Have you finally decided to eat healthier and exercise more? Great! Starting an exercise program can be a real challenge for some of us. It's hard enough to overcome your inner weakness and take the time to train, but then there's the nasty muscle soreness that comes with training. Whether after a strenuous oneThigh workoutor oneCrossfit Training– every athlete has had sore muscles at least once. The pain is sometimes so severe that even simple things like climbing stairs or brushing your teeth become a real torture. And right then we all ask ourselves the question: Should you train with sore muscles or is it now a forced break? Do the muscles have to regenerate first or can we go straight back to the gym? And how can you prevent or relieve sore muscles? We will explain all this and much more to you below!
What is muscle soreness and how does it occur?
We've all been there - after an intense workout or after a long break from the gym, the sore muscles start to set in and our muscles feel a little less flexible and heavier for a while. The good news is that in most cases the pain is harmless and the body heals itself. And while for some people sore muscles are proof that they've really pushed themselves, for others it could destroy motivation. Muscle soreness always results from over-stressing the muscles and is an alarm signal from the body that we have put too much strain on them.
Excessive stress leads to small micro-injuries in the fibers, which tear during intensive or unusual movements. Water penetrates through the resulting cracks, which causes the muscles to swell and causes muscle soreness. This usually occurs in movements that have a yielding (eccentric) component. To understand what exactly this is, we have an example for you. For example, if you do bicep curls, not lifting the dumbbell, but lowering it in a controlled manner is an unfamiliar and strenuous movement for our muscles.
Unfortunately, there is no consistent answer to the question of whether you can train with sore muscles or whether it is better to wait until the pain goes away. That depends a little on how severe the pain is. If you only feel mild muscle soreness, you can definitely continue your workout. However, in order for the body to regenerate completely, it is recommended to rest the affected muscles for at least 48 hours. But especially if you are used to regular training, you will definitely find it difficult to take a long break due to sore muscles. Since muscle soreness is often accompanied by restricted movement, you should avoid intense strain. On the one hand, the exercises can often no longer be carried out correctly and on the other hand, overtraining the affected muscle groups can lead to worse damage.
As long as you give the affected muscles a short break, you can easily continue training with sore muscles. However, you should not strain the muscle group that is currently hurting. For example, if you have a hardTrizeps Traininghave completed and can barely move your arms the next day, then you can use yourslegs and buttockstrain. Or try something new and use gentle training methods, such as yoga, slow jogging, cycling or swimming. You should also make sure that the muscles in which you have sore muscles should not be used as auxiliary muscles. Light movements stimulate blood circulation and can even help relieve pain.
Before you head to the gym and start working out with sore muscles, you should first learn to recognize your body's signals. If the pain is too intense and you are having trouble using your muscles for everyday movements, you should definitely take a short break from training. Or do you feel weak and weak for a few days after training? Then don't force yourself to continue training. Sport should not be a compulsory program, but rather something that we should primarily enjoy.
These are the typical muscle soreness symptoms
Fitness beginners in particular are often of the opinion that they have severe muscle soreness, when in reality they have none or only mild muscle soreness. But then there is also the opposite: people who have been training for a long time tend to overlook or downplay the pain. In the long run, this can lead to a greater risk of injury and even regression in training. Below we will explain to you how you can recognize sore muscles and what the typical symptoms are.
- Muscle soreness usually does not occur immediately, but rather 24 to 48 hours after exercise. The pain is strongest on the second day and then slowly subsides. If symptoms persist for a significantly longer period of time, you should see a doctor.
- Even with minimal movement without load, slight pain in the muscle can be felt.
- The affected muscles are significantly more tense, sensitive to pressure, hard and stiff.
- A very limited range of motion is another sign of sore muscles. If you have trouble getting out of bed or walking normally after a leg workout, you can assume that your body needs a few more days of rest.
Training with sore muscles and what helps against it?
Prevention is better than cure and so that you don't train with sore muscles, we'll tell you how you can prevent it.
- Warm up and cool downare an absolute must for every training session. A short warm-up prepares the muscles for the upcoming stress and at the same time prevents injuries. The cool-down, on the other hand, normalizes the pulse, heart and breathing rates and regenerates the muscles after the workout.
- Get enough protein –A balanced and healthy diet cannot always prevent muscle soreness, but it can support the muscles in their regeneration. It is particularly important that you pay attention to sufficient protein intakehigh quality protein sourcesinclude in your menu.
- Know your limits –If you overestimate yourself and your muscles and put too much strain on them, muscle soreness is inevitable. This also applies to new exercises that the body first has to get used to. Fitness beginners in particular should gradually increase the intensity and not train for too long or too hard.