Tabata Training exercises and training plan for a toned and defined body!

From exercise ball training toJump rope exercisesto foam rolling – there are now countless workout variants and training styles in the fitness world, which you have probably heard about over the years. Whether for fitness beginners or advanced fitness enthusiasts - the goal of every workout is to tone our body and improve endurance and health. Lack of time is the number one reason why most people don't exercise. Not everyone wants or can sweat and torture themselves in the gym for 60 minutes or more several times a week. If you are short on time but still want to train, then we have the solution for you! Tabata training is a variation of HIIT training that will get your muscles burning and boost your metabolism in no time! We'll tell you what exactly that is as well as the best Tabata exercises and a training plan in our article!

Tabata training, also known as the Tabata protocol, is high-intensity interval training and is usually based on a combination of endurance and strength exercises. An interval consists of 8 intervals of 20 seconds each and therefore only lasts 4 minutes. Sounds easy, right? To achieve results, you need to perform the exercises at maximum intensity and believe us - after just the second minute you will be out of breath and feel the burning in your muscles.

What is Tabata Training and how does it work?

During Tabata training, short phases of extreme stress alternate with even shorter breaks. Or to put it more simply - you do the exercise for 20 seconds, take a 10 second break, then another 20 seconds, etc. In total, a Tabata lasts 4 minutes and consists of 8 intervals. Whether you add the exercises to your training routine and start or end your workout with them, or do a stand-alone Tabata workout, is up to you. For the second option, it is recommended to complete 3 to 4 intervals of 4 minutes each and aim for a workout duration of at least 16 minutes. The shorter breaks and the quick changes boost fat burning extremely - but this only happens if you really push yourself to your limit and complete the exercises with maximum intensity. The best thing about the workout is that it can adapt to any fitness level and no special equipment is required. However, if you are a beginner, it is better to start with shorter bursts of 10 seconds until you get used to the effort. Additionally, you'll want to make sure you can perform the exercises you choose with proper form.

The training method was developed in 1996 by Japanese sports scientist Izumi Tabata (hence the name). A large study examined the effects of high-intensity interval training and moderate endurance training. In the group that trained according to the Tabata principle, an increase in anaerobic performance was found by 28% and aerobic performance by 15%. Aerobic performance refers to the maximum amount of oxygen that you use during intensive training. Anaerobic, on the other hand, refers to the maximum amount of energy that the body can produce without oxygen. The Tabata Training experiences were groundbreaking and since then the workout has had a permanent place in the fitness world. Done correctly, the training method is a real miracle cure and helps us to become fit and slim in the shortest possible time.

What are the most popular Tabata exercises?

One of the biggest advantages of HIIT Tabata training is that pretty much anything goes and you can include any exercise imaginable in the workout. This way you can change up the exercises every now and then to try something new and keep the workout interesting. The most important thing is that you stick to the prescribed 20/10 rhythm and always train at full speed. The exercises you choose depend on your fitness level and your training goals. Exercises that use multiple muscle groups at the same time are best. These include, for example, classic push-ups, squat variations, plank exercises and similar. If you do this with the highest possible intensity, the afterburn effect is guaranteed for the next 24 hours.

If you want to burn fat and improve your endurance, it's best to do burpees, jumping jacks or jumping rope exercises. Crunches, plank variations,Abdominal legs butt exercisesor light weights, on the other hand, are ideal for promoting muscle building. You will only achieve the best results if you can do around 12-15 repetitions in 20 seconds. A lot of willpower and a timer or stopwatch that accurately follows the different phases - that's all you need to get started. It becomes even easier with special Tabata training music or a Tabata app. The songs are timed exactly to the Tabata training so that you can concentrate only on the exercises. Music also makes workouts more enjoyable and can increase our performance by up to 20%. Because trust us - you'll want to know when the 4 minutes are finally over!

High-intensity Tabata HIIT training for 30 minutes

Numerous scientific studies have confirmed several times that a high-intensityBodyweight trainingmuch more effective than a workout with machines and dumbbells can be. Undoubtedly, the two variants have their own advantages, but the latter requires much more time and special equipment or a gym membership. The following Tabata workout consists of 5 complete intervals of 4 minutes each and each interval contains 2 exercises. Rest for 1 minute between each set.

  • Warm up –Before you start your workout, be sure to warm up for 5 minutes. In this way you prepare the body for the upcoming stress and the risk of injury is minimized. Popular warm-up exercises include squats, jumping jacks, jumping rope, and crunches.

Tabata-Set 1:

  • Burpeesare a combination of high jumps and push-ups and are a great way to work the entire body at the same time. Place your feet hip-width apart, keep your back straight and squat deeply. Support yourself with your hands on the floor and jump your legs into the push-up position. Perform a push-up and jump forward again to return to the squat position. Then perform a jump jump upwards. This counts as one repeat.
  • climbernot only strengthens the lower abdominal muscles, but also targets the legs, butt and shoulders. Get into high plank position with your shoulders directly over your hands. Keep your back straight and alternately pull your knees towards your chest in a jumping movement.

Tabata-Set 2:

  • Long jumpsare one of the best squat variations to increase endurance and stimulate fat burning. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, squat down, and simply jump forward as far as you can. Land back into the squat position – that was one rep. You have two options to choose from for this exercise - you can either jump forward or backwards. The latter requires a little more coordination and is therefore only suitable for advanced users.
  • Lunges with jump –Lunges in all imaginable variations increase the heart rate and get the entire leg and buttocks muscles burning. The lunge is the starting position - the legs are bent to 90 degrees until the back knee almost touches the floor. Tense your back and stomach and jump off the floor and move your legs in the air in the opposite direction. Return to the starting position, jump again and switch legs again.

Tabata-Set 3:

  • Squat with jumpis an intensive full-body exercise that primarily stresses the legs and buttocks. The exercise is performed almost in the same way as the classic squat. The only difference is that you have to jump up from the squat with a lot of force and then land back into the squat position.
  • High Knees Exercisewill make you sweat a lot and leave you out of breath. It increases the heart rate in a very short time and also improves flexibility and strength. To do this, start running in place and try to lift your knees towards your chest as much as possible.

HIIT Training Tabata can be adapted to any fitness level

Tabata-Set 4:

  • Hampelman– Whether as a warm-up or as part of a HIIT Tabata workout – the jumping jack is one of the most effective full-body exercises for anyone who wants to lose weight. Stand upright and keep your feet together. Jump from the floor with your feet outwards and spread them slightly wider than shoulder-width. While jumping, close your arms over your head. Perform the exercise in quick alternation.
  • Walking plank exercise –If you have yourwant to strengthen your lower abdominal muscles, then different plank variations should be an integral part of your Tabata HIIT training. To do the walking plank, simply go from the low plank to the high plank position.

Tabata-Set 5:

  • Bicycle Crunches –Are normal crunches too boring and not challenging enough for you? Then bicycle crunches are just right for you! The exercise is perfect for Tabata training for beginners as well as for advanced users! Lie on an exercise mat and position your hands behind your head. Tighten your stomach and lift your head, shoulders and legs off the floor. Then turn your head and shoulder slightly to the left and pull your right elbow towards your left knee. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.
  • Bulgarian squat with jumpis one of the best exercises to train your buttocks and inner thighs. Stand in front of a chair or sofa with your feet hip-width apart. Place your left leg on top and lower your body down until your back knee almost touches the floor. Jump up slightly to return to the starting position. When performing, make sure that your shoulders and back remain straight.