Not every new fitness trend lives up to the hype, but high-intensity HIIT training is exactly what its name suggests: a big hit. This form of cardio conditioning training intersperses intervals of exercise, such as sprinting or rapid body work. The workout includes recovery periods of either low intensity, such as slow walking or complete rest. It's a huge departure from continuous steady cardio exercise, which most people do for 30-60 minutes at moderate intensity.
During an intense interval training routine, your heart rate will skyrocket for a short period of time. If you have done and done everything right, your workouts will be more effective. Plus, you'll improve your cardiovascular fitness and results in no time. You don't have to be an elite athlete to benefit from HIIT training. In this guide, we'll share with you the incredible power behind these types of exercises and then give you a routine that any beginner can do almost anywhere.
HIIT Training – No gym or equipment? No problem!
Whether you're on vacation, traveling for work, or simply at home for some other reason, it can be difficult to get your usual workout outsideto suit your fitness studio. Taking a local fitness class may be an option, but that's not always feasible. Sometimes all you need is a quick, device-free routine that gets the job done no matter where you are in the world. Bonus points for the HIIT workout, which works your entire body and covers both strength and cardio.
To help you find your new HIIT workout, we have put together a plan of exercises that can not only save you time, but is also very effective and quite stressful. The point is to get the workout done in a short amount of time so that you can do other daily activities.
A short HIIT workout like the one described below can help increase overall athletic endurance and contribute to muscle gain and fat loss over time. This is an intense workout where you alternate between intervals of active recovery or rest. It involves a superset of different exercises that you must perform one after the other with little or no rest. First, start with yoga push-ups. These are an upper body exercise. This is followed by full-body plyometric exercises. The second superset is a lower body exercise, followed again by plyometric exercise.
Challenge your strengths!
DieCombination of a strength exercisePlyometric training involves explosive movements, such as jumping, which is an effective way to enhance your short HIIT workouts. It uses a technique that endurance athletes use to increase speed, reaction time and explosive power.
Finally, there is an exercise sequence that will help you...Work your abdominal muscles in short intervals. You do whole-body movements that lead to more stability and balance. This workout is very dynamic, and the movements are performed at different levels to be challenging and functional. If you want to get the most out of HIIT training, you should make each exercise as intense as possible while staying in shape. Try to avoid breaks unless the training requires them at the end of each superset.
This is how it is set up
Warm up:
- High Squat – 20 seconds
- Crawl Out – 20 seconds
- Squat with high kick – 20 seconds
- Squat – 20 seconds
- Rest – 30 seconds
Superset 1:
- Yoga push-ups – 45 seconds
- Push-up jumps with side squats – 45 seconds
- Rest – 30 seconds
- Repeat again
Superset 2:
- Lunges – 45 seconds
- Lunges with jumps – 45 seconds
- Rest – 30 seconds
- Repeat
Core burnout:
- Single leg circular movements – 20 seconds on each side
- Push-ups with rotation – 30 seconds
- Sumo Squat with Side Crunches – 30 seconds
- Forearm support – 30 seconds
High squat
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Stand with your feet apart. Keep your chest up and your abs tight as you bring your knees toward your chest, one at a time. Swing your arms and focus on keeping your fingertips in rhythm with your knees from hip level to eye level.
Crawling out
Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart. Lower yourself into a sumo squat. Crawl onto your hands until your body is extended in a forearm plank position. Then do a push-up. Crawl back with your hands and sit backwards into the sumo squat with your arms straight. Repeat for 20 seconds.
Squat with high kick
Stand with your feet slightly wider apart with your toes pointing forward. Sit your hips back into a squat. As you stand back up, step up with one leg, keeping it straight, and bring your opposite hand out to touch your toes. Switch sides for 20 seconds.
Start with your feet shoulder-width apart. Push your hips back and lower yourself into a sumo squat. Bring your arm to touch the floor directly beneath your torso. Then stand tall and jump your feet in so they land directly under your hips. Then immediately jump back to the starting position and start squatting again. Continue for 20 seconds.
Yoga push-ups
Start with forearm support. Shift your weight back and bring your butt toward the cardinal direction so that your body is in a triangle shape. Your heels should touch or hover above the ground. Feel free to bend your knees if this gets too intense. Make sure your neck is in line with your spine so your gaze is focused on your feet. Bring your torso through your hands, pull your chest an inch off the floor and raise it in a cobra shape before pushing your hips back into “Downward Dog” position.
Push-up jumps with side squats
First, do a jump without push-ups. Start in a deep squat with your legs extended to shoulder width again. Reach forward to place your hands on the floor directly next to your chest. Kick your legs directly behind you so that you land in a forearm plank. Jump back to start again. As you rise from a squat, jump to the right, straightening your legs while in the air. Lower yourself back into a crouch as you land. Another squat, jump to the left and end in starting position. Continue this combination for 45 seconds.
Stand upright with your feet slightly apart. Keep your back straight and your chest lifted. Make sure you can pull your shoulder blades down and up slightly. Take a large step forward with your left leg and lower your hips toward the floor. Bend both knees so that they form almost a 90-degree angle. Your front knee should be directly over your ankle and your back knee should be facing the floor. Continue with your front heel and press your right foot toward the floor to bring it forward. In a flowing movement, step forward with your right leg into another lunge. The duration should be 45 seconds.
Lunges with jumps
Next in the plan for HIIT training, you can do lunges with jumps. First, lie on the floor with your arms stretched out behind your head. Then swing your arms forward and use your weight to roll your body into the standing position. Try to land with your feet outside your hips. As you stand up, jump off the ground and land with your legs spread. Take a jump and switch sides, lunging with the other leg in front. Jump back to center, land slightly apart, and lower your hips back and down into a squat. Slowly bring your butts to the floor and roll back to begin again. Practice for another 45 seconds.
One-legged circular movements
Lie with both legs forward, keeping your heels higher than your hips. Lift your shoulder blades off the floor and engage your abdominal muscles. Rotate your torso to bring your right elbow toward your left knee and keep your right leg straight. Bring your chest and leg back to start from the beginning. Continue on the same side for 20 seconds and repeat on the other side.
Push-ups with rotation
First, do a regular push-up. Then shift all your weight onto one arm and rotate your body to the opposite side to get into a forearm plank position. Reach directly into the air with your free arm. Keep your body in a straight line, with your arms in line with your shoulders and your legs straight. Alternate sides for 30 seconds.
Sumo squat with side crunches
First, place your feet shoulder-width apart. The toes should point forward. Keep your back straight as you push your hips back and bend your knees to lower yourself into a squat. Stop when your butt is in line with your knees. Reach one arm to the floor and turn your upper body to the opposite side. Remember to initiate the rotation from your hips and avoid lifting your shoulders or tilting your torso forward. Repeat this movement alternately for 30 seconds.
Forearm support
First, position yourself on all fours with your toes shoulder-width apart. Your wrists and elbows should be stacked directly under your shoulders. Keep your weight steady so that your body is straight from head to toe. Squeeze your thighs and butt. Keep your neck and spine in a comfortable, neutral position. Try to point your chin about 15 centimeters in front of your body. Hold this position for 30 seconds.
More variety and less boredom
HIIT training also helps you maintain your health by getting you through cardio faster. We can't imagine anything more monotonous than being stuck on a treadmill for a good 30-60 minutes. With HIIT training, the intensity of the exercise may be exhausting, but it is short and challenges your strength. This makes the exercises more exciting and complete faster while increasing your heart rate. Furthermore, improveYour cardiovascular fitness. Another advantage is that you can practice it almost anywhere without any equipment. Although you can also do this workout on fitness equipment, the exercises can also be done using body weight alone. Consider doing less slow and long workouts and more Hiit training. The benefits include maximum fat loss by increasing metabolism and building muscle in the shortest amount of time.