Learn to pole dance: These advantages will convince you of this attractive and effective sport!

More and more people are striving to exercise regularly - for health reasons, but also as a way to balance out stressful everyday life. And the variety of sports, equipment and exercises offers something for everyone. If the gym is too boring for you, you can simply ride a bike or rollerblade. If you don't have a park nearby, just go dancing Zumba or practice a martial art. If you want to protect your joints and don't like sweaty exercises, just go swimming. Can be combined both in a studio and with home sports is a particularly interesting sport and fitness type that combines the beautiful art of acrobatics and dance with strength training for the whole body - pole dancing! We introduce you to this remarkable sport and all the reasons why pole dancing is so beneficial.

Where does pole dancing come from?

When you think of a pole, the first thing that comes to mind is probably the strip club, after all, that's the most well-known way of using it. For this reason, pole dancing brings with it prejudices - they are just part of raunchy shows, degrading towards women and not for “good girls”. This type of acrobatics has a completely different origin. It comes from Asia and has been practiced there for centuries, mainly by men. The so-called “Chinese Pole,” for example, is a tough discipline in the Chinese circus – long before women integrated it into their strip shows in America in the 1950s. Today this sport is increasingly regaining its original associations and is being practiced in more and more studios and by more and more women and men.

How does pole dancing work?

In principle, the name already reveals what it is about. You perform dance and acrobatic movements around and aroundon a polethrough. This can be clamped/screwed between the ceiling and floor, or it can stand freely on a platform.

Benefits of Pole Dance Fitness

The benefits of this smooth and attractive dance sport are numerous and have positive effects both physically and psychologically. Apart from the fact that it promotes social contacts, it also has the following advantages and even with a huge portion of fun!

You can lose weight

It may come as no surprise that pole dancing can help you lose weight; after all, it's the same with any sport.The calorie consumptionis still impressive, because depending on how long you train and in what style, you can burn up to 400 kcal. Of course, the weight loss effect is only possible if you eat healthily. And nutrition is also very important for building muscle.

Strength training that trains all muscles

The pole dancers' smooth movements make it seem like they're super easy. But this impression is deceptive, because in reality a great deal of strength is required (and encouraged!). Pole dance training is therefore perfect if you have strength and...Build musclewant.

Pole dance – what is trained?

The focus is primarily on the upper body - shoulders, arms, stomach and hip flexors are strengthened. Not to be forgotten is the grip strength, which is greatly improved. Since all the muscles are put under a lot of strain,A warm-up program is mandatory! And that conveniently burns a few extra calories.

Improves flexibility and coordination

The body has to take every possible direction when dancing on the pole and this improves flexibility. Anyone who has previously practiced yoga and/orPilates practicedwill have it a little easier in this regard. These two practices as well as stretching exercises also prove to be very useful and supportive during the pole course.

Anyone who takes a course will sooner or later learn one or two choreography. And such choreographies promote coordination, balance and, more or less, even train memory.

Increases self-confidence

So that the body can adhere well to the slippery pole, the pole dancing clothing is a little sparse. This is initially quite unusual for many women and some do not feel comfortable with it at first. But that changes quickly, because with every new skill you acquire, every new move and every beautiful pose and different figures, your self-confidence will increase.Bruises, which are charmingly called “Pole Kisses”, are also included and should in no way be viewed as a flaw.

Who is pole dancing suitable for?

Accordingly, this sport is perfect for anyone who is looking for all of these things and has the motivation to do so. Even beginners can try it out, without any prerequisites. You should take a pole dancing course for beginners and make sure that you are professionally supervised. There you will be shown and taught exercises for pole dancing for beginners and the sport will be introduced step by step and according to your needs.

Is pole dancing difficult and how long does it take to learn pole dancing?

If you haven't done much physical activity before, it may take a little longer to build up enough muscle and get used to the moves. There is also a certain amount of pain at the pressure points, but this goes away over time. With the right will, anyone can achieve great progress. How quickly this occurs depends on many factors - your personal fitness level at the beginning, how much time you then invest in practicing and of course your individual disposition. But once you've fallen in love with this sport, you won't hesitate for long to even get a pole dance polefor homeBuy – if there is enough space for it.