Simple & quick: 3 DIY ideas for beautiful Christmas decorations

You can easily make Christmas decorations yourself. With our DIYs it's super easy and quick.

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Especially now, when it's uncomfortable, cold and dark outside, it's simply wonderful when you can beautify your home with your own creative crafts. Apart from that, some decoration ideas also make great small gifts for family and friends. Little helpers can also get involved with one or two craft items and let off steam.

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Gingerbread, Christmas trees, straw stars and Advent wreaths are a Christmas tradition. But it can also be more innovative and, above all, more creative. Our newly interpreted ideas for DIY Christmas decorations bring variety to the contemplative season.

We'll show you three pretty Christmas decoration ideas that can become real Christmas eye-catchers in just a few simple steps and immediately spread a contemplative Christmas spirit.

DIY: Make your own Christmas decorations

If you want to decorate your own four walls for Christmas with a lot of imagination and a little skill, you've come to the right place. Our DIY Christmas decorations can be made in no time and with little material.

1. Pinecone Christmas tree ornaments

You need:

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Here's how:
Turn the cones upside down and glue mini balls on using the hot glue gun. Repeat with lots of colorful balls until the cones look beautifully decorated. Glue a small piece of string to the pegs for hanging purposes. Let everything dry and the Christmas tree pendant is ready.

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2. Gingerbread landscape in a glass

You need:

  • Gingerbread
  • 8 glasses
  • frosting
  • Ground pretzels
  • Desiccated coconut
  • tweezers
  • Marzipan
  • Green food coloring
  • Rosemary
  • cookie
  • Mini candy canes

Here's how:
Crumble the gingerbread and sprinkle into the glasses. Top with a thin layer of icing using a piping bag. Sprinkle coconut flakes as snow. Instead of snow, ground pretzels also look nice as gravel.

Knead food coloring into the marzipan and use it to form trees, hearts or flowers or use small gingerbread figures. Decorate glasses with rosemary, cookies and small candy canes. Placement works best with tweezers.

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3. DIY Christmas decorations: Christmas trees made from book pages

You need:

  • old book
  • Shish skewers
  • Lantern or small flower pot
  • Potting soil or Styrofoam

Here's how:
Cut pages from the book and shape them into smaller and smaller rectangles. Skewer the sides according to size onto a kebab skewer and place the whole thing in a lantern or small flower pot. To ensure that the skewer holds properly, add potting soil, Styrofoam or floral foam to the pots beforehand.