Triceps training for women – The best exercises for toned and defined arms at a glance!

If we think about the typical problem areas for women:Stomach, legs and buttocksthe first thing that comes to our minds. However, beautifully shaped arms and shoulders and a strengthened chest are simply essential for an attractive appearance. When doing an upper body workout, most people work diligently on the biceps and shoulders, while somehow neglecting the back and triceps muscles. When the triceps are weakened and not trained, wobbly, limp waving arms are the result. A triceps workout for women creates a beautiful, toned body and improves our overall performance and endurance. Are you ready to refresh your workout routine and fight the waving arms? Whether triceps training at home without equipment, with dumbbells or with Theraband - in this article we have put together the most effective triceps exercises for you!

The triceps is a three-headed muscle and is located on the back of the upper arm. The side and inner part ensure that we can stretch our arms and the long head is responsible for bringing the arm towards our body and lifting it backwards. Whenever you push something—a door, a stroller, or a barbell—your triceps are working. When you properly train the triceps, flexibility and joint mobility are improved. This in turn helps protect the upper body from injuries and muscle strains.

Triceps training for women is essential for slim and toned arms

Whether as a stand-alone triceps workout for women or just as a supplement to your upper body workout - if you want to build muscles in your upper arms and define your arms, triceps exercises are essential. In our article we will focus on the so-called isolation exercises. These are exercises with which the triceps are trained specifically and independently of other muscle groups. Don't have a gym membership? That's not a problem, because the following exercises are perfect for triceps training at home. All you will need in terms of equipment are a few dumbbells or filled water bottles. For faster results, choose 4-5 of the following exercises and try to perform them 2-3 times per week. Do 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions of each exercise.

  • Lying French Press with Dumbbells –French press is one of the best and simplest exercises for anyone who wants to train triceps at home and get rid of waving arms. Lie on an exercise mat with your knees bent and your feet hip-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with the palms facing each other. The back forms a slight hollow back and the gaze is directed upwards. Stretch your arms vertically upwards and hold for a few seconds. Then bend the dumbbells slowly and in a controlled manner with your forearms towards your head, while keeping your upper arms motionless. Exhale and press the dumbbells back up using your forearm to return to the starting position.
  • One Arm French Press with Dumbbells –The advantage of this variant is that you can use your other hand for support - so as soon as your strength starts to decrease, you can easily help yourself up. That's why this is the optimal exercise for triceps training with dumbbells for beginners. Hold a dumbbell in your left hand and extend it up over your chest. Go down until your elbow touches the floor - this should form a 45 degree angle with your body. Slowly and controlledly return to the starting position, perform 10-12 repetitions and switch arms.

Train your triceps properly to build muscles in your upper body

  • Triceps stretches overheadis probably the most effective exercise for triceps training for women. Although the movement may seem pretty simple at first glance, don't underestimate the weight! To get the most out of the movement and prevent injuries, you should do the exercise slowly and in a controlled manner. Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and pick up a dumbbell with both hands so that your palms are under the top weight plate. Extend your arms above your head and bend your elbows to lower the dumbbell behind your head. When executing, make sure that your shoulders, wrists and elbows remain in line with each other.
  • Trizeps Kickbacksare an integral part of every well-planned triceps training. Stand with your knees slightly bent and lean forward at a 45-degree angle. Alternatively, beginners can rest one leg on a chair or sofa. Hold a dumbbell firmly in your hand and slowly push your arm back and up. Hold in the highest position for a few seconds and then return to the starting position. It is important that the arm stays close to the body and the upper body is tilted as far forward as possible. To increase the difficulty, you can do the exercise with both arms at the same time.

Home workout and triceps training without equipment – ​​the best exercises at a glance!

Admittedly, training triceps without equipment is not an easy task. However, we have done some research for you and are giving you a few suggestions for effective training with your own weight. The best thing about it is that you can do the exercises anytime, anywhere.

  • Trizeps Dips –Whether you're at home, at the gym or in the park, tricep dips are the ultimate classic and will get your muscles burning! All you need is a chair or a bench. Place your palms on the edge of the chair and directly under your shoulders. The palms of the hands must be facing forward and the buttocks and back must be as close to the chair as possible. Either extend your legs forward or bend them slightly at the knees - this makes the exercise a little easier. Bend your elbows and lower your body down until they form a 90-degree angle. Then push yourself up using your arms and shoulders to return to the starting position. During execution, the bottom must not be placed on the ground.
  • Diamond Push-Ups –The classic push-up is undoubtedly one of the most effective and popular full-body exercises. The Diamond Push-Up is a variation that also targets the triceps muscles. Since the exercise is quite demanding, we recommend that you initially do it on your knees and slowly work your way up. Get into the classic push-up position and place your hands directly under your chest. Form a diamond with your palms by touching your thumbs and index fingers. Tense your body and keep your back straight. Then extend your arms and push your upper body off the floor. Exhale and lower your upper body slowly and in a controlled manner. It becomes even more challenging if you do the push-up on an exercise ball.Exercise ball exercisesare always very popular and are ideal for triceps training for women.
  • Dynamic Plank –If you want to train your arms, stomach and back with a single exercise, then you can use the different plank variations or onePlank Challengein good hands. Start in the high plank position with your feet hip-width apart. Keep your back straight, tense your stomach and lower your left arm onto your forearm, followed by your right arm. Extend your arms one after the other and return to the starting position. When executing, make sure that your body remains stable the entire time.
  • Side plank with arm raisesis a wonderful exercise that strengthens the entire arm muscles, including the triceps. Start in the high plank position and twist to the side with your arm extended so that your body forms a “T”. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. To increase the difficulty, perform the exercise with dumbbells. To do this, simply hold a dumbbell with your upper hand and stretch it upwards 10-12 times.

Incorporate the following exercise into your rubber band triceps training

No dumbbells in the house? No problem! To stretch and define your arms, you don't necessarily have to lift heavy weights. All you need is a resistance band. Even a simple triceps training Theraband can be just as effective and challenging.

  • Triceps stretches with Theraband –Stand with your left leg on the Theraband and pull it over your shoulders. Point your elbows forward and fully extend your arms upwards. Hold for a few seconds, breathe in deeply and lower your forearms back to the starting position.
  • Triceps kick-backs with resistance band –All triceps exercises that you normally need dumbbells for can be easily performed with the resistance band. Stand on the therabad and hold the ends. Bend forward very slightly and pull on the resistance band until your shoulders and elbows point back. Then extend your arms fully, or if that's not possible - until you feel a lot of resistance.