Are you looking for alternative squat variations to build your leg muscles faster? Try these effective types of squats!
Whether you're just starting out with leg exercises or want to try squat variations, some are more effective than others. The squat is usually considered one of the most important exercises and has long been one of the most successful training programs in gyms. However, this training exercise not only helps build muscle but can also improve the body's flexibility. This reduces the risk of injury in other sports, which can be beneficial for both professional athletes and inexperienced athletes. So if you want to exploit the full potential of the squat, you can consider the following options.
What alternative squat variations are there other than the classics?
Although the usual squat variations include a barbell with a so-called front and back squat, there are a few other options that allow for a little more variety in your training. Regardless of whether therapid muscle buildingIf your main goal is or you just want to get in shape, you can try some new techniques. Below you will discover various tried and tested squat variations that you can include in your training routine.
Perform the so-called goblet squat
This is one of the alternatives to barbell front squat variations, which are usually more demanding. The specific exercise is therefore suitable for beginners who are just learning how to do squats or are getting back in shape after an injury. If you do these correctly, you will not only stress your hips, but also your entire abdominal area. This means you can perform deeper squats because the kettlebell balances the overall weight and doesn't put undue strain on your lower back.
- First, stand with your legs more than shoulder-width apart and your toes pointed out.
- Then pick a weight that is comfortable for you, with dumbbells and kettlebells working best.
- Now hold it at chest height, and if the weight is too uncomfortable, you can pull it down so that it rests between your legs.
- When performing the squat, do not lean forward and keep your shoulders back and your chest up.
3 different Bulgarian split squat variations
One of the most strenuous but also the most effective types of squats is the so-called Bulgarian Squat. The first variation can be done comfortably at home, outdoors or in the gym. You need a chair, bench or sofa that is sturdy enough, and steps are also suitable.
- First, make sure the surface you are placing your feet on is neither too low nor too high.
- Bring one leg back and place your toes on the surface. Support yourself to the other side and keep your back as straight as possible while looking forward.
- Then slowly start squatting and then slowly return to the starting position.
- Over time, your legs will become stronger and you will get used to holding weight while exercising.
- Try to do 3 sets of 10 reps for each leg.
- If you are more advanced, you can use a dumbbell of your choice up to 5 kg or more if you are at a higher level of training.
- For the second option, you can first take a resistance band and position it slightly above your knees or elsewhere.
- Then go back to Bulgarian Squat and the starting position. Breathe slowly and evenly, without rushing.
- Again, try doing 2-3 sets of 10 reps for each leg.
To perform the third version of the Bulgarian exercise, you will need a large exercise ball or bench. This means that such squat variations can be performed even more intensively and more challengingly. This is because you are trying not to let your foot that is on the ball fall off it and not to shake your body.
- First, try to do 10 reps for each leg and gradually increase the number of sets.
- Warm up well before training to train more effectively and reduce the risk of injury.
What is Pistol Squat and how do you do the exercise?
This exercise is a single-leg squat, which is more difficult but also very effective. This is one of the best ways to challenge the strength of your legs, although it also requires flexibility and control. It is therefore advisable to first learn the technique using simple steps so that you can then master the exercise.
- First, place your feet hip-width apart, pointing your toes forward and your chest up.
- Then extend your right leg a few centimeters above the floor, with your foot slightly flexed and your toes pointing up.
- Keep your arms stretched in front of you at shoulder height and at the same time tense your stomach as you look forward.
- From this position, you can then bend your left knee as you move your hips down and back.
- First, slowly lower yourself to the floor like a classic squat.
- Now pause when your buttocks hover slightly above the floor. Keep your right leg and arm stretched.
- Then stand back up by pushing through your left foot and returning to starting position.
- Try to do a few reps, also alternating sides.
Alternative back squat variations
With the so-called box back squat, you can do the squat deeper if you are injured or not yet very strong. You can do this exercise using an exercise box, on a bench, or anything you can sit on.
- First, adjust the box to the height of a regular chair.
- Then, for such squat variations, use the barbell as if you were doing a squat with it.
- However, instead of doing the standard move, you have to actually sit on the box.
- Hold like this for about a second and then stand up. It is important to keep your stomach tense at all times, especially when you are in a sitting position.
- This version of the squat is not only perfect for building muscle, but it also helps build strength because sitting takes away the momentum that a standard squat uses body momentum.
More tips on how to do squats correctly
- So that you can train more effectively and without injuries, it is important to perform all squat variations as correctly as possible.
- Don't aim to use weights right from the start. These can also come later when you have already mastered all the movements. Try to never sacrifice your technique for more weight because you risk injury.
- Activate your glutes as much as possible when performing squats to keep your knees from bending inward and to better control the movements.
- It is also important to tighten your core muscles for better stability, which will make you perform the squats much more confidently.
- Also, always try to bring your buttocks back when performing so that your knees don't slide too far forward and put unnecessary strain on you.
- Perfect your technique by performing the exercise in front of a mirror if you have the opportunity to see the individual movements.