It's not for nothing that planks countSquat variationsand push-ups are among the most effective and popular bodyweight exercises. Done correctly, push-ups are a great way to work all major muscle groups at the same time in a short amount of time. The great thing about bodyweight workouts is that you don't need expensive equipment and you can do the exercises anywhere, anytime. If you can already do the classic push-up without any problems, then you should incorporate some new push-up variations into your training routine to provide new stimuli. Discover the best variations for more variety in our article.
With the right technique and body tension, push-ups are a natural movement that primarily uses the back and abdominal muscles. In order to train progressively, it is recommended to try challenging push-ups every now and then. The easiest way to do this is to change the position of your hands. By changing grip width, some muscle groups work more than others. If you already have fitness experience, you can also add weights or try more intense push-ups as part of a HIIT training plan.
Push-up variations for a strong upper body
Some of the most popular push-up variations differ from the classic exercise only by changing the grip width. However, when it comes to push-ups, quality comes before quantity and they are only effective if they are performed correctly and in the right form. So if you are a beginner, we recommend you start with knee push-ups or wall push-ups and slowly work your way up.
- Push-ups with a wide hand gripare a wonderful option for strengthening the chest muscles and front shoulders. To do this, get into the classic push-up position and place your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width. Make sure that your upper and lower arms form a 90 degree angle when performing the exercise.
- Tight push-up variationsare also known as diamond push-ups and the tight grip means the triceps are put under more strain during this exercise. Support yourself with your hands centrally under your body and place them together so that they form a triangle. Lower your body until your chest almost touches your hands. When executing, make sure that your elbows always remain close to your body.
Push-ups variations for beginners and advanced users
- Push-ups with staggered handsare another great variation that you can include in your upper body workout. The variable that changes is your hands. Assume the classic push-up position and form a straight line with your body. Now place one hand a little further forward while the other remains directly under your shoulder. Go down until your elbows form a 90 degree angle. In addition to the triceps and chest muscles, this exercise also trains the abdominal and deltoid muscles.
- Push-up with rotationworks primarily on the shoulders and oblique abdominal muscles and helps improve balance. Start with a regular push-up and get into the side high plank position. Then stretch your arm up into the air so that your body forms a “T” shape.
- Push-ups on the fistare a push-up variation that is only suitable for advanced users. This strengthens ankles and wrists and promotes balance. Instead of doing the push-up on your palms, form a tight fist and lean on the first two knuckles. Whether classic, with a narrow or wide handle is up to you.
- Push-ups on the back of your handsstrengthens the wrists and is ideal for boxers or martial artists. Instead of standing on the palm of your hand, you have to stand on the back of your hand turned inwards. To prevent injury and improve hand strength, it is advisable to warm up and stretch your hands well beforehand.
- Slow negative push-upsstrengthen the abdominal muscles and promote performance. To do this, slowly lower your body down and then lift it up as quickly as possible.
- Push-ups with legs elevated –For these push-up variations you either need a chair or you can place your legs on the sofa or the edge of the bed. When the legs are elevated, the intensity is higher and the core muscles are used more. Simply place your feet on an elevated surface and you're ready to go.
The push-up is one of the best exercises to improve coordination and balance
- One-arm push-upsstrengthen the core muscles and improve coordination. Do the classic push-up and place your hands slightly narrower than shoulder width. Then place one arm on your back, tense your stomach and use the support arm to lower your body downwards. Exhale and push back up. While doing this, make sure your shoulders remain stable and your elbows are close to your body. Another option would be to simply extend your arm forward.
- Single leg push-ups –The increased instability means that more muscles have to work at the same time to maintain balance. Get into the classic push-up position. As you lower your body towards the floor, lift one leg about 2 centimeters off the floor. Make sure the body stays in a straight line. Then put your foot down again and return to the starting position. It becomes even more strenuous when you place one foot over the other and try to complete as many repetitions as possible.
- Push-ups with hands downtarget the biceps and shoulder muscles more. With this variant you have to place your hands approximately in the area of your belly button and turn your fingers towards your feet.
Intense push-up variations for more endurance
The following push-up variations incorporate intensive movements such as clapping your hands or jumping. This improves your endurance and increases your heart rate. Due to their higher intensity, the exercises are ideal for effective exerciseHIIT training at home.
- Push-ups with clapping handsrequire a lot of speed and are only suitable for advanced users. Do a classic push-up and try to clap your hands at least once as you move up. Then land back on your palms. The variant in which you clap behind your body is even more demanding.
- Push-ups with shoulder tapsare more of a plank variation and improve your stability and core muscles. Start in the classic push-up position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width. Push yourself up and tap your left shoulder with your right arm and your left with your right. When doing this exercise, it is important that your back remains straight and your body does not sway to the side.
- Push-up with frog jumpis a very effective exercise to train the upper body and buttocks at the same time. Start with a regular push-up and once you're in the high plank position, jump your feet to the outside of your hands so you end up in a deep squat. Then jump back with your feet and repeat the process.
- Spiderman push-upspromotes balance and trains the oblique abdominal muscles. When you are in the bottom push-up position, pull your knee sideways toward your elbow.
- Push-up variations with medicine ball –Although these exercises look pretty simple, the medicine ball is unstable and this increases the level of difficulty. To do this, place your hands on the medicine ball and get into the typical push-up position. Isn't that challenging enough for you? Then place only one hand on the ball while the other remains on the floor. Then slowly lower your body towards the floor, making sure that it remains in a straight line and stretched. Return to starting position, roll medicine ball under other hand and repeat.