Belly weight loss tips: Diet and exercises to successfully lose weight on your stomach!

You've been on thousands of diets and going to the gym regularly, but you still can't get rid of your belly. Does this sound familiar? Both women and men would like to be fit and lose weight on their stomach. But how does that work? What is the right food for six pack abs and what are the most effective exercises for burning belly fat? We'll tell you all of this and the answers to many other questions, as well as the most helpful weight loss tips for your stomach, in our article!

Belly fat is considered to be very stubborn and for this reason, losing weight on the stomach is easier said than done. Some of the most well-known reasons for gaining belly fat include stress, lack of exercise and poor diet. Before we give you detailed information about how to get a flat stomach and show you many suggestions for belly fat workouts at home or in the gym, we will introduce you to the different types of belly fat.

Get rid of your stomach – these are the 6 types of belly fat!

  • Stress belly –Drinking a quick coffee during your lunch break or eating a sandwich in front of the computer – this is what everyday working life looks like for many people. With today's hectic everyday life, it's no wonder that a big belly can be caused by stress. Unfortunately, when you're under pressure, you skip meals far too often and that, combined with a lack of sleep, leads to food cravings. When you have a stressed stomach, fatty tissue accumulates primarily in the intestines and in the abdominal wall of the stomach. Diarrhea or flatulence are another hallmark. If you want to lose some belly fat, the main thing you should try to do is go to bed on time and take your time eating! Before bed you could do a littleYoga exercisesor drink a chamomile tea - this way the cortisol is reduced and the body relaxes.
  • Lifebuoy and belly fat,or also known by the cute name bacon rolls, is typical for all those who don't like sports and have a sweet tooth who too often reach for greasy food such as burgers, pizza, chips, chocolate and other sweets. In order to successfully lose weight on your stomach and waist, you should first completely change your diet. This means 3 to 4 healthy meals a day and replacing unhealthy snacks with healthier alternatives, such asfresh fruitor a handful of nuts, replace. Take the stairs more often and leave the car at home more often - if you don't have time to exercise, you should try to integrate as much exercise as possible into your everyday life.
  • Hormonbauch –If you want to get rid of your belly, we recommend having your hormone levels checked at least twice a year. The most important hormones include insulin, cortisol, leptin and adiponectin - they regulate blood sugar levels and body fat percentage.
  • Bloated stomachis characterized by severe abdominal pain and is perceived as very unpleasant. The foods that you should definitely avoid are spicy food, fast food, coffee and carbonated drinks. Try to incorporate light meals such as cooked vegetables, lean meats and soups into your belly-burning diet.
  • beer belly –Enjoying a cold beer or a glass of wine on the couch after work - there is hardly anything nicer. But if one beer turns into a second and a third, you're doing your figure a disservice. To get rid of your wobbly stomach, you should first reduce your alcohol consumption - the rule of thumb is a maximum of 1 beer a day.
  • pregnancy belly –During pregnancy, your body goes through a number of changes and a big belly is one of them. To get rid of a pregnancy belly, you should arm yourself with a lot of time and patience.

Get rid of belly fat after giving birth

Without a doubt, giving birth is one of the most beautiful and happiest moments in every woman's life. But shortly after giving birth, new mothers ask themselves the question “How do I get rid of my pregnancy belly?”. This requires a lot of work, patience and discipline. Have you heard of the saying “Nine months he comes and another nine months he goes”? Unfortunately that means the stomach. When it comes to losing weight around your stomach, diet and exercise are really the be-all and end-all.

  • Don’t go on crash diets –All diets that promise a flat stomach in 1 week are monotonous and due to the greatly reduced calorie intake, they are considered extremely dangerous for you and your baby. During breastfeeding in the first 2-3 months, your body needs a lot of energy to produce enough milk for the baby. It is better to rely on a balanced andvaried dietTo lose weight on your stomach – eat lots of fruit, vegetables and protein and try to reduce carbohydrates a little. However, it is important to note that some foods can cause stomach pain in the baby. These include tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, all types of cabbage, as well as nectarines and citrus fruits.
  • Healthy fatslike nuts, avocado and olive oil help fight fatigue, which is a bonus for all mothers.
  • Breastfeeding –According to many new studies, women who breastfeed their babies lose weight much faster.
  • Get rid of your pregnant belly with massages –Massages promote the elasticity of the skin and have a positive effect on blood circulation. It's not enough for a flat stomach, but it can't do any harm. A tugging massage is highly recommended for a toned stomach and to prevent stretch marks. To do this, lift small areas of skin with your fingers and roll them back and forth.
  • Training your stomach after pregnancy –We recommend that you register for a postnatal course - the appropriate exercises will stimulate the regression of the uterus, abdomen and hormonal balance after the birth.

The best exercises

Many women want to get rid of belly fat as quickly as possible after pregnancy. Below you will find some helpful ideas for postpartum belly workouts.

  • Mit Cardio –Anyone who wants to train away belly fat cannot avoid endurance training. But that doesn't necessarily mean spending 1 hour on the treadmill at the gym. It's best to start with short walks with the baby. For example, while he's sleeping, you could do some light stretching exercises.
  • When you can start doing exercises to burn belly fat depends primarily on whether you were physically active before and during pregnancy. If so, then you can start doing light exercises and stretching around the third day of the postpartum period. Pilates and yoga would be the best choice.

Get rid of your lower abdomen – With these exercises you can train away the belly fat after giving birth

  • Targeted abdominal exercisesIt puts too much strain on the body and for this reason you should take it slower in the first 8-9 weeks. Afterwards, you can do all the usual exercises for losing weight on your stomach.
  • Workout with the baby –Just finding time for yourself is next to impossible in the first few months after giving birth. On social networks you can find more and more weight loss exercises for the stomach together with the baby. Simply lifting small things instead of weights is not only effective, it can also be very fun. We recommend starting with a doll or towel that is approximately the size of your baby. This will ensure that you are coordinated enough and that there is no risk of dropping the baby.

Big upper stomach and lower stomach – How dangerous is belly fat?

Not all fat is the same. Our body has two different types of belly fat and these are visceral and subcutaneous fat.

  • The subcutaneous fatare exactly those annoying fat deposits that form over the abdominal muscles and that we find difficult to get rid of. It serves as energy storage and is of no importance for our health.
  • The visceral belly fataccumulates around the abdominal organs and is very metabolically active. It produces many different messenger substances and is therefore linked to a number of serious diseases, including cancer, dementia and heart disease. You don't even have to be overweight or obese - even people of normal weight can have too much visceral belly fat. Furthermore, the thousands of abdominal exercises will not help you get rid of that excess belly fat. A long-term change in diet anda lot of movementare the only sure way to get rid of it successfully.
  • Belly fat causes cholesterol levels to rise –The messenger substances produced by visceral fat have a negative effect on the production of insulin and blood pressure. This in turn could lead to arteriosclerosis.
  • Too much belly fat increases the risk of ato develop heart disease,significantly increased.
  • According to many scientific studies, the risk of breast cancer and colon cancer is twice as high as that of people with normal abdominal fat.
  • Big belly – when does belly fat become dangerous for us? –For men, a waist circumference of more than 93 centimeters is considered harmful to health and increases the risk of heart disease or type 2 diabetes. For women, the limit is 80 centimeters waist circumference.

These are the best weight loss exercises for belly fat

Before we show you some of the best exercises for your workout, we would like to make one thing clear - it is unfortunately impossible to lose weight specifically on your stomach. It may be that you lose weight from your stomach first and then from your legs or vice versa - but the body cannot specifically lose fat in only certain areas.

  • Get rid of the lower abdomen withslow leg lifting –Lie on the floor and place your arms either along your body or under your butt. Raise your closed legs vertically and then slowly lower them until they are just above the floor. Give yourself enough time - every workout is about quality, not quantity.
  • Train your lower abdomen withScissor Kicks– When it comes to abdominal weight loss exercises, scissor kicks and slow leg raises are undoubtedly among the most effective. Lie on the floor and start making slow scissor movements with your legs. Make sure that your stomach remains tense and your legs remain nicely stretched the entire time. The best thing about the two exercises is that they can be done anywhere and are perfect for training like this at home.
  • Get rid of your stomach with a plank –Planks, also known as forearm support, are a must for anyone who wants to get rid of their flabby stomach. Whether for lower belly fat, for the waist or for the upper abdomen - this way you train all of your abdominal muscles at once. The biggest advantage of this exercise is that you not only train your stomach, but also your bottom, legs and back - a real all-rounder! Here's how to do it right: First, get into push-up position and go down onto your forearms. Try to hold the position for at least 30 seconds and be careful not to stretch your bottom too far up.
  • Lose weight on the lower stomachCrunches –Everyone knows them and everyone has done them at school. But can you lose weight on your stomach by doing sit ups? Unfortunately, the answer to this question is “no”. Crunches are only effective if you have already reduced your belly fat a little.
  • Roll Outs –This is most likely one of the most difficult abdominal weight loss exercises and at the same time one of the most effective. You can perform the exercise either with a special roller, which can be found in any well-equipped gym, or with a dumbbell. Here's how it works: First, you should kneel forward and firmly grasp the handles of the roll. Make a slight arch in your lower back and keep your upper body straight - this will protect the intervertebral discs. Slowly lower your thighs forward and stretch your arms until they are approximately next to your ears. Bend your thighs back and slowly move to the starting position.

Lose side fat with these abdominal fat burning exercises

Losing weight on your stomach and waist is one of the most difficult tasks ever and you need to arm yourself with a lot of time and patience.

  • Lateral weight lifting –Perfect for a belly-loss workout at home and pretty easy to do - it's not for nothing that this is the most popular exercise when you need to lose some side fat. You can use pretty much anything as a weight - from a dumbbell to a full handbag to your laptop, everything is allowed. Stand up straight and hold the weight in one hand. Then move your upper body from left to right and then the other way around.
  • Anyone who wants to lose weight on their stomach can come to thisRussian Twistnot over. How to do it: Sit on the floor with your back straight and your legs slightly bent at the knees. From this position, move your upper body to the right or left as far as possible. Depending on whether you are a beginner or advanced, the exercise has an incredible number of variations. For example, you could raise your legs slightly in the air or hold a dumbbell in front of your chest. In this way, you not only train for a flat stomach, but also for toned arms and thighs.
  • Train away belly fat with a side plank –Raise yourself to the side on the floor, supporting yourself with your lower arm, making sure that it is directly under your shoulder. Slowly raise your hips and hold the position for at least 30 seconds. Another option would be to lower your hips and repeat the whole thing about 10 times.
  • Get a flat stomach with Mountain Climber –This exercise also uses the push-up as the starting position. Place your arms about shoulder-width apart and your feet hip-width apart and then pull your knees towards your chest.
  • Side crunches –Lie on the floor and put your arms behind your head. Bring your right elbow to your left knee and repeat on the other side. With this exercise you will also get rid of your lower abdomen!
  • Raise your knees toward your chestis a very simple and still effective exercise that is ideal for a belly-burning workout at home. This is how it works: Sit upright in a chair or on the sofa and tense your stomach. Then slowly raise both knees to your chest and lower them to the floor.

How often to exercise for stronger abdominal muscles?

  • How often? –Most people want to get a flat stomach as quickly as possible and the biggest mistake they make is forgetting that the abdominal muscles are just like any other muscles. And you don't train your legs every day, do you? The same applies to your belly workout - the abdominal muscles have to regenerate and you mustn't overdo it. So it shouldn't be more than 2 to 3 times a week.
  • How many series and repetitions? –Have you ever done 100 bicep curls during a workout? Most likely not - so why do 100 crunches at once? As already mentioned, the key to a toned and flat stomach is quality, not quantity. 2-3 series of 13-15 repetitions per exercise are completely sufficient.

Get rid of belly fat – the best weight loss tips

Abs are made in the kitchen!” – a very famous saying that translates to “Six packs are made in the kitchen!” means. But what does a belly weight diet look like and which is the most suitable diet for losing weight on your stomach?

  • Sugary foods and drinks are taboo! –Sugar in general is only processed by the liver in very small amounts and the rest immediately turns into fat. However, the liquid calories from sugary drinks are even worse - our brains can't register them and so we end up consuming more than we should.
  • meal plan– To successfully lose weight from your stomach, you should rethink your eating habits and change your diet accordingly. Tryno carbohydrates in the eveningto consume. Foods rich in carbohydrates cause the body to produce much more insulin, which in turn inhibits fat burning.
  • Flat stomach diet full of fiber –Fiber provides us with energy, makes us feel fuller for longer and regulates blood sugar levels. In addition, they are very rich in vitamins and minerals that help you lose weight in your stomach. A lot of fiber is found in fruits, vegetables and whole grain products.
  • Keep a food diary– You eat a generally healthy, yet healthy dietworks to lose weight on the stomachnot the way you would like it? The small snack or a cappuccino in the afternoon and the calories you consume keep increasing without you even noticing. Although keeping a food log may sound like a hassle and effort, it's a great way to see what you're eating and what you need to change in your diet.
  • Lose your stomach without exerciseis unfortunately impossible. For lasting results, we recommend combining endurance and strength training.
  • Lose weight on your stomach through healthy fats –Fat doesn't make you fat - poor eating habits and lack of exercise do. Omega-3 fatty acids support fat loss and have a good effect on our health. Fatty types of fish, such as salmon, herring, sardines and anchovies, contain many high-quality proteins and are an excellent source of omega-3.
  • Diet with high protein foods –Our body requires much more energy to digest protein, which in turn leads to weight loss. In addition, proteins are of great importance for building muscle. Therefore, grilled meat, cheese, and other dairy products are great for belly weight loss.
  • Minimize alcohol consumption –What you drink is just as important as what you eat for successful belly weight loss. It's best to only allow yourself alcohol and sugary drinks on weekends and of course only in moderation. Drink plenty of water and green tea - it stimulates digestion and promotes fat loss.
  • Through long walks –If you don't have time to exercise, we recommend taking at least 10,000 steps every day. Take the stairs, walk to work, and walk around the block after dinner.
  • Reduce calorie intake –To successfully and permanently lose weight on your stomach, you should try to eat between 300 and 500 calories less every day.
  • Take your time while eating –The feeling of satiety occurs after about 20 to 30 minutes. This means that if you eat an entire meal within 10-15 minutes, there is a risk that you will still feel hungry and indulge in another portion even though you are already full. Eating too quickly usually causes you to swallow more air, which leads to...unpleasant flatulenceand abdominal pain.
  • Consume less salt –If dishes are too salty, water is withdrawn from the blood and stored in the skin. This is another reason for a bloated and fat stomach. Since all ready-made products contain far too much salt and sodium, it is recommended that they be completely eliminated from the diet.
  • Get rid of your wobbly belly with enough sleep –It's no secret that a lack of sleep is unhealthy and slows down your metabolism. Try to get between 7 and 8 hours of sleep - this will stimulate fat burning and you will feel much more comfortable and productive.
  • If you are looking for belly weight loss tips, then you might want to try intermittent fasting. You either abstain from eating at certain times of the day, such as in the evening, or for 24 hours. This ensures a reduction in blood sugar levels and your metabolism is relieved. Even though intermittent fasting has many benefits for the body and health, we recommend that you first consult your family doctor.

Real food for six pack abs

Next tofat burning exercisesA balanced and healthy diet is also very important for the stomach. Which foods give you a flat stomach and can really get your fat burning going? You can find all of this and many other belly weight loss tips below.

  • Snack on almondsand get rid of the lower stomach - almonds and raw nuts in general are an excellent source of protein, fiber, magnesium, vitamin E and many healthy monounsaturated fats. If you feel like a little snack, eat a handful of almonds - they will give you energy and stop your cravings for sweets.
  • Avocadoshould not be missing from a flat stomach diet. Just like the nuts, it is very rich in healthy fats that melt belly fat.
  • Greek yogurtis one of the best-known probiotic foods. Probiotics support our immune system and have a positive effect on the intestinal flora, which in turn leads to a flat stomach. In addition, Greek yogurt is very rich in calcium and proteins, which support fat loss.
  • TryMushroomsIntegrate into your tummy tuck diet. One reason for a big belly could be a vitamin D deficiency. 100 grams of mushrooms contain approximately 110 percent of the recommended daily intake for an adult. Another excellent natural source of vitamin D is avocado.
  • Eat eggs and lose weight on your stomach –Not only are eggs full of protein, they are also low in carbohydrates and are an excellent source of vitamin B12 and many amino acids that boost fat burning.
  • A belly-burning meal planrich in berriesensures the perfect start to the day. The sweet fruits are packed with lots of antioxidants and fiber and successfully satisfy the craving for sweets.
  • Bananasare the best choice for a healthy afternoon snack. They are very rich in potassium and contain the “good” carbohydrates that keep you feeling full for longer. Another advantage of the delicious fruit is that it is our...Sodium levels regulatedand prevents flatulence and water retention in the stomach.
  • With pumpkinNot only can you prepare an incredible number of delicious dishes. It will help you get rid of the belly fat. It contains much more fiber than quinoa and brown rice and twice the amount of potassium found in bananas. Whether as a delicious, hearty cream soup or pureed with yogurt and a little cinnamon –Pumpkin always tastes good!
  • Green vegetablessuch as green beans, cucumbers, kale and broccoli contain a large amount of pectins, whichpromote digestionand are ideal for a diet to lose weight on the stomach. Some vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes and parsnips have too high a sugar content and should be avoided.
  • Lose weight with fennel and fennel tea –Fennel has been used for centuries to treat abdominal bloating and stomach cramps. A fennel tea in the evening stimulates digestion and helps you lose weight on your stomach. But it's not just fennel tea that gives you a flat stomach. Chamomile, peppermint and ginger also taste good and have a calming effect on the stomach.
  • Addasparagusto your belly fat diet plan. Delicious, low in calories, full of minerals and vitamins - a real miracle cure that also has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • chili peppers –Maybe you've heard that spicy food boosts your metabolism and burns fat? Not only that - it reduces the appetite for sweets and fast food.
  • legumeslike beans and lentils are rich in protein, B vitamins, iron, potassium and other minerals. They are the best source of fiber, which, as mentioned, should be a must in any similar diet.
  • Get rid of your stomach with cottage cheese –Low in calories and fat but lots of high-quality protein - cottage cheese prevents cravings, tastes good and is an indispensable part of a healthy diet.

Diet plan for belly fat

After showing you the best belly weight loss exercises and the best foods that boost fat burning, we have put together a healthy and varied meal plan.

A few basic rules:

  • Dinner should be no later than 8 p.m. and no snacks are allowed after that.
  • Try to drink at least 2 liters of water daily.
  • Don't overdo it with exercise - 30-40 minutes of exercise a day is enough.

Get rid of your stomach in 7 days – breakfast ideas for a flat stomach

  • Greek yogurt with blueberries and blueberries – 300 grams of yogurt with 200-250 grams of berries
  • Oatmeal-cinnamon smoothie with strawberries – mix 200 ml of water or rice milk with 3 tablespoons of oat flakes, 1 tablespoon of cinnamon and 150 grams of strawberries
  • Spinach and Tomato Omelette – 2 eggs, a handful of spinach and 1 medium tomato
  • 2 slices of whole wheat bread with peanut butter and raspberries
  • Oatmeal with cinnamon, banana and walnuts – 150 grams of oatmeal, 1 banana and 30 grams of walnuts
  • Quinoa with coconut milk, apple and almonds – 100 grams of cooked quinoa, 50 ml canned coconut milk, 1 apple and 20 grams of chopped almonds
  • Whole Wheat Avocado Pizza – 1 whole grain tortilla, 1 avocado, 2 eggs. Here’s how to do it – microwave the tortilla for 30 seconds. Mash the avocado, season with salt and pepper and spread on the tortilla. Fry the eggs in a hot pan and then add them to the tortilla and enjoy.

Flat stomach in 1 week – lunch

  • Vegetable Frittata – Mix 150 grams of asparagus with 100 grams of spinach and 2 eggs and cook in a pan over medium heat.
  • 2 slices of wholemeal bread with guacamole made from 1 avocado and 50 grams of dried tomatoes.
  • Leaf salad with grilled chicken, cucumber, avocado and some almonds
  • Pumpkin soup with 1 slice of whole grain bread
  • Whole wheat tortilla with grilled chicken, pesto, spinach and cottage cheese
  • Greek Salad – Cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, red onion and feta cheese with a dressing of olive oil, balsamic vinegar and lemon juice.
  • Grilled salmon with leaf salad

Lose your stomach quickly with these healthy dinner ideas

  • Tomato soup with cottage cheese and a small salad of your choice
  • Grilled Chicken with Stir-Fried Vegetables – Green beans, asparagus, mushrooms, zucchini, peppers, cauliflower and broccoli are best.
  • Brown rice with grilled salmon and green beans on the side
  • Broccoli soup with 2 slices of whole wheat bread
  • Chicken and broccoli pan with a sauce made from cream cheese and fresh basil
  • Low-Carb Zucchini Lasagne
  • Chicken and Kidney Bean Chilli - For 2 servings: 200 grams of chicken breast fillet, 1 can of kidney beans, 1 pepper, 1 carrot, 1 onion and 1/2 celery - chopped, 200 ml vegetable stock, 1 can of chopped tomatoes, cumin, chili powder, salt and Pepper. Here's how to do it: Fry the chicken for 10 minutes and remove it from the pan. Add vegetables to the pan and fry briefly. Add the vegetable broth, tomatoes, kidney beans, spices and chicken and simmer over low heat for about 1 hour. You don't even have to soak the beans - just drain the liquid and you're ready to go.

Healthy snacks to lose weight

No matter how much willpower you have, everyone gets hungry at some point. The following snacks are healthy, full of vitamins and nutrients and will help you successfully lose weight on your stomach!

  • Nuts
  • dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 80% or more
  • Apple
  • green smoothies
  • Berries
  • Papaya
  • Pineapple
  • Low-carb vegetable chips – best made yourself
  • Humus
  • Homemade energy bars made from oatmeal, dried fruit and nuts
  • Vegetable sticks with yogurt dip
  • Chickpea chips from the oven – To do this, drain the liquid from a can of chickpeas and season to taste. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes or until golden brown.

Is losing weight possible in a week?

What's the quickest way to get six-pack abs and how to get rid of your stomach in 7 days - these are questions that each of us has asked ourselves. Even though many diets and workout programs promise us to lose weight in a week, this is unfortunately impossible - unless you are already thin and fit enough. The results on the scales are there, but unfortunately we have to disappoint you - in the first few days or even weeks you only lose water. Losing weight on your stomach takes time and can only be achieved with a long-term change in diet and exercise. As soon as you start eating normally again after a crash diet, the pounds you lost come back or even gain a few more - this is the famous yo-yo effect. Due to the low calorie intake, the body goes into a so-called emergency state and everything you eat as food is converted into fat.