the fun of the sport. It's better to take things easy and avoid overstraining your body.

Good physical shape puts a smile on your face

And as soon as you and, above all, your body get used to all the new exercises, you will quickly realize how fun it is to exercise. Who wouldn't be proud of every pound lost or all the new muscles that appear? And those who are proud of their body and their stamina are also generally happier with themselves - the best basis for a depression-free life!