Detoxify the body – Get rid of toxins with simple yoga exercises

Learn how to detoxify the body with simple yoga exercises. The exercises are well suited for beginners / it is recommended that you seek advice from experts /.

Every yoga exercise, even breathing, has the ability to rejuvenate us and can detoxify the body. Being physically flexible, alert and having a calm mind means health. Today we have selected the best exercises for you that will help you stay younger for longer.

Detoxify your body with the right exercises

Before our own yoga set, we often do a few warm-up exercises to detoxify the body. They are intended to make the muscles and tendons a little more supple, prepare the body and mind for the yoga class and make individual exercises easier for us
Do the “Sun Salutation” 3-4 times. We start with the “Plow” (Halasana). This is an exercise for detoxification of the body and against wrinkles. It also shapes the thighs, stomach and waist. This position also supports the spine, a fact that also leads to eternal youth. Do not do this position if you have a hernia, high blood pressure or arteriosclerosis.

Exercise regularly at home

The starting point for this asana is shoulder stand (Salamba Sarvangasana). Your legs are stretched straight towards the ceiling and you support your back with your hands. You stand firmly in shoulder stand and breathe out and in deeply. Exhale and slowly bring your left leg behind your head towards the floor. Your toes show you the way. Briefly put your toes down, breathe in and bring your leg back to the vertical position. Repeat the same with the right leg. Then slowly bring both legs behind your head until your toes touch the floor. Make sure you continue to keep your back perpendicular to the floor. Hold the plow position for 30 seconds to five minutes, depending on your skill level, and then return to shoulder stand.

Pleasant and simple exercises that will help you get rid of toxins

Then do the “candle” or shoulder stand. The position also helps if you want to detoxify your body. The shoulder stand is called the “queen of exercises.” The important asana strengthens the thyroid and thus all physical functions. For this asana, lie on your back. Keep your legs together and your hands on the floor with your palms facing down. With a slow, flowing movement, first lift your legs and then your pelvis. Place your hands on your lower back to support your body in the pose. Stand up so that your body forms as straight a line as possible. Stay in shoulderstand for as long as you feel comfortable. The “candle” smoothes facial wrinkles and gives you a fresh look. It also stimulates hair growth. The position is contraindicated in cases of arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure and inflammatory processes in the head area.

Stretching exercises help reduce stress

We then go into a forward bend. This is a very important exercise for detoxification of the body. The forward bend is a good oneStretching exerciseof the spine and legs. It also promotes blood circulation in the organs. Sit on your yoga mat with your back straight and your legs outstretched. The toes point upwards. The hands lie loosely on the thighs. As you inhale, raise your arms, then slowly bend your upper body forward and slide your hands along your legs as you exhale. Do not move jerkily, but move slowly. Try to grab your toes or just bend over as far as you can. The lower back remains straight. Advanced users can place their stomach and chest on their legs and their head between their knees. Hold this position for at least one minute to five minutes - breathing calmly. Come back to the starting position and relax. This position makes the spine very flexible, strengthens the back muscles and abdominal muscles, which is a guarantee that you will stay younger for longer. Shapes the waist. Removes the “bacon rolls”.

Detoxify the body – exercise for 30 minutes every day

Then comes the “fish”. With this yoga exercise suitable for beginners, you can strengthen your back and do something for your heart. The legs are stretched out and the arms are relaxed to the right and left of the upper body. You continue to breathe in and out in a relaxed manner. As you breathe in, lift your chest and tilt your head back. Also squeeze your shoulder blades together. Make sure your body weight is supported primarily by your hands and elbows and not by your head. Now tense the muscles of the lumbar vertebrae. You will perform the exercise correctly if the stretch occurs in the chest and not in the lumbar area. To make it easier for you to perform the asana, you can also rest the back of your head on the floor or use a blanket or towel as a headrest. Remain in the position for a few breaths and then move your body back to the starting position.

The yoga exercise cobra

The last position is called “Cobra”. Lie on your stomach, stretch your feet and legs. Place your hands close to your body at shoulder height with your palms facing down and pull your shoulder blades back. The fingertips point forward. Place your forehead on the floor and tense your buttocks. The main work is done by the back muscles, although the pelvis should remain in contact with the floor. You should hold this position for five to 30 seconds, then return to the basic position, vertebra by vertebra. The head bows at the end.