Slam ball exercises: With this medicine ball training you will shed the pounds!

Are you starting to get bored in the gym and need some variety in your training routine? How about adding slam ball exercises to your training plan? But what exactly is a slam ball and what does a workout with it look like?

To stay fit and healthy, it's important to exercise regularly - we all know that. But doing the same exercises over and over again every day quickly becomes boring and our motivation disappears. The selection of fitness equipment that provides variety is now huge. Often underestimated, but a real all-rounder - slam ball exercises are ideal for toning our bodies and having fun at the same time.

What is a Slam Ball?

Slam balls are those little balls that you've most likely given a side-eye to in the gym. And no, the balls are in no way the typical exercise balls that we all know. Slam balls are small balls that are filled with sand inside and the amount of sand ultimately determines the weight class.

The outer skin of the slam balls is usually made of non-slip rubber or leather and has several studs. Slam comes from English and means something like “to hit”. And that pretty much explains everything - in most slam ball exercises, the ball is hit with great force onto the ground and does not bounce back because of the weight.

What are the benefits of slam ball training?

So that we don't lose motivation and give up again after a few weeks, it's important to vary our training routine. To avoid the so-called fitness plateau, fitness experts recommend changing our training plan every 5 to 6 weeks. And if you need some variety, slam ball exercises are the perfect way to spice up your routine. The biggest advantage of training with the Slam Ball is that it gives you a great workouteffective and sweaty workoutcan do with a single device.

Be it burpees, squats, shoulder presses or push-ups - almost every exercise can be performed with a slam ball and is made even more challenging by the additional weight and slamming. Depending on the intensity and weight, slam ball exercises stimulate fat burning and muscle building. Similar toJumping FitnessSlam ball training is an effective combination of endurance and strength training and is therefore ideal for those of you who don't have a lot of time to exercise.

Who can train with Slam Ball?

And here's the good news - slam balls are available in different weight classes and are therefore suitable for both beginners and professional athletes. The weight you choose depends on your experience, strength level and goals. If you are new to the fitness world, it is better to start with a 1 to 3 kilogram slam ball and work your way up step by step. The weight should be challenging enough that you can complete the last few reps using the last of your strength but still with proper form.

We have already explained to you what a slam ball is and who the training method is suitable for. Now it's time to really work up a sweat, because below you'll find the best slam ball exercises for your next workout. Do as many repetitions of each exercise as possible within 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds before moving on to the next exercise. Once you have done all the exercises, take a break for 1 minute and repeat twice more.

Ball slam exercise

The ball slam is logically the classic among the slam ball exercises and at the same time strengthens the back, core muscles, shoulders and biceps. But you won't just tone your upper arms - your legs are also very important for correct execution. How to do it correctly:

  • Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and place the slam ball on the floor in front of you.
  • Quickly squat down and grab the ball with both hands.
  • Quickly go up and stretch your hands above your head,
  • Then forcefully throw the ball onto the floor in front of you and bend your knees with your back straight to pick up the ball.
  • Return to starting position and repeat for 50 seconds.
  • To increase the level of difficulty, you can combine the squat with an explosive jump into the air and only then throw the ball to the floor.


Slam ball exercises are ideal for getting your heart rate up and using as many muscle groups as possible at the same time. In addition to the butt and legs, squat throws also target the shoulders.

  • Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and position the slam ball on your left shoulder.
  • Tense your stomach and bottom, keep your back straight and squat deeply.
  • Slowly go up and throw the ball backwards.
  • Jump with a 180 degree turn, squat down and position the ball on your right shoulder.

Lunges with twist

Lunges with twists are one of those slam ball exercises that seem simple at first glance, but after just a few repetitions they make our muscles burn.

  • Hold the slam ball with two hands at chest level and stand upright.
  • Take a step backwards with your right leg until your bottom is approximately at knee height.
  • Keep your back straight and slowly rotate your upper body alternately to the right and left.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the above step with the left leg.

Single-leg deadlift with slam ball

In contrast to a classic deadlift with a barbell, the one-legged deadlift trains the muscles on one side. The exercise is also ideal for improving our coordination.

  • Stand upright and hold the ball close to your body with your hands outstretched.
  • Take a deep breath, keep your back straight and float one leg backwards in the air, with the supporting leg in front and slightly bent.
  • As you float your leg back, move the ball toward the floor with your arms almost fully extended.
  • In the final position, the floating leg is stretched in the air and forms a straight line with the upper body.
  • Look forward, extend your supporting leg almost completely and slowly return to the starting position without putting your leg down completely.
  • Repeat for 20 seconds and switch legs.

Tricep presses

  1. OneWinkearme loszuwerden, it is important to train the triceps regularly.
  • Stand upright and hold the slam ball above your head with your hands outstretched.
  • Keep your back straight, look forward and slowly let the ball sink behind your head.
  • Then bring the ball back over your head and stretch your hands out.

One-arm push-up with slam ball

And here's an excellent push-up variation to strengthen your upper body while improving your coordination.

  • Place one hand on the slam ball and get into the classic push-up position.
  • Then do a normal push-up and when you have your arms outstretched, roll the ball to your other hand and do another push-up.
  • Beginners can do the push-up on their knees and slowly work their way up.

Slam Ball Plank

Please don't hate us! But what would our list of the best slam ball exercises be without at least one plank variation? Finally, it has even been scientifically proven that the plank is one of the most effectiveExercises against high blood pressureheard.

  • Place both hands on the slam ball and begin in the classic high plank position.
  • Keep your back straight, tense your stomach and bring your body downwards.
  • Hold the position for 50 seconds.

Slam Ball Sit-ups

And now it's time to train your stomach in isolation. Sit-ups are challenging enough on their own, but add a slam ball and the exercise feels almost impossible.

  • Lie on your back on a yoga mat with your legs slightly bent and hold the slam ball in front of your body.
  • Stand upright with your upper body and tense your stomach.
  • Take a deep breath and slowly place your upper body back on the yoga mat, keeping your arms slightly bent.

Pelvic raises for advanced users

Do you want a firm and toned bottom? Then this slam exercise should become an integral part of your training routine.

  • Lie on a yoga mat with your feet up and hold the slam ball between your knees.
  • Extend your arms to the sides, inhale deeply and stretch your buttocks upwards, while also applying pressure to the ball.
  • Slowly lower your buttocks again until they hover slightly above the floor and repeat.

Russian Twists

  • Sit on the floor and lean back with your legs slightly bent.
  • Hold the slam ball at chest height with your arms stretched and raise your legs in the air.
  • Then pass the ball from the left side to the right and back again, never putting it down.