Effectively training your entire body in just a few minutes a day – it just sounds too good to be true. However, that is with thePlank exerciseabsolutely possible. Planks, also known as forearm supports, are among the most effective full-body exercises without weights. They can be done practically anywhere, no special equipment is required and they offer a lot of benefits for our health. Another advantage of the exercise is that, depending on the level of difficulty and variations, it is ideal for both beginners and advanced users. So that your home workout never gets boring, in this article we will show you some of the most effective plank variations with which you can specifically train different muscle groups.
The forearm plank is a classic static exercise, or in other words - the muscles are trained without moving your body. The abdominal muscles and back are particularly stressed. However, with planking you also train the shoulder muscles, the upper back, the chest muscles as well as the buttocks and the thigh muscles. 8 hours 15 minutes and 15 seconds - that's how long 62-year-old George Hood held the plank position and set a new world record. But don't worry - even with 5 to 10 minutes a day you can benefit from the many benefits of the plank and tone your body.
Plank variations for more variety in your training routine
Before we start with the different plank variations, we will first explain to you how the classic forearm plank actually works.
- At theclassic plankLie on the floor with your hands shoulder-width apart and your feet shoulder-width apart. Now either lean on your elbows for low plank or straighten your arms and assume the push-up starting position for high plank.
- Walking Plankis an effective way to train your shoulders, butt and stomach at the same time. Start in the low plank position - place your feet close together and tense your stomach. Now first put your hands up and get into the high plank position. Try to change the guide arm every now and then - start with the left and once with the right. When performing, be careful not to lift the body and keep a straight line. Another way to do the walking plank is with your feet. To do this, simply move your feet back and forth - this also trains your thighs. Try to do about 4 sets of 15 repetitions each.
Depending on the level of difficulty, the forearm support is suitable for beginners and professionals
- Classic low plank with rotation at homepromotes the ability to concentrate and balance and is more suitable for advanced users. To increase the level of difficulty, feel free to use light weights of 1 to 3 kilograms. Start again from the classic low plank position. Now stretch one arm, lift it away from the floor and then move it upwards in a semicircle. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat with the other arm. Do 4 sets of 10-15 reps per arm.
- Plank variants with twistingmainly train the lateral abdominal muscles and the buttocks. Here too, the low plank is the starting position. Now lower and raise your hips alternately to the left and right. But make sure that you do not touch the floor and that your stomach remains tense the entire time. Do 4 sets for a total of 20 reps.
The forearm plank is the most effective whole-body exercise and can be done anywhere.
- Side plank exercisealso specifically targets the obliques and can be performed in many different ways. She is started lying on her side and supported on the floor with one hand. Place your legs together and stretch and lift your hips off the floor until your body forms a straight line. It becomes even more difficult if you dynamically raise and lower your hips from this position. Or train your balance and try slightly lifting the top leg outstretched.
- Raise side plank with arm and leg –Lie on your side and get into side plank position. And now slowly lift the upper leg and arm at the same time and slowly lower them again. In order for the plank exercise to be effective, it is important to ensure that it is performed cleanly and correctly. When using the side forearm support, it is important to ensure that the hips do not tilt downwards, backwards or forwards. Start with 6-8 reps per side.
- Side plank variations with one legare very tiring, but also much more effectiveLosing weight on the stomachthan the classic crunches and sit-ups. This trains the side abdominal muscles, buttocks and arms. Simply get into the side plank position and stretch your upper arm. Then slowly pull your upper knee towards your chest as far as possible and lower it again. Do 4 sets of 10-12 reps per side.
- Plank exercise with knees above the floor –Get into the classic low plank position and slowly move your knees towards the floor, but do not touch it. The exercise can be done in two variations - either you stay with your knees above the floor and try to hold the position for at least 30 seconds or you slowly move your knees down and then back up.
- Plank variations for more balanceare only carried out with 3 support points. To do this, start from the classic low plank position and place your feet slightly wider than hip-width. Now place either your right or left hand behind your back and hold it for at least 30 seconds. Another option would be to lift one leg slightly off the ground instead of using your hand. Make sure your hips are stable and your body stays in a straight line.
- Plank variations with shoulder touch –When doing this exercise, you must ensure that your stomach and core muscles remain tense and stable. Assume the high plank position and lift your left hand off the floor. Now touch your right shoulder with this and return to the starting position. Then carry out the movement with the other hand. Try to do 4 sets of 10 reps per hand.
- Plank exercise on the chair or sofa –By elevating the legs, the lower abdominal muscles and buttocks are trained and the exercise becomes even more strenuous. Place your feet on either the chair or the sofa and get into the high plank position. To make the exercise a little more interesting and difficult, you can alternately pull your legs towards your chest or do the upper version with shoulder touch.
- X Plankis a particularly intense and strenuous exercise that trains the shoulders and back. Start in the classic low plank position. Place your legs slightly wider than hip-width and place your arms above your shoulders. This exercise requires the body to look up like an X from above. Tense your stomach and buttocks and hold the position for as long as possible.
- Reverse plank exerciseis also known as the reverse forearm plank and is particularly good for the muscles in the lower back, thighs and buttocks. A properly executed reverse plank can also relieve back pain. Start by sitting on the floor with your legs extended. Rest your hands beneath your shoulders, then push up and lift your body off the floor until it forms a straight line from head to toe.
- Reverse plank with leg raises– This is probably one of the most difficult plank variations there is, but incredibly effective. Get into the reverse plank position and bend your knees - they should look like a table. Now alternately stretch your legs up as high as possible. Try to start with about 5-6 reps per leg.
- Plank with resistance band– FitnessExercises with resistance bandsare becoming increasingly popular. Place a mini resistance band directly over your wrists and assume the classic high plank position. Now step as far to the left as possible with your left hand, hold briefly and return. Do 4 sets of about 8-10 reps per side.
- Side plank walk –Start in low plank with your hands under your shoulders. And now it's time to be careful - simultaneously cross your right hand over your left as you step your left foot to the left. Then step to the left with your left hand and right foot at the same time so that you are back in plank position. One rep consists of 5 steps to the left and 5 steps to the right.
- Plank exercise with jumpis a dynamic plank variation that can make you sweat a lot and stimulate fat burning. To do this, jump from the low plank position with your feet towards the outside of your hands and then hop back - this counts for one repetition. Do 4 sets of 10 reps each. Another option would be to jump alternately to the left and right sides, keeping your feet close together.