Wall Pilates: The 5 best exercises that tone the whole body

Pilates is becoming increasingly popular and those of us who don't have Pilates equipment or time for the gym are looking for other options. But did you know that even the four walls of a popular room can be an important tool for your Pilates practice? Here are five of the most effective Wall Pilates exercises you can do at home.

Wall Pilates: The 5 most effective exercises for the whole body

Wall Pilates is a new fitness trend that is very suitable for beginners because the movements are slow and controlled. It uses the resistance of the wall and of course body weight to strengthen muscles and improve flexibility. The idea of ​​using a wall instead of another piece of equipment is to provide support and stability for beginners. Done correctly, wall Pilates can be an extremely effective workout that offers the same benefits as a traditional Pilates workout.

Side plank with twist

The side plank with twist is an effective core Pilates exercise that not only strengthens the core muscles but also works the biceps, glutes and shoulders.

How to do the exercise:

  • Start in a side plank position on your right side, with your back against the wall. Place the right palm under the right shoulder, lift the hips, place the feet together and point the left hand upward. Then move your left arm down and reach under your torso to touch the wall.
  • Return to side plank and reach left arm overhead as you extend fingertips toward ceiling.
  • Repeat the exercise a few times and then switch sides.

Side tricep push-ups with leg raises

The wall side triceps push-up is an effective way to train the triceps without equipment.

  • Stand with your left side against the wall and put your feet together.
  • Tuck your right arm across your chest and place your palm on the wall. Make sure your elbow is extended but you can still press yourself against the wall.
  • Cross your left arm over your chest or wrap it around your midsection.
  • Remove your feet slightly from the wall so that you are leaning against the wall. The further your feet are from the wall, the more difficult the exercise is.
  • Bend your right arm to bring your torso toward the wall, then use your triceps to push away from the wall and fully extend your elbow.
  • Keeping your right knee straight and your right foot flexed, raise your right leg to about knee height. Lower the leg, but do not let the foot rest on the floor.
  • Repeat the exercise 10 times and switch sides.

Semi-lung on the wall

This wall Pilates exercise targets some of the most important muscles in the lower body.

  • Stand next to the wall and lean on it with one hand for balance. Step your left leg back about three feet and press your right palm flat against the wall.
  • Keeping your right heel down, slowly bend your right knee and lean your torso forward until you feel a stretch in your left hamstring.
  • Hold the position for a few breaths and repeat the exercise on the other side.

Wall Pilates: Vierfüßlerstand

The quadruped stand is a versatile exercise thatvery efficient for the abdominal musclesis and at the same time trains the back muscles and the thigh muscles.

  • Facing the wall, stand on your hands and knees with your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Keep your back flat and your core tense.
  • Raise your right arm to shoulder height, press your right hand against the wall, and pull your right shoulder blade down and back. Make sure that your elbow is extended.
  • Extend your left leg behind you and raise it to hip height or as high as possible, keeping your back horizontal.
  • Lower the leg without touching the floor.
  • Do ten reps and switch sides.

Simple back stretch

This strength exercise for the upper backthe legs will toostressed by the soles of the feet falling against the wall.

  • Lie face down on the floor with your feet flat against the wall.
  • Tighten your legs and lift your head and shoulders by stretching your arms back.
  • Exhale and return to the starting position.
  • Do 3 reps.