LISS Training is the latest fitness trend! – What exactly is behind it and how effective is it?

Whether sling trainer exercises for the whole body or a sweaty oneWild Sail Training– Until recently, high-intensity HIIT workouts were simply unbeatable in the fitness world and are quite popular among athletes. And for good reason - after all, these short, blatant programs are super effective and will shed the pounds in no time. But as much as we love and appreciate these workouts, they are definitely not for everyone. LISS training is the exact opposite of HIIT workouts and has been gaining popularity in the last few months. We do longer training sessions at a lower intensity, which stimulates fat burning and promotes our basic endurance. The training method is an excellent and worthwhile alternative for anyone who wants to tone their body without putting in too much effort. That sounds great, right? You can find out exactly how LISS training works and what’s behind it in our article!

LISS is a fairly new term in the fitness world and stands for “Low Intensity Steady State” or in German – a low intensity cardio workout. The fitness trend is incredibly gentle on our bodies and joints, is said to strengthen the heart and is considered a real calorie killer! If you are a beginner or are recovering from an injury or surgery but still want to stay in shape, then this training method would be perfect for you. And the best part? You don't necessarily have to join a gym to do this!

What is LISS training and how does the training method work?

In contrast to the popularHIIT Tabata Workout, where short, high-intensity exercise phases alternate with short breaks and our heart rate is raised, LISS training involves training at a moderate pace for a longer period of time. Contrary to popular belief, low-intensity cardio offers some great benefits for fat loss, our fitness levels, and overall health. The reason for this is that due to the low intensity, the body directly uses nutrients and the fat deposits for energy, and not our muscles. A “low to moderate” pace means we need to exercise at around 50 to 65 percent of our maximum heart rate, depending on our fitness level. The rule of thumb for HIIT training is: If you can still talk to someone while exercising without getting out of breath, then you are at the right level. So it's a great way to spend time with friends and family while doing something good for our bodies. Scientific studies have shown that longer, low-intensity cardio sessions improve the body's oxygen uptake, reduce stress and have a positive effect on blood pressure. But here we must mention that although LISS training is an effective way to lose weight, it also requires more time to achieve the desired results.

One of the biggest benefits of LISS training is that it fits easily into your lifestyle. Some of the sports that are perfect for a LISS workout include jogging, power walking, cycling, swimming and all the cardio equipment in the gym. You can choose any physical activity you want as long as you keep your heart rate within the recommended range and exercise for at least 40 minutes. But these numbers mean nothing to you and you're wondering how to determine your maximum heart rate?

  • Here we have a calculation example for you: 210 – (0.5 x your age in years) – (o.11 x weight in kilograms). So, for example, if you are 25 years old and weigh 60 kilograms, this results in: 210 – (0.5 x 25) – (0.11 x 60) = 210 – 12.5 – 6.6 = 190.9 – that is Your maximum heart rate. 60% of that would be 114.40 beats per minute.

What benefits does the LISS workout have for our health?

LISS training is a great training method for several reasons and, like other sports, offers numerous health benefits including improved blood circulation, reduced risk of heart disease and improved brain function. Additionally, it is easily accessible to people of all fitness levels and ages. After all, anyone can open the front door and take a long walk in the park.

  • LISS workouts improve heart health and blood circulation –Due to the longer duration of LISS training, our body has to work under constant pressure for at least 40-50 minutes. This, in turn, forces the heart to beat at a strong and steady pace so that enough oxygen is absorbed into the blood. This process improves blood circulation and respiratory health and can also lower blood pressure.
  • It is perfect for everyone –Whether you're a professional athlete or just starting your fitness journey, everyone can benefit from LISS training. Since you can build up your fitness slowly and continuously without overtaxing yourself right from the start, the training method is particularly ideal for beginners. LISS workouts are a great addition to your strength training. First, lift weights and then take a walk through nature for an hour - the perfect combination for a toned body!
  • LISS fat loss training –When we exercise at a low heart rate in the range of 120-140 beats per minute, the body draws on our fat reserves for energy rather than glycogen from the muscles, as is the case with HIIT. The lower intensity and longer duration of exercise means more oxygen is available to our body and the more oxygen we give the body, the more calories we can burn. A 2014 study found that LISS training was much more effective than HIIT training for fat loss in severely overweight people. And the best thing is that it's completely free, making it perfect for anyone who doesn't want to pay overpriced gym membership fees and doesn't want to train at home.
  • Shorter regeneration and low risk of injury –Due to the moderate pace, LISS training is much gentler on the joints than high-intensity interval training. In addition, due to the low intensity, overloading with this training method is almost impossible. If you've done some hard strength training during the week or you're simply tired, LISS training is a great way to still train gently and effectively. The low exertion during the workout automatically means that you will need less time to fully recover. This means you can easily do 2-3 training sessions per week.

Which sports are suitable for LISS training?

The possibilities for incorporating a LISS workout into your fitness routine are literally endless. As we have already explained to you, this training method is a low-intensity cardio workout lasting 30 to 60 minutes, with 30 minutes being the absolute minimum. So choose less strenuous sports that you can do over a longer period of time. For example, if you are a member of a gym, you are equipped with cardio equipment such as a treadmill, elliptical machine, exercise bike as well as aRowing machine trainingin good hands. However, if you prefer to exercise outdoors, then you can go for a bike ride or a short hike in the mountains. Fast walking, also known as power walking, is another excellent form of LISS workout. According to scientific studies, a long walk outside can stimulate the release of endorphins in the body, which reduces stress and makes us feel happier. So call your best friend quickly and shed those extra pounds with a nice walk!

Other popular leisure activities include swimming, skateboarding or surfing in summer. But doing the same exercise over and over again for a long time can become quite boring in the long run and ruin our motivation to exercise. For this reason, it's important to choose something that you really enjoy. It would also be helpful if you changed your sport every now and then. So you can go jogging the first week and cycling or swimming the next. Professional athletes can use LISS training for an “active rest day”. Intense strength training day after day without rest and recovery can lead to serious injuries or even burnout and depression. A low-intensity cardio session allows your body to recover while still incorporating some form of exercise into your day. To achieve lasting results and tone your body, try to complete between 3 and 4 LISS workouts per week.