Losing weight means throughPhysical activity burns more caloriesthan you consume through food. The best way to create a calorie deficit at the end of the day is to exercise regularly. When you exercise, you increase the number of calories your body burns. For example, to lose 450 grams of body fat you need to burn 3500 calories. In this article we have summarized the calorie consumption of 10 of the most popular exercises that you can do at home in the living room.
These factors play a major role in calorie consumption
The number of calories you burn during a workout depends on the type of workout, your height, and your gender. The bigger you are, the more energy or calories you use to move. For example, a home mat workout that includes crunches, sit-ups, and planks burns 71 calories in 15 minutes for a woman who is 5'4" tall and weighs 140 pounds. If the same woman weighs 81 kg, she will burn 91 calories doing the same exercises.
Because men are typically taller and more muscular than women, they burn more calories during exercise than women. A 180cm tall man who weighs 90kg burns 102 calories in 15 minutes doing a round of crunches, sit-ups and planks.
The longer you exercise, the more calories you burn. That's why most of them take timeFat Burn Workoutsusually between30 and 45 minutes.
10 simple exercises to do at home and how many calories they actually burn
Calorie consumption through crunches and sit-ups
Just like push-ups and squats, sit-ups and crunches are a type of calisthenics. Typically, you do one or more sets of a set number of reps and then move on to the next exercise. After 30 minutes of calisthenic exercise, a 150-pound adult burns 167 calories, according to Harvard Health Publishing.
Depending on your heart rate and effort you willjust over 5 calories per minuteburn. Suppose you need 3 to 6 minutes to100 Sit-upsto complete, then the total combustion is slightly more than15 calories.
According to Harvard Health Publishing, theCalorie distribution for 100 sit-upsin 3 to 6 minutes as follows:
57 kg: 13.5 to 27 calories
70 kg: 16.7 to 31 calories
84 kg: 20 to 40 calories
On average, you do 24 to 30 crunches per minute and burn around 5-6 calories during this time. According to the bill correspondsone crunch 0.25 calories. Realistically, crunches are performed for a short period of time. Even 5 minutes of crunches is a long time. You will probably do one to five sets of 1 minute each. A woman who weighs 150 pounds burns about 13 calories doing 50 crunches.Doing 100 crunches burns about 25 calories.
Calorie consumption through jumping jacks and jumping rope
Some of the simplest exercises are also some of the most effective. Jumping jacks and jumping rope are ideal exercises to get your heart rate up, burn calories, and stay in shape. Both exercises are part of aerobic endurance training.
AtJumping JacksYour whole body has to move, which increases your heart rate in a relatively short period of time. Raising your arms above your head and spreading your legs outward engages your major muscle groups as well as your core. The pace of your jumping jacks determines the intensity of your workout. Of course, a fast pace means a high heart rate and an increase in muscle engagement. However, your rhythm is more important. Your upper body should move in sync with your lower body and your breathing must be in sync with your movements.
According to the American Council on Exercise (ACE) Physical Activity Calorie Counter, if you weigh 150 pounds and do 10 minutes of moderate-intensity jumping jacks, you will burn about 44 calories. However, increasing the intensity of your Jumping Jacks workout will have a huge impact on your calorie burn. Jumping with vigorous intensity will fill you upBurn 102 calories in 10 minutes– more than twice as much as moderate exercise.
Jump roperequires quick reflexes, good timing and coordination. It develops all these skills that can help you improve athletically. Jumping rope is also oneeffective aerobic endurance exercise, in which a person weighing70 kg after 60 minutes up to 744 caloriescan burn. The exercise works your entire body, but particularly targets the calves and core muscles. The jump rope also works intensely on the forearm and shoulders, as these are the muscles used to hold and rotate the rope. The quadriceps are also involved, as your knees act as shock absorbers during every jump. Your goal when jumping rope should be to create a consistent, uninterrupted jumping rhythm for several minutes. As you increase the pace of your jumps, you will also adjust your breathing.
Calories burned by squats
Squats are an effective lower body workout. The exercise works your abs, butt, hips, calves, shins and thighs. However, many people are more interested in how many calories you burn doing squats than in which muscle groups you train.
Squats are a form of strength training. This means you typically do squats with rest in between. Squats involve slow movements that only slightly increase your heart rate unless you make them faster during high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Typically, you perform squats in sets of eight to 20 reps, rest, and repeat. The calorie calculation refers to the time you perform the exercise.
The number of calories you burn doing 100 squats depends on how quickly you perform the exercise as well as other factors such as your weight. Use thatFormula 5 x 3.5 x your body weight in kilograms/200to find the number of calories you burn per minute doing squats.
If a person weighing 68 kilograms performs an intense round of squats, the calorie consumption is approximately5.95 calories per minute. If you do about 40 squats per minute (a fairly high intensity), you can do it in two and a half minutes100 squatsexecute and almost15 caloriesburn.
Calorie consumption through plank
The forearm plank is an effective exercise that depends on your body weight approximately2 to 5 calories per minuteburns. The more reps you do, the more calories you will burn.
50kg – 2 calories per minute
70kg – 3 to 4 calories per minute
80kg or more – 4 to 5 calories per minute
There are also somePlank Variants, which are more difficult and can also burn more calories.
Calculate calorie consumption for push-ups
Need a quick exercise that targets all the muscles in your upper body, works your core and burns calories? Then look no further: the push-up can do all that and more. Push-ups primarily target your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core muscles. The number of calories burned varies from person to person. In general, push-ups can at least burn7 calories per minute. For the average 80kg man, for whom it takes 5 minutes to complete 100 push-ups (that's 20 push-ups per minute - a rather modest pace), the effort only burns 34 calories.
A 250-pound person doing push-ups at a moderate pace for 5 minutes burns 48 calories. Conversely, someone who weighs less - say 59kg - will burn less - only 25 calories for 5 minutes of moderate intensity or 3 minutes of vigorous intensity.
Calorie consumption through burpees
A burpee is a calisthenic exercise that combines several simple movements including squats, push-ups and jumping and in which yourBody weight as resistanceserves. The whole-body exercise is intended to build endurance. So expect to run out of breath doing this exercise. You may also run out of energy, but if you stick with it, the calories burned will be worth the effort.
With burpees you train all major muscle groups in your upper and lower body as well as your core. One of the benefits of burpees is that they require no additional equipment and can be part of a challenging calorie-burning cardio workout at home.
The number of calories burned depends on the intensity of your workout and your current body weight. The more you weigh, the more calories you will burn. The higher the intensity of your burpees, the higher the calorie burn.
Harvard Health Publishing estimates the calorie burn of calisthenics such as burpees at moderate intensity for 30 minutes as follows:
135 calories for a body weight of 57 kg
167 calories for a body weight of 70 kg
200 calories for a body weight of 84 kg
As you increase the intensity of exercise, calorie consumption increases to:
240 calories for a body weight of 57 kg
298 calories for a body weight of 70 kg
355 calories for a body weight of 84 kg
Calorie consumption through the mountaineering exercise
Your weight, metabolism, duration and intensity determine the number of calories you burn during this exercise. According to Harvard University, a person weighing 120 pounds can burn 240 calories in 30 minutes by performing high-intensity calisthenic exercises, similar to burpees. Similarly, a person weighing 70 kg can burn almost 300 calories in the same time. With a weight of 84 kg, the calorie consumption is 355 kcal/30 minutes.
Burn 500 calories in 30 minutes at home: Here's how
50 x Jumping Jacks (Hampelmann)
30 sec jump rope
20 x Lunges
30 sec jump rope
10 x tuck jumps (high jumps)
30 sec jump rope
20 x squats (squats)
30 sec jump rope
60 sec. high knees (knee raises while running)
30 sec jump rope
10 x Jump Squats (Hocksprünge)
30 sec jump rope
10 x Burpees
30 sec jump rope
60 x Jumping Jacks (Hampelmann)
30 sec jump rope
20 sec Mountain Climbers
30 sec jump rope
25 x push-ups (push-ups)
30 sec jump rope
60 Sek. Plank
* 1 repetition
* The workout lasts approximately 30 minutes